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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. where can I get this game?

    And why do you post it at the naval simulation forum? You can get it at TK's site: http://www.thirdwire.com/
  2. PTO question

    There is one at the A-team site. I think.
  3. What kind of issues? please tell me , because if you don't tell me what is not working properly in your installation I won't be able to improve the add-on in the future.
  4. After learning how to deal with 3dmax and it basic issues I've been able to convert a FSX model of the Principe de Asturias carrier into SF2.... It is still very very primitive but Its looking good as I keep working on it... So here you have the first pic , I've been working on the deck of the carrier (A low res one) and the result is quite good as it is the first time I do this: Any advise or help will be welcome.... Cangas
  5. 1) Only Maverick missiles for A/G with the Harrier it is 100% correct 2) About the tornado, it is wierd , but It could be. You should solve the problem Installing this add-ons: http://combatace.com/files/file/13929-weapons-pack-2/ http://combatace.com/files/file/12731-tornado-ecrids-pack-italian-v10/ Try this .
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strike_Fighters_2 Distribution Digital Download Only The only version of the game you can buy in a shop is the SFP1 series.
  7. In fact , jagl04 I tried to contact you via PM at sim-outhouse forum like one year ago with no answer. After 2 months , and with no answer from you, I decided to post here my conversion with the best of my intentions ,and hoping, that posting it here could help you to contact me ,and maybe, finishing a possible the conversion to SF2. And 10 months after that ( that it is today), you came here accusing me of doing a dishonest work with what it is supposed to be your work , when the only thing I did was trying to get to know the use of 3dmax and other 3d software at the early stages of my learning period with that kind of software, and I want you to know that I've NEVER , NEVER thought to post a finished model without knowledge. But don't worry because the conversion make the model almost useless and I lost it in a HD crash a few months ago. This discussion is pointless ,and I have a couple of questions about this affaire wich I find really weird. So If you have any doubt please don't hesitate to contact me via PM. By talking people understand each other. Bien, cordialement FRPignon
  8. Here my WIP list: Terrains: Mali , (New HD tiles already done) and new targeting Europe Total war (Mainly targeting) Aircraft: F-4J Phantom skins , 17 are done plus 2 generic skins F-4B Phantom skins. 2 HD generic grey skins European F-18 Hornet super pack
  9. Oh lá lá My model represents a totally accurate SCB-110 1.1 version of the Midway class aircraft carrier. That means that you have a totally accurate CV-42 from 1956 up to 1978 and a totally accurate CV-41 from 1958 up to 1966 and CV-43 from 1957 up to 1970. Ok, so you prefer to have this version: Don't worry you can get it here: http://yankeeairpirate.net/yankee-air-pirate-3/
  10. Have you ever seen this? http://combatace.com/files/file/14952-midway-class-aircraft-carrier-scb-110/
  11. Really? Not enough? Did you try the new Midway class? By the way the forrestal class is in appearance very close to the Kitty Hawk class , and futhermore there is a CV-60 model avaible for Strike Fighters game series somewhere.
  12. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    That was during the Clone wars. After that and during the Imperial time Stromtoopers were mainly "normal guys" not clones.
  13. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    I CAN'T Wait
  14. Catalan? Use english is a more international language. PD: It is Translating not traducing Traducing means..... "To cause humiliation or disgrace to by making malicious and false statements. See Synonyms at malign"
  15. Jurassic World Trailer

    Looks good , but it has nothing to do with the original saga. It is like a reboot.
  16. Version 2.0


    ________________________________________________________________________________________________ From now on , this new update: http://combatace.com/files/file/15169-operation-odyssey-dawn-update/ It is mandatory to be applied over this MOD. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opération Harmattan---------Operation Ellamy---------Operation Odyssey Dawn--------Operation Freedom Falcon----------Operación Amanecer de la Odisea---------Operation Mobile Version 2.0 HD This is the definitive version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD. It includes a highly reworked version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD also avaible here at CA. As it is a big package and those are usually difficult to handle by some users I'm going to explain with the higher ammount of details how to install it and how to work with it , so please guys READ this README. 1) Requirements * A very powefull computer at LEAST with an intel core i5 and 6Gb of RAM, if not loading times will be crazy and gaming horrible as the CPU won't afford the MOD 2) Installation * Use a CLEAN , and when I say clean it is a CLEAN MOD folder * Path the game up to july 2013 if you don't do this the MOD won't work , so you are warned * Drop everything you have in the 3 .rar files and when it asks you to overwrite say: YES TO ALL * Rar files are at .rar5 format so please be sure that you use the lastest winrar version You can also use this program if you have problems unzipping the MOD: http://www.bandisoft.com/bandizip/ * Then everything should work 3) If you do the above things , you think that you fullfill the requirements and the MOD does not work properly, What to do? * Any PM sent to me regarding this question WON'T BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT , because I don't want to have 12 PM's asking me the same thing in 3 different languages. * So to solve the above point I've created a "problem template" , that you must fill and post at the file announce post of this MOD "problem Template" Installation you have: Path: Type of problem: Campaign working (YES/NO): Air unit of the campaign: Plane used by the air unit 4) Weapons They are included and based in RavenClaw's MOD so , if you miss some of them because I may have forgotten to add them just download this: http://combatace.com/files/file/13929-weapons-pack-2/ 5) Campaign There are more assest than in the original MOD however a lower number of them will be flyable. The reason is the use of many off-map bases. 6) Credits: "I approve of the mod" dmtdragon The Mirage Factory Cocas Dels eburger68 ianh755 Dave Sundowner JSF_Anggie Aleks1 JAT81500 Feedee Bobrock JeanBa Stratos Ice Man Logan4 Wrench Bongodriver Foxmonter DenissOliveira Ludo.m54 Centurion-1 Coupi Paulopanz Marcelo ace888 Brain32 wpnssgt Veltro2k Blackfish Sordo EricJ Eole2 RavenClaw_007 FastCargo Baddmeister YEYEYE Crusader Sillone104 WhiteBoySamurai frnt Kesselbrut I've I forgotten to mention someone , just tell me. Have fun. FRPignon
  17. Did you make the model?
  18. OK, I'm almost done with USN skins for the early F-4J , I'm missing these ones: VF-21 VF-121 VF-143 VF-154 I'll try to finish them at the end of this week.

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