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Everything posted by SUICIDAL


    Na no es de mala onda , Pero lo que me dio gracia fue que en España , se hablaba de que tenían el mundial en las manos. Y es mas mirando la TV española , antes del partido opinaban que era mejor si salir primeros en el grupo o segundos. Dando por sentado de que si o si ganaban este encuentro. Nunca hay que cantar victoria antes de tiempo.

    Que buen partido el de Suiza contra España. Lastima que España perdió Según los expertos lo que mas se rescato de España fue esto Perdón amigos españoles , los quiero un monton , pero es época de mundial
  3. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Hey what happened to Spain? where they went, those who believed they would win the World Cup?
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Stryker MGS.
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Para los que usan el Facebook. Miren los trabajos en progreso de Steve S. Los Bunker Están de otro mundo http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=6886&id=100001022162222 ´
  6. Che, I really love this job. Awesome, very good. Continuing with this Lindr2 Saludos Marcos
  7. PAC-2 SAM System

    THANKS !!!!!!!
  8. Look here's an idea similar http://combatace.com/topic/51485-wip-o-trabajos-en-progreso/page__st__400
  9. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Listo para la descarga le aviso a la gente de la Cruz Del Sur que me estoy retrasando con el Extra 300. por que esta un poco difícil el INI pero todos los días le estoy metiendo 1 o 2 horitas. http://combatace.com/files/file/11040-humvee-tow-carrier/
  10. File Name: Humvee TOW Carrier File Submitter: SUICIDAL File Submitted: 13 Jun 2010 File Category: Ground Objects Mods Humvee-M1046 TOW Carrier Ejercito Argentino (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog. Used under license GNU To use this model you only have to release the contents of the GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game... You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI. -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. Click here to download this file
  11. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Noooooo This is crazy. 4 A 0 GOLEADA !!!!!!
  12. File Name: Stryker M-1134 ATGM File Submitter: SUICIDAL File Submitted: 11 Jun 2010 File Category: Ground Objects Mods Stryker M-1134 ATGM (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow Also many thanks for the help of my friend EricJ. Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog. Used under license GNU To use this model you only have to release the contents of the GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game... You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI. -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. Click here to download this file
  13. I made a mistake when i Upload the ATGM, the BGM-71 the WeaponData are wrong. Here's the solution. [WeaponData2050] TypeName=BGM 71 Tow FullName=BGM 71 Tow ModelName=Tow_71 Mass=19.000000 Diameter=0.148000 Length=1.154000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,UK,ISRAEL,ARGENTINA SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1975 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=2 Explosives=20.000000 FusingDistance=1.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=5 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=6.000000 MaxLaunchG=3.000000 LockonChance=95 LaunchReliability=80 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=52.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=35.000000 SeekerTrackRate=60.000000 SeekerRange=8000.000000 MinLaunchRange=200.000000 MaxLaunchRange=8000.000000 Duration=100.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x10000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=2.000000 BoosterAccel=30.612000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-0.577000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=15.000000 SustainerAccel=10.000000 SustainerEffectName=MissileFireEffect SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-0.577000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=0.150000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.250000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 thank you very much to Krfrge For let me note
  14. Stryker M-1134 ATGM

    I made a mistake when i Upload the ATGM, the BGM-71 the WeaponData are wrong. Here's the solution. [WeaponData2050] TypeName=BGM 71 Tow FullName=BGM 71 Tow ModelName=Tow_71 Mass=19.000000 Diameter=0.148000 Length=1.154000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,UK,ISRAEL,ARGENTINA SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1975 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=2 Explosives=20.000000 FusingDistance=1.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=5 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=6.000000 MaxLaunchG=3.000000 LockonChance=95 LaunchReliability=80 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=52.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=35.000000 SeekerTrackRate=60.000000 SeekerRange=8000.000000 MinLaunchRange=200.000000 MaxLaunchRange=8000.000000 Duration=100.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x10000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=2.000000 BoosterAccel=30.612000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-0.577000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=15.000000 SustainerAccel=10.000000 SustainerEffectName=MissileFireEffect SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-0.577000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=0.150000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.250000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 thank you very much to Krfrge For let me note
  15. Stryker M-1134 ATGM



    Stryker M-1134 ATGM (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow Also many thanks for the help of my friend EricJ. Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog. Used under license GNU To use this model you only have to release the contents of the GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game... You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI. -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
  16. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    The first world champion was Uruguay. In 1932. Germany is a very strong team, came to the World Cup with players who already have experience in World Cup. In South America, I would say that you pay attention to Chile and Paraguay. Both are hungry for victory, Paraguay in American qualifiers for the World Cup when they faced to Brazil proved by a formidable team. I'm watching the match Germany against Australia. Tremendous goal of Podolsky, the Australian goalkeeper Schwarzer was misplaced.
  17. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    JAJAAJ todo un Dineral man !!!! por eso , entren a mi blog y denle click en las propagandas. Me paga 3 centavos por click . M1046 Humvee
  18. Here is a tutorial. This in Spanish. But maybe it will help you http://combatace.com/topic/47862-creando-nuestro-propio-casco-de-piloto/
  19. Very good. We could create civil machinery, to bring the airports.
  20. FIFA World Cup

    uploaded some photos of the meeting. Morris. you liked, the way in which the Argentines sing the anthem? It's shocking
  21. Feliz Cumpleaños a .....!

    MAURITO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS LOCO. Me imagino que estas con la familia mirando el partido. Una cagada Jonas Gutierrez y Higuain , Pero la selección del D10S esta PARA LAS FINALES. FELICIDADES EN TU DIA LOCO.
  22. World Cup has Begun!

    Argentina 1 Nigeria 0
  23. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    El blog esta dando sus ganancias JAJAJAJA. Es choto por que tenes que estar todos los dias poniéndole cosas nuevas y actualizándolo. Pero las ganancias estan a la vista.
  24. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Listo para la descarga M-113 con Skin foto realista http://combatace.com/files/file/11030-m-113-a-2-ea/ y los Stryker con la el Nuevo TOW creado por el Amigo TERCERA ESCUADRILLA. http://combatace.com/files/file/11033-stryker-m-1134-atgm/ http://combatace.com/files/file/11031-stryker-m-1113-cv/
  25. File Name: M-113 A-2 EA File Submitter: SUICIDAL File Submitted: 10 June 2010 File Updated: 09 August 2010 File Category: Ground Objects Mods M-113-A2 Ejercito Argentino (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART Thank you very much to Steve S for the excellent 3D-Model of Browning M2 3D Model: SUICIDAL Photo Realistic Skins: SUICIDAL To use this model you only have to release the contents of the GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game... -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given.. Click here to download this file

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