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Everything posted by SUICIDAL

  1. Yamas



    Direct from South America to the rest of the world. Skin = TORNO 3D Models= SUICIDAL This is a free model, its sale is prohibited unless I win something. jjajaja. You can use any crazy idea you have in mind. As long as the credits of appropriate Banidos Team
  2. SAIA 90

    Mr ALEDUCAT is mayor of a city argentina. His personal agenda is very complicated. At its agenda there are things like:. Women, political parties, more parties. more women. Then there are its functions. That must comply.
  3. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Gente acá les dejo unos Screen del día de la fecha. Compartimos un vuelo On line con el Cuñado de Torno. Lamentablemente me costo bastante aprender a usar la energía en los combates y las maniobras correctas. Esta es la 1º de la secuencia del combate. Como verán los 30Mm del Nesher le pasan cerca a mi Mig-21 De pedo escape de los 30 Mm y unos 10 o 15 kilómetros después entre lamentablemente en el Tono del Shafrir 2 ice lo que pude. Pero fue poco , cai en batalla. Y después Nos mandamos la gran Cowboy Nos cruzamos de frente , el con un Nesher Y yo con un Flogger-E
  4. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Yo me "Compre el Wings Over Israel " Bueno la cuestion es que esta muy bueno el tema de la IA con el parche 08. Por supuesto que jamas se compara con comerce a un Amigo On Line. Es que no selo cambio , game le asigno uno. Esta noche con el señor EAGLE vamos a provar algunas ideas en el WOI. Es mas en el First Eagle le metimos el Mod malvinas con absolutamente todas las modificaciones avidas y por haver y lo tiro a full. Fue un cago de risa. Los Fokker contra los Sea Dart y las Interminables AA.

    And we have to wait. The screenshots I've seen the effects of the sea have made me crazy. Not to mention the videos. Hopefully this year end
  6. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Para preservar la integridad moral del piloto no Divulgo su Callsing... Pero de que lo tuve en la mira y lo baje bastantes veces lo baje. PAPA !!!!!!!!!
  7. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Unos screens de mi nueva adquisición First Eagles The Great Air War 1918 Como podrán ver estoy en un combate totalmente disparejo yo en un Fokker EIV contra 5 Salmson 2A El resultado ..........era previsible. Di lo mejor de mi
  8. Islas Malvinas/Falklands Mode II

    Muchas Gracias TAKIDA !!!! Saludos Marcos
  9. First thing your doing on JET THUENDER

    BUUU too easy. I like a suicide mission with the slow and maneuverable A-4 Something like this, with lots of explosions and missile passing very close besides Harrier shooting AIM-L9. And boats tucked close to the cliffs that are virtually skipped.
  10. British task force

    Actually I do not understand the protocols which are the countries that possess nuclear weapons. And like you say, what I think are just speculations. But I believe in the version that says that after the fighting of May 25 the British thought seriously on the nuclear option in an eventual defeat. That's pure and gratuitous speculation based on ... what? It is not free and idle speculation. Many South American countries who helped us during the war, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru, Paraguay and others. They gave us weapons and ammunition. Venezuela offered to help us with 500 of his best commands to shots hand suicide. Brazil helped us during the war by naval pilots, who were acting on reconnaissance missions from the mainland. Peru at the time that NATO had us blocked our ability to procure weapons. We sold 10 planes with missiles and fuel tanks. That we use them. And as these countries are also Arab allies that provided us during the war of missiles, mortars, ammunition and artillery AA. and different parts of aircraft. It is nothing strange to think that if the continent has been attacked many Argentine friends had been willing to support us. Saludos Marcos
  11. British task force

    ChrisBV It is true what you say. As was learned after the Argentine surrender, the British were in the same conditions as our forces. His men were just as tired as ours, they were tired of the cold. And its spirit of war was also low. All they had was quantity ammunition. It is said that if England lose this war was very likely to throw a nuclear bomb in Buenos Aires. Coming to do is condemn and had been joined by the rest of South America to the contest. except chile. Kopis n Xiphos Watch this tractor is the trigger for missiles Operated with a 6 volt battery and is a cohetera pucara Commodore Ruben Sassone, Pilot Pucara aircraft And this is the best of other cohetera pucara a slide in the defense of Puerto Argentino. The Necessity is the mother of invention. Saludos Marcos
  12. British task force

