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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Sounds great. Would you mind telling us how it's done? Yeah, unfortunately there are some models that don't come with an .OUT, or have object names like "mesh123" and "objectXYZ," or don't have proper hierarchy and pivots for new weapons, and so on. It's better to just skip the lost causes for now.
  2. Jiangwei class frigates

    Uploading new version for SF2:NA/March 2012. Enjoy!
  3. Riga class frigate

    Thanks. I'm not certain, but try changing FormationSizeVariation=2 to FormationSizeVariation=0 in the data.ini file. Also, check the names list to make sure there are still Rigas in Soviet service during the year you're launching the mission.
  4. Muhuwhahahaaaaa. I put a lot of effort into testing and tweaking the ship to make it a challenge for anyone flying red, so I'm glad she's performing to your satisfaction.
  5. Tried the mission: It's launching within visual range for me, which is a good start. If I move the ship any further away in the mission editor, though, it won't shoot. I'll try messing around with the detection settings more and see if there's any improvement. Ideally, we want to get SSMs launching from where they're supposed to (i.e. Exocets from the forward box launchers on the County, and not from Sea Slug racks), and we need to make sure that a surface-to-surface missile system will still work if the ship already has SAMs.
  6. Riga class frigate

    Just uploaded new version for NA/March 2012. I'm sure it will find a good home in Soviet task forces.
  7. Yep, got all that, but they're still not shooting. I tried different weapon types (command guided, semi-auto command, and now the new cruise missile type), but doesn't seem to make a difference. Could you please take a look at the CG-47 entries and see if you can figure it out? [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND RadarSearchTime=0.1 RadarSearchRange=560000.0 RadarSurfaceSearchRange=50000.0 RadarSearchStrength=450 RadarTrackTime=0.5 RadarTrackRange=320000.0 RadarTrackStrength=450 RadarPosition=0.0,25.0,15.0 RadarMinimumRange=0.1 RadarMinimumAlt=40.0 RadarFamilyName=SPY-1 RadarSearchFreq=2.0 RadarTrackFreq=4.2 RadarMissileGuidanceFreq=16.0 RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE RadarMissileGuidanceCW=FALSE MultipleDetect=TRUE MultipleTrack=TRUE DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=USN_SHIP OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=24000.0 VisualMinimumAlt=0.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,-6.5,44.8 MaxVisibleDistance=30000.0 RadarCrossSection=2000.0 [WeaponSystem] //this space intentionally left blank [LauncherSSM] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=7 TargetType=GROUND MissileRange=130000.0 MinMissileRange=1000 TrackingRange=130000.0 PitchLimited=TRUE PitchAngleRate=45 MinPitch=15 MaxPitch=75 DefaultPitchAngle=35.0 YawLimited=FALSE YawAngleRate=90 MinYaw=0 MaxYaw=360 DefaultYawAngle=90 DataLink=TRUE MissileLaunchTime=1.0 ViewportPosition=-4.1,-84.16,50.0 IndependentSearchChance=50 LookAroundChance=100 GunnerFireChance=100 GunnerFireTime=0.5 MaxMissilesInAir=2 YawModelNodeName=dummySSM // The "DummySSM" node is an invisible box linked to the hull, hidden among the Harpoon launchers. PitchModelNodeName=dummySSM MinExtentPosition=-6.35,-87.525,2.801 MaxExtentPosition=-1.617,-83.724,7.999 [Missile05] SystemType=MISSILE GunnerID=7 MissileID=1 WeaponTypeName=RGM-84A WeaponPosition=-4.1,-84.16,6.04 ShowMissile=FALSE // If I change ShowMissile to TRUE, I can see the Harpoon pivoting, but it won't launch. IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE ReloadCount=7 ReloadTime=1.0 Not sure what the issue could be here. None of the new default ships have any working SSM launchers; are there any third party ships that have it working with the new format? As for VLS, when trying out new ways of doing the launchers for the Kirov, CG-52, and Burkes, I tried taking out the WeaponSystem entry, putting in dummy launch nodes below deck with YawLimited=FALSE, but only got limited success. They won't shoot unless aircraft fly directly overhead. So colmack, AFAIK it won't make a difference to have yaw on the Duke's launcher. It should be able to still work as the WeaponSystem with minor modifications.
  8. Yeah, ships with multiple missile rails on a launcher are good candidates for update. There actually aren't very many ships like that out there, though. I'd love to add Harpoons to the Iowa, but like I said, the surface-to-surface launchers on ships aren't working right. I *might* be able to add them in as a separate missile type and still have them controlled by the main WeaponSystem, but it will look strange since they have to have the exact same facing as the Tomahawks in that case. I'll try posting on the TW boards and see if I can get more info. If nothing turns up, I'll post a "good enough for now" Iowa to the thread.
  9. Thanks for catching that! Re-upped it with fixed folder structure.
  10. File Name: CG-47 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 18 May 2011 File Category: Cruisers This model represents the early Baseline 1 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-47~CG-51), serving the US Navy from 1983 until 2005. They were the first vessels to be equipped with the Aegis combat system and the advanced SPY-1 radar. This is my first major 3DMax project and my first model release for the Thirdwire games, now completely overhauled using everything I've learned about modding over the past year. This update gives the ship full compatibility with the SF2:NA/March 2012 patch game engine. It includes features such as working fore and aft Standard Missile launchers, new effects, optimized collision mesh, and helo deck that doesn't turn the ship unsinkable. Note that these updates may not be compatible with earlier versions of the game. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  11. I've just uploaded the new version of this ship for compatibility with SF2:NA . Be sure to remove the old version before updating. Enjoy!
  12. Some of them don't need it, and in fact the new way of entering launcher data doesn't seem to work well (sometimes not at all) with surface-to-surface missiles. Basically, any ships without SAMs, especially without multiple launchers, should still be fine AFAIK. For example, the Iowa can mostly stay the way it is; the guns and Tomahawks are working as they are. But it does need new effects and detection entries, GunnerID entries for fire control radar, collision model, and other stuff. I did most of that already on my install, and I'll share that if the IdiotTeam doesn't update it themselves first.
  13. Thanks Swordsman, when I do the modernized versions, I'll definitely change the underside to that blue anti-fouling paint for good measure. It's a shame to see some of the Ticonderogas being scheduled for retirement though... Anyway, the new CG-47 is being uploaded now. Obviously the new damage effects are in place, the SAMs are all working, etc. The other day while testing I saw a Tico take out a flight of Tu-16s as well as the cruise missiles they had launched. The bad news is, the Harpoon launcher isn't working properly even with the new data format. Ships seem extremely reluctant to launch surface to surface weapons unless it is set as the WeaponSystem entry, and that entails more problems (like attempting to launch ASMs at air targets...). This also means that the aforementioned artillery mod isn't going to be viable for most ships... So I'm releasing it as-is until either the game engine is updated again or we figure out a workaround.
  14. CG 47refit12

