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Everything posted by SUICIDAL

  1. @ Rebel Ryder

    Where are you? About a year ago that we know nothing about you. If someone can get your E-mail Or if you already have and can send me, I was the grateful. Saludos Marcos
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Hans me parece que en algún momento as prestado servicio en el ejercito español verdad ?¿ En cuanto a vos Macelena , parecías un chico educado muy tranquilo. Pero este ultimo año te salto la ficha , sos primo de Torrentes. He tío vamos hacernos unas pajillas !!!!!! Gente con el señor ALIKO estamos creando un pack de vehículos del ejercito Argentino. Los dos modelos que elegimos con el Amigo Alex son todo un Mito y un icono dentro de este. A mi me toco el famoso Aceituna ALIKO ya les mostrara el gran trabajo que se esta mandando , se me caen las babas cuando lo vi....
  3. PadFoot I do not understand what was your problem, because in the folder that I uploaded. There is one called "Weapon" in it, you will find a LOD. The name GWS25 Seawolf. That goes in your wallet Weapon. Besides that there is a text document. With the entry of Weapon for Weapon Data INI.
  4. That's why he never got the Exocet missile. Just pitchers. But they are empty.
  5. Feliz cumpleaños

    yea the F@$% "life is very short" PD: Hans Feliz cumpleaños Disfruta un montón , al carajo con pensar en guardar lo de hoy para usarlo mañana. USEMOSLO HOY Y MAÑANA ESTEMOS FELIZ RECORDANDO COMO LO USAMOS AYER.
  6. Hay 500 programas mejores que Fraps. Continue using the old version, which still stands
  7. 2 Bacht In the big difference is in the bow, which is more slender, giving better performance in rough seas. During the war of 82, had big problems with the South Seas, the corvettes have much pitching when navigating with waves up to 7 or 8 meters as is common in these areas. It is also clear that with the Seawolf mounts and 20mm AA guns, was insufficient for proper air cover. That's why they sack the Exocet and placed them super quick-firing guns. I'm currently working on the FF-19 Almirante Williams Ex HMS Sheffield (F96) Batch 2. This ship just under 8 or 9 month was under intense mid-life upgrade. It currently has two types missile launcher VLS Rafael Barak-1. It also has anti-ship missiles Harpoon RGM/UGM-84D. and other anti-submarine systems
  8. Feliz Cumpleaños a .....!

    Feliz Cumple Hans 33 añitos !!!!!!! Espero que lo paces en Familia y con algunas Cervecitas y esos chorizos colorados que tan ricos son Ni hablar de los Jamones !!!!
  9. Problema con las armas.

    para que funcionen las armas
  10. After this I no longer feel the same as before
  11. Problema con las armas.

    Hola Goblin , lo mas probable es que no le ayas dado Save en el Editor de armas. El cual va instalado en la Raíz del disco en que tengas instalado el juego. a y creas una carpeta que se llame WeaponEditor y dentro de ella pones el GUNEDITOR y el WEAPONEDITOR. una ves echo eso abrís el Weapon Editor y buscas dentro del pack de armas el Weapon-Data INI. Lo abrís y en los botones de la derecha le das al SAVE. Esperas 5 segundos y lo cerras Proba eso y si hay mas problemas decidnos y te ayudamos. Goblin para la próxima ves que tengas dudas y ese tipo de cosas podes si queres Dejar tu dudas en este Post. o Tal ves mirarlo un poco ya que abecés puede que ya este la respuesta a nuestra pregunta , echa por otro forista con dificultades similares a las que puedas tener. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44199-preguntas-varias-y-dudas-en-general/ Un Saludo Marcos
  12. Phantom II

    In response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the 106th TRS of the 117th TRW of the Alabama ANG was deployed on August 24, 1990 to Sheika Isa in Bahrain. Its LOROP-equipped RF-4Cs were used to conduct prewar surveillance of Iraqi forces in occupied Kuwait as as well as those deployed along the Saudi Arabia-Iraq border. Unfortunately, 64-1044 crewed by Major Barry K. Henderson and Lt. Col. Stephen G. Schraam was lost in an operational accident on October 8, 1990. In December, the 106th TRS was relieved by the 192nd TRS of the Nevada ANG. Later, RF-4Cs taken from the USAF's 12th TRS/67th TRW and the 38th TRS/26th TRW were deployed to Desert Shield. The 26th TRW of USAFE were detached to the 7440th Composite Wing at Incirlik AB in Turkey, and the 67th TRW went to the 35th TFW (Provisional) at Shiek Isa AB in Bahrein to serve alongside the RF-4Cs and crews from the Air National Guard. Many of these planes were veterans of combat in Vietnam. The 12 TRS did not arrive in Bahrain until right before the offensive (I seem to remember 1-2 weeks). The 91st TRS had aircrew waiting on the east coast (I believe McGuire AFB) to replace any losses which luckily did not occur. http://www.f-4.nl/f4_9.html

