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Everything posted by SUICIDAL

  1. SAIA 90

    Ale te jode si te mostras un screen de la cabina de vuelo... Ojo que el ini del cockpit no es joda. Salute
  2. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    moretta: Hee interesante ...Pato despues te cuento. Che 3-A-305 Muy bueno eso es un comienso y esto entre vos y yo.. Es mucho mas de lo que yo hago actualmente loco.. Solo te pido una cosita Eso de Ya se que es una cagada, nunca lo buelvas a repetir viejo jamas. Eso suena re derrotista y que ni vos mismo aprecias lo que lograste.. Si fuera tan facil ser moder en 3D y poner un avion a volar como vos lo lograste Esto seria aburrido amigo y no tendria tanto sentido. Al que no le guste que se vaya a la M....... y que muestre de que carajo es capaz... Cortita nomas.. 3-A-305 un saludos loco. AAA----PD: si me olvide solo queria decirles que miren este foro que esta muy bueno : http://www.niel3d.com/ Saludos Marcos "SUICIDAL" Canabal
  3. ScreenShots Sueltos

    JAJAJAJA Señor HALCON solo un chascarrilo mañanero jajaja.... Les aseguro que antes de entrar voy a practicar a full con el modelo de vuelo dificil. Ojo no voy a hacer la gran pato que cuando entro lei por hay que iso maniobras locas y aterradoras que dejaron a todos como medios atontados y sin entender nada...jJAJAJA todo bien PATO.. Saludos
  4. SAIA 90

    Se ve re loco, yo a la dardo 2 le puse un angulo de picada de 15º grados negativos para que cuando la large salga como una bala y abra sus alitas locas..... Hablando de armas alguien se bajo el Weapon Pack 09 de Mirage Factory ?? Tienen armas nuevas o solo un retoque de inis y de skin ??
  5. Atlántico Sur

    NOO boludo..... El que te dije si esta mirando esos barcos se va a querer matar... Es mas te va a pedir que vos te encargues de haora en mas de sus texturas
  6. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Che esa Explocion esta algo Tocada JAJAJA... G MAXIMOS!!!!!!!! Che TORNO esta semana ya tengo internet de nuevo....(tuve que garpar como 2 mil mangos ) Estaria que ambos nos mandaramos a la escuadrilla de vuelo y les mostramos a estos muchachos como se vuela !!!!
  7. skin

    JAJAJA..... Si tiene TORNO Fijate que sale como FAS-DARDOS 2 creo esta en el INI data de las armas... Despues te lo paso.
  8. SAIA 90

    NOOOOOOOOOO ZARPADO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Por favor que grossooooo..... Te fuiste de mambo mi amigo.... Muy bueno Ale...
  9. skin

    nooo filo da puta.... Como carajo hiciste maldito demente
  10. TOP GUN mod

    PATO el archivo esta Roto... Lo descargue y solo me solto la mitad de las cosas... Subilo de nuevo sobre el mismo trabajo o consulta con nuestro moderador
  11. skin

    Esta muy bueno 3-A-305 yo la verdad que con los Skin 0 pintura... Muy lindo.
  12. TOP GUN mod

    Ese cuadro es una maza lo pinto Carlos Garcia para la TOP GUN
  13. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    Che muchachos despues de un tiempito ayer subi los comandos... Aca por fin estan Son dos rifleros con FAL 1 ametralladora pesada con M-60 y un lanza Cohete con Instalaza 300 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8127
  14. skin

  15. Sub Type 209 ARA Salta

    La manera mas facil y mas "Argntina" que yo utiliso es esta , toma nota por favor: jajaja 1º A la carpeta ya puesta en tu Groun Objet le cambias el nombre a 25DeMayo Exactamente de esta manera. (A antes que nada borra al 25 de mayo de tu carpeta) 2º Le cambias de nombre al Documento de texto que se llama ARA-SANLUIS o ARA-SALTA a 25DeMayo. 3º salis y te vas a misiones pones la del S-2Traker que es la antisubmarina y la volas. En vez de aparecer el 25 de mayo (porta aviones) te aparece el submarino que elejiste y sale andando y todito. Saludos
  16. skin

    Zarpado TORNO Haci que otro proyecto Negro El VR-21, el avión mas secreto de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina
  17. skin

    Hey amigo 3-A-305 hermoso skin. No posta zarpado laburo viejo. Mi sugerencia , el skin es algo mas rojiso y las manchas estan como borroneadas o fuera de foco. Por cierto tengo entendido que al 3-A-309 le instalaron en su momento un lanzador de chaff Producto del fallido proyecto CME Mk.1 Mod 0 aya por el 78
  18. Muito Obrigado YURI Thank for this skin
  19. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    JAJAJA La Super Yama. Na solo tira rayos lazer por los ojos. Gracias por la buena honda
  20. Sub Type 209 ARA Salta

    Listo ale , con esto ya quedo la flota de IKL-209 completa. Saludos...
  21. Sub Type 209 ARA Salta

    He ALEDUCAT Subi el ARA SALTA yo ya mande el San Luis http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8113
  22. Boeing 707

    JAJAJA Me mato lo de HANO Amigaso mi nombre real es Marcos Canabal Hano_Deinovitz es solo un Alias que me cree dentro de ZM Igualmente te agradesco la atencion Saludos
  23. Boeing 707