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  15. CG 47refit11

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  16. CG 47refit10

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  17. CG 47refit09

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  18. CG 47refit08

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  19. CG 47refit07

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  20. CG 47refit06

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  21. CG 47refit05

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga class (CG-47) re-release
  22. It's been almost a year since I released this ship, so I decided to do a complete overhaul of the mesh and textures.This involved cleaning up some rough areas of the mesh, reshaping the hull and superstructure a bit, adding a ton of details like railings, lifeboats, nets on the helo deck, tga transparency for the radar dish, new main guns and CIWS, and so on. I also completely remapped the textures much more efficiently, so everything now fits on a single 2048x2048 (rather than two of them) with no loss to quality at all. I think it looks worlds better now, and a more worthy representation of my favorite naval vessel. Naturally, the updated version will include all updates for SF2:NA such as new effects, optimized collision mesh, fully functional forward and aft Standard launchers, and maybe even working Harpoons. The modern VLS versions will follow shortly after that. Please keep an eye out for it in the downloads section within the next few days.
  23. CG 47refit04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga now undergoing complete overhaul of mesh, texture, mapping, and game data
  24. Cg 47refit03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga now undergoing complete overhaul of mesh, texture, mapping, and game data
  25. CG 47refit02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Ticonderoga now undergoing complete overhaul of mesh, texture, mapping, and game data

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