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Everything posted by Hawker

  1. Key Operated Canopy Mod By request of some, the "H" key now operates all working canopies in the game. The steerable nose gears are also in this MOD as well. The F-4F is included, as it was missed on my first two MODs, in this I'm refering to just the F4f_data.ini file, not the airplane, which can be downloaded here at Biohaz. Read the included ReadMe file for install instructions (same as before). The reason I like the speed operated canopies is that all your wingmen, and any plane with working canopies has them open and shut during taxi. With the key operated mod only you'll only see YOUR plane's canopy open/shut. So it's up to you as to which you prefer. Enjoy! Hawker
  2. I'm just "itchin" to fly this plane! It looks so good. :D
  3. UPDATE! April 7, 2003 Ver. 3 now available down below. Canopies have been slowed down quite a bit opening and closing and look much better this way. The file link is below, scroll way down. ********************************************************* (Many pics in here, note the nose gears and canopies) This really bothered me from the first moment I flew SFP1. I can't stand taxiing around an airfield and seeing the nose gear NOT turn. So... I've been doing lots of editing tonight to the aircraft_data.ini files and have gotten most NLG's to turn. Here are my findings. A-4B - Good w/ working canopy for all A-4s. A-4C - Good A-4E - Good F-4B - Good w/ working canopy for all F-4s. F-4C - Good F-4D - Good F-4E - Good F-4N - Good F-100D - Good w/ working canopy. F-104G - Good w/ working canopy. F-105D - Good IL-28 - Good SU-7BM - Good w/ working canopy. AN-12 - no moving strut parts, won't work. F-86F - NLG steers but is oriented wrong. Gear turned 90 deg's upon mission startup. It's supposed to be forward rolling. F-89C - Needs aircraft_data file Canopies work on all Migs! MiG-15 - has no moving strut parts, won't work MiG-17F - has no moving strut parts, won't work MiG-19S - should work, has moving parts, need more LOD info. MiG-21F - same as above, need more LOD info (same for all 21s) SU-15F - same as above, need more LOD info TU-22 - Works but is reversed (Left input results in NLG turning right) If someone can point me to a program that can allow me to see the text in the LOD files, then I should be able to get just about all planes working well. A Zip file is now posted below in this thread of this mod. I'm also working on opening Canopy's using the H key (for arrestor hook). Many of the planes work now. More to come.
  4. Thanks Jeff, I really appreciate it! And here is Version 3 again, this time with the F-4F enclosed. Thanks to "Doghouse" Don for bringing it to my attention. Just do the same old thing where you unzip to your C drive. I just through it in without updating the readme file, but now at least you know it's included.
  5. How do you guys like the sound changes? The Doppler is kinda cool I think on the cannons.
  6. I forgot to add this, a decent mission builder where you can create fun missions in a similar fashion to the very old but fun Chuck Yeager's Air Combat! That would kick butt. :)
  7. I'll mess with it some more tonight and let you know how I got it to "somewhat" work.
  8. Is there a complete guide that explains everything in detail for going from a 3D model (broken down into proper parts-naming) to a working flying airplane in SFP1? I really need a guide like this so I can start working some ideas. I do have all the video tutorials already, but if anyone can point me to a complete one I'd really appreciate it. Thx
  9. Thanks for the tips and I know all sims are similar, but I need specifics for getting models into SFP1. Each sim has it's own way of doing this, converting/importing files, alignment of parts, etc, so what works for IL-2 most likely won't be the same in this sim. That Skunkworks site is a good place to start, so thanks for that.
  10. Oh man, look at this. This game will rock! http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=1607 I hope SFP1 will incorporate this in the future.
  11. There's no guide anywhere (yet)? I'm just curious how you guys who have built new add-on planes learned how to do it. I can do 3D modeling, it's just getting it all into the game the right way that has me stumped. Thx
  12. Thanks ext. :) Glad to hear it. Capun, Just add the line AnimationID=9 and then it should work. You shouldn't have to do anything with "modelnodename."
  13. It's one of the A-4s, I'm not sure which one, but it has a wiper on it. If you simply change the Tailhook animationID to 9 I think it was it will work by pressing the H key. But it's getting the animation to keep repeating that's the kicker. Not sure how to do that. So just change whatever it says for Tailhook to 9 and you can go from there.
  14. Here is the zip file again, version 3. Canopies have been slowed down quite a bit opening and closing and look much better this way. Have fun. Hawker
  15. I agree! I love the A-6 and any variants. Especially the EA-6B! :D Can't wait for the A-7 as well. I've always loved that plane.
  16. Armourdave, Where did you learn to bring a model into the game? I'm looking for a guide to start some projects but am in the dark about how to go about it. Thanks. Btw your "Thud" is great! Thanks for your time and effort. :)
  17. Fantastic! Wow, they really took a lot of effort you two. Thanks very much. Great detail/pics. :D
  18. Project-1 to USAF hummm?

    Did they ever fix the "slow motion" feel that this game has? If it were sped up just a small bit it would make me come back for more. Thanks
  19. Thanks, all the appreciation is great and pretty much unexpected. So I appreciate it. :) Yes, it can be slowed down. I'll adjust all of the canopies and make a version 3 post in a day or two. Will start this today after work. Still not much luck with the windshield wiper on the A-4 yet. It's animationID=9 in case anyone wants to try and get it working right. I was able to use the H key to watch it move from left to right then stop, but I have no idea how to have it repeat it's movement.
  20. I like the 2nd one. Personal preference though really. Nice job!
  21. Capun, I was thinking of new things to try with the views. That's an obviously great idea to "check 6." Good work. I'll mess with it some more too. Thanks
  22. If you need help getting the NLG steering working, just let me know. I'd be glad to do it for that great looking Draken. :D
  23. Thanks! I did try to mod the B-52 but it's pretty tricky. I don't think it will work how it is now unless struts and pistons are added to the gears. Would be cool though if it gets updated, I'd certainly work on it to get the NLG steering working.

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