    Amigo con el tema de los Exocet y demas yerbas como familias de bombas FAS o el Glorioso AS-25K en sus diferentes verciones creado por el amigo ALEJANDRO. Podes solucionarlas con el Weapon Pack Argentino. Este trae los tanques del de 595 y 1100 litros del sue. Ademas del pack argentino hay uno bastante bueno subidos con armas re skineadas. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7507 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7842
  24. File Name: IKL-209 ARA-SanLuis File Submitter: suicidal File Submitted: 25 Jan 2009 File Category: Subs IKL-209 ARA-SAN LUIS BY BANIDOS TEAM Facts, history, weapons, photographs and drawings by: PATO POLI Skin:TORNO 3D model: SUICIDAL Tested by: ALEJANDRO Class Submarines: IKL-209 After having held various transformations variants Guppy, the USN Navy addresses to build nuclear submarines, with the exception of Class "Barbel, conventional submarines which were built a few units. Therefore, and for the limitations that were received second-hand ships North America, the Argentine Navy undertook to acquire new submarines and modern technology. Among the possibilities were British class "Oberon" and the German IKL-209. Not without achieving many internal discussions were imposed and that the German model was a success. The British Oberon was only a development of German submarines of World War II type XXI. While the 209 was a revolutionary design in an embryonic state, as when acquired, only two 209 were under construction for the Greek navy. The commercial success of these German ships is unparalleled. Within the requirements of the Argentine Navy was required to navigate the submarine could dive in at least 50 days. Thus the 209 largest Argentine would be enough to hand it to the Greek Navy. The difference in tonnage involved a problem for Germany because of clauses of the Second World War were not allowed to build submarines for more than 900 tons. We found a practical solution, where the submarines would be created in sections in Germany before being sent to Argentina to be assembled. Submarines assembled Argentine shipyards were: ARA SALTA (1974 -) SAN LUIS ARA (1974-1995) Active Since it is assigned to the Command of the Submarine Force (COFS), the Susler part of the various stages of training, called "Stage Sea" with the rest of the vessels of the Sea Fleet of the Navy Argentina and planes and helicopters Command Naval Aviation (COAN). On October 9, 1975, the S-32, full of food and fuel, left the naval base in Mar del Plata, in order to fill a shipping 50 days, which should develop different areas of the patrol South Atlantic, which included the area of the Falkland Islands. The tasks included photographic survey of the costs Falklanders, conduct computer-simulated exercises on ships sailing in the area and traffic patrol and other checks to verify the performances of the new submarine. In late 1978 the product of disagreement over the sovereignty on the three islands Picton, Lennox and Nueva in the Beagle Channel tense relations between Argentina and Chile. On December 22, 1978 Argentina started Operation Sovereignty to militarily occupy the islands. The Argentine Navy orders of the executive branch has an important shipping fleet to the south. The submarine ARA San Luis (S-32) leaving the conflict zone, with the rest of the ships Command Submarine Force, and emphasized in the assigned patrol zone. When the confrontation seemed inevitable, the timely intervention of Pope John Paul II to avoid the outbreak of hostilities, so that the ship is Apostadero retreated to his usual, the Naval Base Mar del Plata. During 1990, the ship remained at sea 59 days, 799 hours of which he did in 6253 and sailed immersion miles. During the basic training conducted, participated in the testing of receipt of the class missile corvette Espora (MEKO 140) ARA Parker (P-44) (CBPA) and antisubmarine exercises with units of the Sea Fleet By 1994, completed the modernization of its half-life sister, the ARA Salta (S-31), which assisted in these tasks as a model to develop the S-32 entered the shipyard Minister Manuel Garcia Domecq for amendment half-life, which would have complete its hull, cut it to allow the change of engines and the 480 elements of their batteries. Unfortunately, for budgetary reasons, these tasks are not met, leaving the historic submarine, placed inside the shipyard. By order of the Chief of the Navy No. 69/95 "C", the condition was Susler reservation by decree No. 364 of 23 April 1997 it was declared obsolete, while the Argentine Navy sale or, as it was one of the most important units in combat operations in the Falklands War, dealing through private initiative, which is used as the submarine museum, to highlight their situation in that war. Performance of the ship in the Malvinas War ARA-SanLuis , under the command of Captain Fernando Fragata Azcueta, BNMP departed for the 11 April 1982 for sea trials prior to their deployment, which ended for two days. Upon his return, he receives the order to "wear a British expeditionary force incursora focal area in the Malvinas / Georgia to help maintain and consolidate the conquest of the Malvinas." Do a campaign of 40 days, over which carried out three attacks on the enemy, but have operated with only three of its four diesel engines and have the computer systems of the weapons out of service, thus maintaining their capacity launch torpedoes limited to emergency conditions. After some contacts with surface ships hidrofónicos not possible and their response of attack of the enemy without, the May 1 launched a torpedo at a target at a distance (classified as a destroyer / frigate) unable to assess their effect, being then harassed by 22 h by a force of ships and helicopters, so it should settle on the seabed to avoid victimization by this attack. On May 8 made a new attack on a prized target as submarine, with a strong explosion in the azimuth of the launch, without being able to determine the effects. May 10 finally made a third attack on a white, also classified as a destroyer / frigate, without also assessing its impact, but without a subsequent counterattack. On May 11 was ordered back to their base of operations, who met safely. On May 19 he joined the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, after 39 days of patrol and 864 hours of immersion (equivalent to 36 days). ARA SANLUIS Click here to download this file
  25. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    A si entiendo , el otro dia viendo unos cuantos LOD y mas que nada OUT de mirage factory vi eso que decis vos el Nosenoshine creo. Y no entendia si heran alguna especie de posos o que en la nariz jaja. Tambien los vi en menor medida en tus modelos, cuando estaba buscando el nombre exacto de las antenas y el domo en tu PAMPA. Metros a y esta mi problema... Gracias FOX

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