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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Thanks Peyo I've just read that info here: http://www.ecpad.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/daguet.pdf Le Clem was sent there escorted by the Colbert whereas the Foch was kept in alert at Toulon.
  2. I think that the problem is that you are executing the game under a path older than April 12 , so that no jpg textures can be loaded. The F-1 textures are in jpg.
  3. Mirage 2000 Ready: I'm wondering if any of you could provide me this cockpit. I've asked for it to his "builder" Brain32 bu with no response by now... :s I'm done otherwise. Waiting for permissions and it will be uploaded. Cangas
  4. In the Op Daguet France deployed up to 60 Gazelle's and we have them here at CA.
  5. Now all the Jaguars from the 11e Escadre are ready: Now I'll start with the Mirage 2000. Please feel free to post your thoughts here as it seems that you are not very enthusiastic with this WIP. Cangas
  6. Mayúsculas en la web = Gritos vida real... Please be carefull with the way of writing.
  7. All the F-1 skins are done as well as the loadouts: Here we have a F-1 from squadron "Moselle" with Sead configuration consisting on one ARMAT missile as two Matra LRF1 rocket pods: Here a F-1 from squadron "Belfort" with CAS confiiguration: And finally a new French Pilot......More adecuate to operate at the desert: Much more coming..... You will like it I hope.... Cangas
  8. Look here: http://combatace.com...storical-notes/
  9. Ok people here I'am.... I've started with the Mirages F-1 . I used as base the original Mirage Factory F-1 with a new refueling probe by Cocas , as the CR in deveploment by Ludo Centurion and the other guys is not ready and avaible I must use this one... I've done a correct Skin , and markings here you have the result for a CR of the 2/33 Savoie I've reworked the loadouts for Strike and for SEAD missions (I have no pics of them by now) Hope you like it. Cangas
  10. Mali Terrain for SF2 (Beta)

    Version 0.1


    Mali terrain for SF2 It is still a beta one but as I don't have enough time and I know that many of you desire to fly here.... here it is. Installation: Just Drag all the files in the rar file into your mod folder Credits: TileSet--- TK Terrain, Targets etc etc etc--- Cangas Many thanks to Wrench , without him this add on would have been imposible. If you want to use this Terrain at any MOD please send me a PM asking for permission before uploading it. Have Fun Cangas
  11. Mali Terrain for SF2 (Beta)

    Important remark: There is only one "small" red base, if you choose a plane from an "enemy" country (Soviet Union, India , Venezuela china etc) be carefull that it can take off from a small airbase if not you will get a CTD . You are warned.
  12. Mali Terrain for SF2 (Beta)

    Only one at Kidal.
  13. File Name: Mali Terrain for SF2 (Beta) File Submitter: cangas File Submitted: 08 February 2014 File Category: Full Terrains Mali terrain for SF2 It is still a beta one but as I don't have enough time and I know that many of you desire to fly here.... here it is. Installation: Just Drag all the files in the rar file into your mod folder Credits: TileSet--- TK Terrain, Targets etc etc etc--- Cangas Many thanks to Wrench , without him this add on would have been imposible. If you want to use this Terrain at any MOD please send me a PM asking for permission before uploading it. Have Fun Cangas Click here to download this file
  14. Try to do this, is much faster.
  15. Did you check that your MOD folder was really at "Saved games"?
  16. July 1984 USS America is at the mediterranean sea performing naval exercises with french, british and spanish units. Suddenly, during the exercises. the Soviet union attacks Germany starting world war III. NATO command, then, orders to the this ally group to search and destroy any soviet ship in the region....... That's why I had started this other topic: http://combatace.com/topic/81609-carrier-air-wing-1-in-1984/ Hope you like it. Cangas
  17. But they aure going to upload them here? Or if you want them you must pay for them?
  18. It is this source good enough? http://www.revistanaval.com/www-alojados/armada/flotaero/av8a.htm
  19. Oppsss..... I'm much faster than Alain and Seb...at least in this game...
  20. Hello to all I've started to make my first terrain........ And as it is the first one I would to shate with you it development... It covers the north-west african coast, covering the canary Islands, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal , Burkina Faso and Mali (opération Serval) etc That's what I've obtained by now: More things coming...
  21. In 1984 it was the USS America the carrier at that region. And for the Kitty Hawk class we have good models. The Stock one for example.
  22. Italy is back: The Italian navy Sea King skin was made by me. And the fourth pic shows the "Vittorio Venetto" cruiser.... It is a Fearless class landing ship repainted... it is the closest thing we have avaible.... And I've also added as you can see soviet subs and the Italian destroyers "Impavido" and "Intrepido". If nothing comes to my mind during the newxt 2 or 3 days I will upload it. For sure If you have any suggestion please tell me. Cangas
  23. As I have now the campaign ends in just a mission... but I don't want to make a long campaign... Yes As soon as possible It is a short and easy campaign I promise you that I'll try to have it for this week end.

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