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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. The game engine does not support any "specific" anti radiation missile targeting like the one that it is used for example in the HARM and that in other games, like F-18 Korea, is present. How to use it? Select the missile, search for a radar in the terrain, align your sight with the radar and shoot the missile, if the radar is on and nothing extrange appears the missile should hit the target.
  2. That's really odd. Try a manual landing everything should be fine.
  3. My basis for the CampaignV1 is the original campaign , so you did it right changing the name of the carrier. When I answered you I did not know what campaign you were using because you did not tell me that you were using the expantion pack campaign. Anyway you make it work, and this is the key.
  4. He is trying to sell us..... A pirate model right?
  5. The campaign file is already included in the rar file. You just have to drag all the contents from the .rar file into your MOD folder , and when it says overwrite , just press "yes to all" and it is done. You don't have to write anything.
  6. First I need to restore all the HD information that I could save , and then restart again. It will take a couple of weeks and then I'll see if I start again or if I wait a little bit.
  7. OK guys. Very very bad news. I had (today) an HD crash in my PC (The second one in the last 5 moths) so that means that I've totally lost everything iniside it. So this is the end of the this project by now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. FRPignon
  8. That solves the problem of the alignment but it does not solve the problem of the targets.ini.....
  9. Palpatine , nations can only be Enemy or Friendly , with that limitation your "what if" scenario between Argelia and Morocco can not be done in just one SF2 installation, as in my MOD both are considered as "enemies". Game engine has limitations, so, the campaigns will be with their current status: 1968----- Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Algeria (air units)+ Soviet (Ground and naval units) Status: Finished 1975----- Spain VS Morocco Status: WIP 1979----- Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Algeria (air units)+ Soviet (Ground and naval units) Status: In my mind 1986----- Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Algeria (air units)+ Soviet (Ground and naval units) Status: In my mind 1995----- Spain VS Algeria Status: In my mind 2005----- Spain +Portugal VS Morocco Status: Finished 2013----- Spain +Portugal VS Morocco Status: Finished I found nothing so they'll look like this:
  10. uhmmm Thanks Wrench, I've found pics an materials from 401 TFW F-100D's but none of them were from the period they were deployed at torrejon. Well, I must guess "More or less" how they should look.
  11. Ground war will be totally new. The red side has right now a 50% of being flyable. But first I'm going to finish the "blue" side. Important: I need pics of 401 Tactical fighter wing F-100's when they were deployed in Torrejon from 1966 to 1971, because I found nothing in the internet.
  12. I know , I was joking.
  13. Ok naval warfare. The terrain is giving me problems with the naval warfare. I'll try to include it, however I can't promise nothing. But what I can promise you is that F-70, F-80 Frigates FRAM II destroyers and the Dédalo will be included and reworked whatever I decide to add or not naval warfare.
  14. Rafale C/B/M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Problem solved....... Please post and suggest things , because that always happens, when you release the MOD all the suggestions come.
  16. So... the problem only happens with the EF-2000 Typhoon. And that also happens in other terrains, the aircraft never starts on ground.
  17. I insist in the issue. If someone has an idea, please tell me. Because I don't want to upload it, and then , someone complains about it, and suddenly the solution appears, but appears after uploading a 3 Gb package....
  18. Ok I have just made 2 different terrains: Version I: For 1975 , 2005 and 2013 Campaigns Version II: For 1968, 1979 and 1986 Campaigns Now a few pics of new aircraft: Everything is working fine however I have this small issue and I don't want to see people complaining once the MOD is released. The issue is the following. I've added a few airbases to the original terrain, however, they worki fine at single mission but at the campaign aircraft start on the air just about 2000 feet over base. The base is there and landable etc. Any idea? It is not something "important" but it is weird.
  19. I take note, That will cause me to create a new terrain , due to the targets.
  20. Ok here I show you brief summary of what's coming: 1968 Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Morocco+Argelia+ Soviets 1975 Spain VS Morocco 1979 Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Morocco+Argelia+ Soviets 1986 Spain+Portugal+USAF VS Morocco+Argelia+ Soviets 2005 Spain+Portugal VS Morocco 2013 Spain+Portugal VS Morocco And here a few pics: I really NEED information about USAF forces in Torrejon , that information is CRUCIAL if I don't have it the MOD won't be the same.
  21. An important update of this project is under development. So , take a look to this topic during this week if you want to see more.

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