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File Comments posted by vulcan63au

  1. Vulcan B2

       1587    23

    russouk2004 thank you for making this aircraft more readily available.


    For those of you who don't mind "getting under the hood", there are a number of ways to have big fun with this aircraft.

    1. Try conventional bombing with 21 x 1000lb bombs from 35,000 ft - you'll need a Jeppensen Flight Computer, a calculator, and some basic physics and trigonometry.

    2. Fit your Vulcan with a single 500kt nuke - e.g. grandslam modded to simulate a Yellow Sun - and bomb from 45,000ft or more.

    3. Set up your system to fly bombers really high (50,000 ft plus), and then try to intercept with MiG-19, Su-9, or Su-11.

    This kind of fiddling provided me with hours of fun, and some profound insights into early cold war bomber tactics. Have fun.


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