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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. When I installed the Bunyap pack, I backed up/deleted the data.ini's it created, and then used the extractor tool to pull the originals for each aircraft. This is to make sure they had the right nation names on the weapon stations. "WP" needs to be "WP,SOVIET" for the MiGs, for example, in order to make sure the weapons work right. (I think there's an article in the Knowledge Base for this sort of thing.) Anyway, it's a little tedious, but worth it!
  2. Ah, I assumed because it said "tested in SF, WoE and WoV" that it would work in other games. My bad. Thanks for clearing that up!
  3. I downloaded this terrain and followed the instructions, but some airfields aren't showing up for me. The runways are there, but that's about it. Upon further inspection, a lot of airfields and other locations aren't showing up... I'm running fully-patched WoE, and I did not have the old Israel2 terrain. What am I missing?
  4. I've encountered a problem with the Fuel-Air Explosive bombs from Bunyap's weapon pack (CBU-55, CBU-72, etc.). They just fall straight through the ground without exploding. I used them extensively pre-patch (mostly because they looked cool... ), and they worked just fine, so I'm not sure what's wrong with them. Nukes and cluster bombs do not share this issue. I've tried altering the Fuzing Distance and tested them on several different terrains, but no luck. Any thoughts?
  5. A thread for noobs? That's me! Things I'd love to see from Thirdwire in the near future: -Working (pitch-linked) thrust vectoring -Support for simultaneous launch/guidance of active homing missiles in TWS mode -Support for designating ground targets in ground map radar mode (for long-range AGM/ASM shots) Things I'd love to see from the modding community some time: -An updated F-16C cockpit using Avionics70.dll -Some modern bombers (B-1, B-2, F-117, Tu-160) -GBU-32 (1000lb JDAM) -A few modern capital ships (Udaloy? Arleigh Burke?) That's pretty much everything I could want, aside from some things that others have mentioned. I don't post here much, but I'm totally loving this game.
  6. I've had the same problem with the A-7, as well as the A-6 I downloaded. Most bombs work fine on the racks, but the game tries to put 6 Paveways on a MER and there's significant clipping. I'm positive that I've seen pictures of the Corsair II with racks of 6x Mk82 on inner wing HPs, so I think it should be kept in the game. Is there a way to tell the game not to put LGBs on that type of rack? Maybe create a separate StationID with the same StationGroup?
  7. Hi everyone. I recently picked up SFP1 and I'm pretty much addicted to it. I'm currently playing the campaign, and I noticed that each aircraft I could potentially upgrade to has a set value. For example... A-4E: $47000 F-104G: $60000 F-4B: $155000 And after adding a few third party planes, I noticed one from the Mirage Factory show up... F-5A: $65000 Anyway, my question is, how are these prices assigned? And, will all add-on aircraft integrate into the campaign with their own price tag like that? (Or just the ones with a fancy self-installer?) I've looked everywhere in the knowledge base and older posts and can't find anything related to this, but forgive me if it's a noobish question.
  8. Yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm flying as a merc. I like this mode; it adds an interesting demension to the campaign. Anyway, it seems you're right about aircraft range being an issue. I did some testing with the F-5A's NormalMissionRadius and MaxMissionRadius values, and found this-- Radius 798/898 : $65000 (original) Radius 598/498 : $60000 Radius 398/298 : $57000 Radius 198/098 : $54000 That's as low as it will go from MissionRadius changes. Price seems to be unaffected by Celing, CruiseSpeed, ClimbSpeed, and most other FlightControl values. However, MachLimit has a significant effect. With MissionRadius still at 198/98, I changed the MachLimit value from 1.40 to 2.40, and the F-5 jumped to $71000. I don't know if any other modders will find this useful for anything, but I think it's interesting to figure out how game mechanics really work.

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