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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Yes and No , I sent to you a tile to be modified, and I think you did not see it I Agree
  2. I got it.... the mesh was: VIFS55
  3. It needs a totally new 3D model so forget about it.
  4. Could any of you tell me the mesh name that includes this antenna? It is very important for me to know it. Thanks in advance.
  5. Alt+F12..... The screens will look different , try it
  6. Just wondering if there are some of them over there and if not If you could give me feedback to make them. Why i need them? Something related with Libya :) Cheers
  7. The name of the topic tells you what I'd like to know, the Super Entendard Cockpit Node names , if any of you can tell them to me.... Thanks in advance
  8. Did you send me a PM? I did not receive it
  9. If you can all the nodes.... If not just the node of the "box" below de cockpit I mean this..... BTW: It is possible just by .ini editing to move the radar scope? Just wondering...
  10. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    Why? Money , with catapults and arresting wires the cost would rise a lot. And also the mainteneance of the ship.
  11. One of my favourites films... I really love this superb scene!!!! I've whatched it in 4 languages, which one is the best for all of you? French English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPu8qAvWuLw Spanish Italian
  12. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    Who else have them? Oh yes the USA..
  13. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    65.000 tonnes for operating STOVL aircraft.......... An out of a maximun possible purchase of 138 F-35B's the UK has only confirmed by now 38 , of which I suppose the will operate with preference in the RAF and they won't be in service in a few years...... Excesive , a more "compact" solution should be made, in my opinion , if you want to make a supercarrier made a real CATOBAR supercarrier like the US but this is really expensive..... Sincerely ,I think that the Royal Navy would have been built a carrier with a smaller size, like the size of the Italian Cavour for example . As I said 65.000 tones for STOVL operations, I'm my opinion is excesive.
  14. F-4K Phantom II HD , with the fleet at early 70's, the last of the RN tailhookers
  15. And the World Cup has begun

    Pas du tout!!! Did you see the match with Mexico? Are you talking seriously? The best team of the octofinals by now were France and Colombia by far.
  16. Ok... just a question of reading.... I copy and paste what Whiteknight06604 wrote a few weeks ago: http://combatace.com/topic/82938-cobra-ah-1/ "There are a few on the A-team site but due to family/work The site is not going to be responding to access emails until the middle of july. There are some in the Yankee air pirate mod and there is a recent WIP post in the SF1 section here." That's why you have not get the access.........
  17. The A-team has that policy, If you don't like it and/or you have troubles getting access to the download section It is your problem . You can not ask for another one's account because I'm sure that this action does not meet with the rules of this site and any other site with downloads.
  18. Does any of you know how can I solve the problem of this "white line" over the water , it only happens in the water I think that the problem may be at the Terrain data.ini. Thanks in advance.

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