    Un poquito de yayo para alegrar la mañana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy1eqTiPYcQ
  14. Hey Daniel. How are you, Long time no see around here. Take a spin through the forum in Spanish. The Boys ask for you.
  15. --- PROBLEMAS CON EL " A4-AR" !... by PUMA ;-P

    Hola Esteban , es muy probable que al cambiar la carga de tu avión ayas sacado algunas armas que ante del Sustantivo tienen un prefijo que dice ARG ( Este quiere decir Argentina ) Y tiene que ver con los misiles... [AirToAir] Loadout[01].WeaponType=AIM-9L_Arg :/\---------------------------------- Si le sacas eso es posible que algunas armas ya no te funcionen Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AIM-9L_Arg Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=TANK300_A4AR Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Ah Esteban me olvidaba para la próxima ves que tengas dudas y ese tipo de cosas podes si queres Dejar tu dudas en este Post. o Tal ves mirarlo un poco ya que abecés puede que ya este la respuesta a nuestra pregunta , echa por otro forista con dificultades similares a las que puedas tener. Un Saludo Marcos. PD : En la barra de herramientas de tu perfil podes encontrar una opción para cambiar tu nombre. Lo podes pasar de Esteban a Puma...... Saludos
  16. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Totalmente de acuerdo con vos Tercera Escuadrilla !!! Lobo a y te envió en un MP el modelo y su piel para que trabajes en el a gusto y conciencia. Dejo algunos Screen de como esta. Este skin es irreal ya que los Teruel Españoles no la tienen.
  17. Photorealistic Fokker D.VII OAW

    Very good Work
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Para los amigos de España , Chicos si alguno se anime y quiere les puedo dar el modelo para que le echen un buen Skin. Un sistema Teruel
  19. Some screenshots in multiplayer mode , Squad Cruz Del Sur. This is not only more aircraft. Tank simulator now. Submarines and ships soon

    Gente en Nat Geo están haciendo una encuesta para ver cual fue el momento mas trascendental en los 200 años de argentina http://www.natgeo.tv/especiales/bicentenario/argentina.asp Por el momento va ganando la guerra de las Malvinas
  21. People I have a problem, I'm with the missiles of a type 22 bacht 2 (FF-19 Almirante Williams Class) the thing is that I am positioned where they should go, I'm using the Max Min. But I have these details. The missile is expected to leave in that position more or less But instead I get to float in the water and only 1 of the 32 missiles that hell is what is happening? Then leave a part of the data in the INI with which I am working [VLS-BARAK-I] ParentComponentName=Hull ModelNodeName=VLS-BARAK-I GunnerID=2 TargetType=AIR MissileRange=12000.0 MinMissileRange=300 PitchAngleRate=90 MaxPitch=90.0 MinPitch=90.0 DefaultPitchAngle=90.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate= MinYaw=0 MaxYaw=0 DefaultYawAngle=0.0 MissileLaunchTime=18.50 RangeFinder=10 BallisticComputer=10 Datalink=TRUE VisualSearchTime=2.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,40.2,5.5 ReloadGunAtAngle=TRUE IndependentSearchChance=80 MinExtentPosition=-6.625,-13.779,5.882 MaxExtentPosition=6.633,-8.48,13.523 SystemName[001]=Missile01 SystemName[002]=Missile02 SystemName[003]=Missile03 SystemName[004]=Missile04 SystemName[005]=Missile05 [Missile01] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.866,-9.096,10.764 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile02] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.861,-9.659,10.764 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile03] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.266,-12.799,10.804 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile04] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.861,-10.828,10.764 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile05] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.861,-11.959,10.764 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE FF-19 Almirante Williams ( Chile Navy )
  22. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Bueno y ya que estamos a full con la guerra entre tanques , les voy avisando que ya esta listo el pesado de la familia TAM.... Después de construir una torreta completa de Leo 2 Esta para pintar nomas.... y ya que tengo lo torreta y conseguí unas buenas vistas de los Leo me parece que se viene la familia Leopard para el ejercito de Chile
  23. I use to accommodate all the Min-Max for example, created a very small sphere and the position where I would like to fence the missile, then export the text document and use that.
  24. Thanks for the tip. to and change the sequence of missiles I have reviewed the mesh and its spelling. and add some new data but continues to do something similar. Now change instead of being seen is how they went about 10 meters to the seabed. change the numbers and place them about 30 meters above to see them. but nothing, still in the deep sea
  25. Toqueteando INI's

    mira esta es una parte de la alineación de los misiles [Missile01] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.862,-9.11,11.852 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile02] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=2 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.862,-9.628,11.852 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile03] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=3 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.862,-10.24,11.852 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile04] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=4 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition-5.862,-10.818,11.852 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE [Missile05] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=5 GunnerID=2 WeaponTypeName=Barak-1 WeaponPosition=-5.862,-11.407,11.852 ShowMissile=TRUE IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE

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