    In May the British fleet came to the islands with their cargo. During April, the British ships were too far to the FAA could attack. from 1 May, the Air Force Argentina began the attacks. Keep in mind that the British had a huge number of battle ships. When our pilots entered the Strait of San Carlos had no options. Had to throw the first thing to see. They also beat up cargo ships such as: The Atlantic Conveyor which was carrying Harrier, helicopters, tents, spare parts, 1 water treatment plant, vehicles, fuel and others. The Atlantic Conveyor was hit on May 25 by an Exocet And then you got the attack on cargo ships Landing Ship Logistic (L-3005) RFA Sir Galahad: Placed hors de combat by three bombs that reached 500 pounds in the engine room and accommodation, when carrying two English army. The explosion of bombs, a fire control. The remains of the hull were sunk by the submarine Onyx as a war grave. Boat Landing Foxtrot4 Placed hors de combat by a pump in the stern, where vehicles carrying Command 5th Infantry Brigade. Shortly after it sank with its cargo. Landing Ship Logistic (L-3505) RFA Sir Tristam: Three 500-pound bombs hit the house and engulfed in a fire that completely destroyed. The remains were recovered by the British and taken to Britain for subsequent placement in a museum. RFA Sir Lancelot Landing ship logistics A-4C Skyhawk - Fourth Brigade Aviation Administration (FAA) 24-May-82, 9:15 hours Damaged by the impact of a bomb of 1000 pounds, which did not explode but the band broke starboard and caused a series of destruction to a halt in the accommodation aft. The ship was stranded and evacuated, the team embarked lost. A-4C Skyhawk - Fourth Brigade Aviation Administration (FAA) 25-May-82 Placed hors de combat by another 1000 lbs bomb explodes, but not penetrate the hull by the banda starboard. RFA Sir Bedivere Landing ship logistics 24-May-82, 9:15 hours Damaged by impacts of 30 mm cannon and a bomb that failed to explode 1000 pounds. VLCC "Hercules" It is also the story of the attack on the tanker The VLCC "Hercules" by one of our aircraft "Hercules" trained to carry bombs. You see, when the situation arises logistic ships are attacked. It was not easy but try and achievement. Saludos Marcos
  13. skin

    Hola TOMAS te comento Eso se arregla de esta manera , como es un TGA , los motores mismo del game se encargan de agrandarlo o achicarlo según tu especificación. Lo podes arreglar de esta manera Objects\Aircraft\IAI_Dagger\dagger\Decal [Decal003] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=IAI_Dagger\dagger\d\flag Position=-5.40,1.70 Scale=0.45 con solo cambiar ese indice de medidas actúa el game sobre el TGA. DecalMaxLOD=3 Saludos Marcos
  14. skin

    Hello Daniel , do not worry that all this work created from scratch in 3D aggregates. And the name differently than those created for your A-4. The hump, antennas and fuel are making 1 single object
  15. Topic de presentación

    Hu colgado nosotros estuvimos desde las 21 mas o menos en adelante hasta las 3 y algo.
  16. Topic de presentación

    HAAA DUCATT !!!!! Te la re perdiste loco. Aviamos quedado que anoche nos juntavamos colgado. El viernes hay escaramuzas de nuevo. Igual esta noche me parece que si la suerte y mis descargas me acompañan me como un MIRLO con cresta.
  17. Topic de presentación

    Gracias ALIKO. Heerr TORNO ..tan cordial como siempre , haora estas agrandado , claro el tipo se comio en el Online al pobre de Robert. Hoy termino bajar mi porqueria de game y vamos a ver si podemos darnos caza.
  18. Anyone here on Facebook?

    I'm on Facebook Marcos Canabal From Santa Cruz In Argentina.
  19. Topic de presentación

    Alguien que tenga cuenta en zona militar me podria hacer un favor. Se podrian fijar por que me bannearon. Sin previo aviso y sin ningun llamado de atencion. Es que por mi IP no me dejan ver el foro. Mi nick en ZM es HANO-DEINOVITZ muchas gracias Marcos
  20. Islas Malvinas/Falklands Mode II

    Es lo mismo que nada....... No se me ocurre la manera de poder crear ese efecto. Ya que el Movement Emitter Que seria el Tracked Vehicle DustEmitter solo funciona si hay de por medio un Sistema de movimiento. Aunque Aunque se puede Usar el Dust Emitter. Si se logra crear el Ini correspondiente , va eso es lo de menos. Pero Estaría que allá un sistema de partículas digamos flojas en el terrain.
  21. WOWWW YURI !!!! Muy buen trabajo de camaras. Esas son las tomas que se buscan Exelente :yes: Saludos Marcos
  22. Islas Malvinas/Falklands Mode II

    Anoche me termine de bajar el mod malvinas por vigecima quinta vez en lo que va del 08 / 09 Y me puce a volarlo, la verdad que no si estare mas careta o ya con el pasar de el tiempo metido en el tema y mirando muchas pero muchas paginas y trabajos ajenos tengo el ojo mas critico. Pero la verdad es que Me dieron ganas de volber a seguir creando mejoras para los ground object lamentablemente malvinas es un escenario si bien aro naval , el suelo y no me canso de repetirlo es sumamente importante. Y eso es otra cosa muy impotante para el WOP el suelo , los ejercito de chile y de argentina bien definidos.
  23. FACH

    Bueno es una exelente noticia Esperamos por ese Viper . Y supongo que despues se mandan al F-5. Yo de ultima me pongo como loco y veo si me puedo crear un terrrain. Aunque sea de Rio Gallegos Che y bueno si de ultima con IAI-FINGER o el MARA me va mal. Me meto con el A-4AR , Aunque esta atrasado unos 7 o 8 añitos ya por lomenos tengo Jammer , SHUD y demas trucos ,que porsupuesto no facilitan el combate a favor de uno pero tenes mas oportunidades. PeacePuma un saludo hermano y cualquier cosa estoy para ayudarte che..
  24. TOP GUN mod

    La verdad que me re copo el video. Es mas vi unas tecnicas de Stop Mottion que me fascinaron y me dejaron asi con ganas de crear arte visual. Tengo ganas de dejar salir el artista interior.

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