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Everything posted by Hawker

  1. Do HARM missles exist yet for this sim?
  2. Armed finally with Shrikes. Actually for just for fun I have it possible to throw just about any kind of weapon on it. I'm going to include a realistic loadout along with a fantasy type one just so people can get the most out of this jet.
  3. Where does that text go, which folder? And what do we name the file? Thx
  4. This is great! Thanks. Makes it way better. You can get some incredible views with this. I saved all my own mods as well. :D
  5. Beatiful work! Wow. Actually I'd be honored to have you grace your paintbrush on the Prowler. Yup, your in for sure. :D
  6. Not quite to that point yet, but you are definitely on my "painters" list. :) Do you have any pics of your work? I'm trying to get Column5 to do some as well, but he has a pretty full plate I think.
  7. Here's John's MOD in the game... nice work!
  8. It's going to be a while before it's released, but it will be worth the wait! :) I'll keep on posting progress pics. And at some point I will need some help with various things. So some of you may be enlisted to help if you have time and want to. In these pics I added lights, the landing gear completely retracts now, and added working slats that not only pivot but slide in their tracks.
  9. Pretty cool how George W landed an S-3B Viking on the Abraham Lincoln (carrier) today! :D I went on the Lincoln back in 1992.
  10. How do I do that? I think I know what it is, just not sure how to apply it. It's when faces aren't rendered when they aren't showing, right?
  11. He's going away for 3 weeks. I'll see if I can fix it. I'm home for 3 weeks (a break!). :)
  12. Great picture of Tomcat launch, and EA-6B on deck....

    Having 12.5 years in the USAF, there are times I wish I were a squid. I'd love to have been on carriers! Nice pics!
  13. In summary, I think you'll get a much better reception from the community if you release with a pit! True, very true.
  14. In case you're wondering how I got those pics. I hit Control - F12 to enter the roaming (slew) view mode. Then position the view to get the best shots. When the gun is firing the ship is still thank goodness. :)
  15. Fixed and sent back to you. Lots of fun! I'd say release it as is (almost perfect) but then I'll adjust the Yaw limits so it won't shoot itself). But it's still way cool. The Anti-ship missions are a blast. I'm finally getting SAM launches every flight too! Woohoo!
  16. I'm probably going to do a beta release of my EA-6B without the cockpit, or at least a made cockpit waiting on mapping. I know it can take forever to get a model released but seriously, I've had so much fun flying mine even in the state it's in, I don't see any harm in releasing it this way for people to enjoy. Not saying that you should, that's just how I always am with new planes I come up with.
  17. Cool, I think you just made up my mind for me. ;)
  18. Folding wings, working slats (tied into flaps key), and more on the way. I did try various slat deployment methods but I'm happiest with having control over them. Otherwise it looks silly to fold the wings with them popped out. Folding wings work like this. Hit H key and the canopys go up. The moment they stop the wings slowly fold. Looks really cool. :) I'm so thrilled to be able to work on high poly models in such a fantastic sim engine. TK, thanks so much for a great sim that keeps improving daily! Note: plane is NOT texture mapped yet. Those colors are just polygon colors. It will look awesome when it's finished. Trust me.
  19. My middle initial is T, so I have one of them. ;) I love finding new things you can do to mod games. Just a hobby of mine. Especially SF!
  20. If I get enough good feedback to add her then, I will add this to the game.
  21. Chief, Do you think this plane would make a good add-on to SFP1? What sort of role could it play, did it carry missles or anything? Thx. If it seems doable then I just may. I love the way they look and sound. Saw some doing touch and goes at Subic Bay in 1996. Just awesome, along with Prowlers. I'm a huge fan of carrier ops. Love all the aircraft involved. (HUGE F-14 fan as well and can't wait to fly the one that someone has in the works).
  22. This game really needs carrier ops! Good story btw. :) Hey, isn't that a Viking or two on that carrier? I may or may not add this to the game. Not sure how much good it would do. But it would look cool if not anything else. Oh, to answer your question, I'd say probably close to a month or two for the EA-6B. To release a well modeled plane, good FM, and several skins just takes time. A sloooowww process.
  23. Made a good discovery tonight. You can pretty much make up any crew member name you want, as long as the system type is Pilot_Cockpit, it will work! Here's what I did, and another pic. ;) Got the seats in there as well (a-4 seats look the best to me for this plane). // Crew -------------------------------------------------- ------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.36,5.75,1.06 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=-0.36,5.75,0.73 MinExtentPosition=-0.43, 2.31,-0.19 MaxExtentPosition= 0.43, 3.30, 1.01 [CoPilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= ShowPilot=TRUE SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.34,5.75,1.06 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=0.34,5.75,0.73 MinExtentPosition=-0.43, 2.31,-0.19 MaxExtentPosition= 0.43, 3.30, 1.01 [Navigator] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT ShowPilot=TRUE PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.36,3.54,1.14 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=-0.36,3.54,0.81 MinExtentPosition=-0.55,13.80,-0.42 MaxExtentPosition=-0.10,14.61, 1.10 [EWO] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT ShowPilot=TRUE PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.34,3.54,1.14 SeatModelName=seat_a-4 SeatPosition=0.34,3.54,0.81 MinExtentPosition=-0.55,13.80,-0.42 MaxExtentPosition=-0.10,14.61, 1.10

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