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Everything posted by SUICIDAL

  1. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    4 A 1 Do not cry for me England

    Loco tremendo vídeo que subió Mannie Becker a su Portal del FACE. Algo que siempre quisimos ver , una pelea entre cocodrilos , leones y búfalos. TREMENDO Che mace , me la quedo unos dias mas a la firma y después me la saco too much forrr mee
  3. Pack de armas Argentino -Malvinas 1982-

    Muchas gracias Adrian por este tremendo trabajo.
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Tremendo , tremendo tremendo Muchas Gracias Adrian
  5. Espectacular !!!!!!! Tremendo pack de alta calidad SOS GROSO !!!!!!

    jo jo jo jo jo Tuve que sacrificar mi hermoso IAI FINGER para poner ese toro feo. Pero me parece que todos los que apostaron ahora se echan para atras. Son poco Hombres manga de gays
  7. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    tomorrow Argentina played against Mexico for the move to the quarterfinals.
  8. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me encantan las Sorpresas !!! Che Adrian hace rato que no te encuentro en el Msn. Estas desaparecido.
  9. Porra sobre el Chile-España

    HDP !!!!!!!!!! No lo vi al partido por que estaba trabajando y el gerente gay Hijo de perra no le gusta el fútbol. Los otros 15 compañeros estábamos que lo cagábamos a piña . Me fui a la calle con una escusa y lo escuche en la radio del Auto. Bueno ya , Haber españoles , Que se tienen entre manos para la firma. Acepto lo que venga
  10. El famoso C-222 The A-4B C-222 El Tordillo Piloted by 1st Lt.. Cachon impacts the Transport Sir Galahad on June 8, 1982 during the Falklands Conflict causing serious losses to the British fleet Take them to the glory, "said Captain Pablo Carballo annoying with that sound transmitters warplanes. First Lt. Carlos Cachon flying the A4B C-222 SkyHawk over the icy waters of the Atlantic South when he received unexpected orders to take command of the squadron was to prevent the British landing at Pleasant Bay. A fortuitous Cachón left as head of the mission. The planes of the heads, the captain and first lieutenant Carballo Filippini, had been freezing their replenishment structures and could not deploy them to receive fuel from the cargo plane which was to maneuver in flight. Cachón deep breath and began to realize the most important mission of his life and for which he had prepared carefully for the last twelve years. or very far away, at the entrance to Pleasant Bay, south of Stanley, two ships of 3,250 tons, Sir Tristan and Sir Galahad, loaded with British soldiers were about to start landing more important of the war. Among the bodies of Marines was the Queen of the Welsh Guards, the elite soldiers who are always used to be the first to take the objective as a symbol of British power. Two days earlier had rejected the request of UN secretary general Javier Perez de Cuellar, to declare a ceasefire that would allow Britain to reoccupy the islands peacefully. It had been 39 days of war and the British were advancing inexorably. The cargo ship Sir Galahad was delayed by the thick fog that had in the bay and was moving slowly along the eastern flank Lt. Cachón gave out their instruments and opened communication with the aircraft that had been under his command. He reiterated the orders and the squad slipped to the islands. They had to fly high and down almost at water level, were barely on the target. All in a highly dangerous maneuver of a few seconds. 250 pumps had three kilos of manufacture in Argentina. Were those giving the best result. Before pumps were tested with 500 and 1,000 kilos but were so powerful that pierced the ship and exploded in the water. It was mid-morning and was flying Cachón for nearly two hours. Had advanced several miles to flush the salt water and clung to the hatch. Now he was at high altitude to fall suddenly on the target, but could not see the boats for salt and thick mist that covered the bay. On the other aircraft is expected notice: They are there, right, one on each side of the peninsula!. "The two boats appeared between the gray clouds. Cachón ordered three of the five planes on the left would attack the Sir Tristan. And His another of the Skyhawks would launch their bombs against the Sir Galahad. Attacking the headquarters of English General jeremy moore On June 13, 1982, Captain Varela off in his A-4C Squadron part of the "Chispa", which along with the Squadron "Nene" were attacking the British troops which surrounded Puerto Argentino. He flew on a plane that had just unpainted gray primer, and therefore was called 'The Tordillo "which provided flight training in their numbers but sometimes lost sight of amid the rain, still visible only Stela marking at sea. They went at very low altitude for the NO on the peninsula of San Luis Varela be the target of NE part of the hillside of Cerro Dos Hermanas. Passing on a hill, Varela sighted a kind of camp, with frames of radar and helicopters parked, so he pointed his watch and threw their bombs while ordering their numbers do the same. Then came a shift to the southeast, passing by a Sea King who shot him, unable to repel the aggression because they had another mission. By then, the squadron was attacked with a variety of missiles and projectiles. Varela felt a loud explosion and saw a big flash near his aircraft, while listening to Lt. Roca scream at him to eject, because what had been achieved. Changing the shift from left to right and feeling the shock of the plane, heard the Lieutenant Mayor: "Lord, just a missile explode between your plane and mine." He tried to shoot another Sea King to be crossed, but noted that the engine temperature was far above the ceiling while producing abnormal sounds, so that reduced the power to keep it under control and ejected the external loads, waging return. sir have eject!, I met! - The missile exploded with a strong glare -Captain, another missile from his plane and mine! - Strong vibrations and engine temperatures on the red arc. Captain Varela ejected and reduced throttle loads, escaping to a place to jump by parachute.After a while, and looking for a reduced power, the plane remained in flight. He thought well, the horse limped but kept the pace. He pointed to the west looking for the path of the sun, and horse and rider plunged into the vast sea. When dropped on the landing, the engine stopped. sir, come see!, "Said the mechanic when the car fell on the apron. The compressor does not have blades, have melted! A turbine can not operate without compressor. Dynamic pressure air flight one providential more throttle position had done the miracle. The Tordillo, mortally wounded, his rider had brought home, breathed his last on-track ´ The Return of Tordillo El Tordillo At its current and rightful place of rest after giving glory in battle with the South Atlantic.
  11. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Los archivos 3DS son archivo de formato para el 3D-MAX , no son LOD. Deberías de Comprar el 3D-MAX y abrir esos archivos con ese Programa , luego te descargas el Plugin gratuito para tu MAX y Exportas la cabina en fomato LOD. De esa manera te funcionara, Deberías de leer los tutoriales que creo Misoftcia sobre cabinas para interiorizarte mas
  12. Porra sobre el Chile-España

