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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. You mean this one...... It is impossible , the mesh that has the planes can only be deleted with the 3max source file, so if you want to do this contact with the creator of the ship. PD: I have plenty of information about the air unis but NOT from the escort vessels in the region....
  2. And new skins for this campaign... For sure that the F-111 will be there
  3. Amazing guys, I'm learning a lot of things with all of you!!
  4. Jonathan, what kind of prorgram did you use to create the video? Fraps?
  5. Bump mapping is something interesting , however I think that it is more "advance skinning" than "basic Skinning" . So russouk2004 how can you create bumpmaps?
  6. Yep.... I should have use this as the base: However most of the times you want to skin an "already skinned" aircraft and therefore you don't have the "solid" uv map... I just wanted to show to everyone the basis
  7. Historical european naval airframes
  8. Ok now we are going to work with the panels... First of all we must find a pic that has the panels of the aircraft for example this one: And then we start to draw them , to do this we do the following , we choose the layer "panels" and , as it is transparent we can work with it having another pic below the panels to help us drawing them. So once we do this, we us the option free select. Then we draw the panels following the reference And we have this. Then we are going to paint the panels , in this case I'm going to use a grey color , to do this we use the "airbrush" set with an opacity of 100% Once we are done we activate again the "color" layer and... There are different ways of doing this , this is the easiest so that's why I've chosen it. Then we are going to make more real panels by applying over them a small layer of airbrush with a low oppacity , so wtih the same color we choose and oppacity of 33.1% (Or other) and then we paint manually over the already created panels. And this is the result. And we keep going and...... Much better.... Then we can create a new layer called dirty , to make "dirty" the skin with the same technique described in the previous step You can try with different colors , oppacities etc... It is up to you, and the more amount of time you use , the better. Then we create a new layer called "bleu" in order to create the camo of the wing , to draw it we use again the free select option And then we paint it with the airbrush Now something very important. The herarchy of the layers. Let's assume we have these layers 1,2,3,4,5,6 Layer 4 affects to layers 5 and 6 if all of them are activated , and layer 1 affects to layers 2,3,4,5,6, if they are activated, so if the colors of the plane are for example at layer 1 and panels and dirty at layers 3 and 4 the panels and dirty won't be visible so the colors must be one of the "last" layers and the panels on the "first" layers. As you can see here: Then finally we do the cocarde for example, and we can export the template. Then, we save the image as XXXXX.psd And we press ok. And it is done. And now if you want to export the skin , you just choose the layers you want to see and then export it but at .jpg or .bmp and it is done. Any question , suggestion, please post it here.
  9. I have no idea about 3d modeling, but I can texturize the model I have experience with that.
  10. You should create the panels , they will make it more realism.
  11. Sundowner, I have this in my computer if you are interested on them send my a PM they are 100% historical
  12. The project itself was my idea , in fact I'm somehow the "manager" of the project. Whiteboysamurai you are the best ship builder of the SF series so both Acesfakia and me , and everyone in general would be delighted if you can help us with the project.
  13. I also agree , however they are the best SFP1 (Edit: Also SF2) Forrestal class ship avaible.
  14. That's the problem because I don't know who made it. So I can not upload anything unless I know the name of the modder who made the carrier.
  15. All them have them , real life issues , like Wrench would say, are more important than modding and some of them (us) can not expend as many time modding as they desired. Life is not only modding Antares, you should me more patient cher ami.
  16. No no Macelena it is not the A-team's Forrestal , it is another one I found like 6 or 5 years ago in a very very rare bulgarian or russian page (It was in ciliric) , the ship was made for SFP1 and I've modded it up to SFNA standards
  17. If the .LOD file was exported with SF2 standards , that's it with the SF2 plug-in..... it is just imposible if not, it is possible with a huge folder/.ini editing work
  18. 1) The Post should be more suitable at the SF2 section. [Now everything is right ;) ] 2) Try to use english , even using a translator , but use it , I will make things easier to understand 3) Take a look to this pic and see the number of the carrier:
  19. New F-18 skins..... for a huge project that is coming ;)

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