    Naaa Hijos de P a esa Hora me lo pierdo , tengo que entrar a las 14:30. Que porquería. Ahora estoy viendo el agónico partido entre brasil y Portugal. Parecen primos hermanos en la manera como juegan ambos.
  13. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    67 minutes into the second half and go 00 I think Brazil would have to beat Portugal. But I see that both are pretty evenly matched and have equal opportunities
  14. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Mira fíjate acá en la licencias libres , aparece Column5 El en los puntos que da explica que se puede subir un trabajo ajeno modificado siempre y cuando se de crédito de eso y si es posible se agregue junto al Nuevo Léeme el viejo o original del archivo. Si le envías un Mp es posible que no te lo conteste y este bastante tiempo esperando. http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/
  15. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    The magic is still intact Diego, kicking penaltis
  16. Porra sobre el Chile-España

    Che pregunto A que hora se juega ?¿ en el trabajo justo hoy se les ocurrió cambiar los horarios de Entrada. Osea a y veo que dice 20:30 , Hora sur americana o Sur Africana

    JAJAJAJAJA que garron pato , Pero Bueno después de 7 años esta muy bien. Chicos con la ayuda de los compañeros Moderadores del foro en español estamos creando un pack de traducción , para que queden todos los botones en Español para que se mas fácil Todavía falta mucho mas pero dia a dia y de a poquito lo estamos traduciendo .
  18. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    Gente si quieren bajar el SU-47 lo pueden hacer de la Excelente pagina del Amigo YEYEYE Ademas hay muchas cosas mas , realmente sorprendente el trabajo de este muchacho http://owlworkshop.tk/
  19. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    We should update the list of countries in the Poll
  20. Somewhere in my collection had the picture Of the two helicopters captured inside of the English ship
  21. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    YURI hopefully God will hear. Argentina wishes once again to face the English. LA MANO DE D10S !!!!!
  22. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Martin that Humvees Avenger. was created by YEYEYE Using a Free 3d-model I have in my blog. To my models always try to use the correct size that I find on the Internet. Perhaps the resolution of the skin, change their appearance a bit, but everything inside is as I say, use Wiki or measures according to other sources http://gratis3darg.b...&max-results=20 ---------------------------------------- Ese Humvees Avenger fue creado por YEYEYE. Utilizando un modelo gratis que tengo en mi blog. Para mis modelos siempre trato de utilizar las medidas correctas que encuentro en Internet. Puede que la resolución del skin , les cambie un poco la apariencia , pero , dentro de todo es como te digo , uso las medidas según Wiki o otras fuentes
  23. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    El AVENGER , El modelo es el que esta en mi Blog , este fue creado por el forista YEYEYE Esta tremendo , muy buen modelo crearon los muchachos

  25. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    CIAO ITALIA !!!!!!!!!!!! This is unbelievable. Italy are out of world cup

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