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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. This map has any relation with the anatolia project or it is a new map which is being developed by you or by other guys in the CA?
  2. Thank you for your information Wrench. Anyway, I've stopped working with the Rafale (By now) because I started to add to the campaign the new vipers which were recently add to Combat Ace by Dave. I have to admit that the project is having an amazing quality.
  3. Yes I know that, but before modifying the Data file of a plane , I should ask for permission from the guy who did it.
  4. I've made a skin for the version "M" The only problem is the tail hook........
  5. I'm considering to use the superb European MLU Viper pack recently added to CA by Dave. Instead of using the vipers of the Mirage Factory. What do you think?
  6. The swedish played an important role in the campaign Le Rafale est arrivé!!!!
  7. Ok guys here I'am again after a long time (But, all of you know how the MODS work ).....As you know we have a superb Rafale C made by CadeteBRA, that I will include, although we are still wating for the version "M". In fact , I've found this in the internet: http://msfoxhound.blogspot.com.es/2011/08/rafale-m.html A Rafale M made by someone but the link does not work at all
  8. More things coming soon during easter holidays
  9. Yes....you are right. I did it on purpouse because I want to have a scheme of the campaign before adding all the "real" staff. Is there any campaign editor for SF2? Where can I find it? Because i had one for SFP1 that , does not work with Sf2 and I'm getting tired with the text editor.
  10. About the Rafale.....we will have to wait. I've talked with Jat who is developing it, he told me that he is working on it as much as possible in order to have it ready. So, by now, we will only be able to fly Mirages and Super Etendards.
  11. I have the Rafale B working but with no "genunine cockpit" and no fuel tanks..moreover the model has low poly......so....Does any of you know anything about other Rafales , for the SF community apart from the one that we can find in cplengineeringllc.?
  12. Spanish wings over Libya: And the europeans Vipers: But Gadaffi is still there....
  13. Yes, the French used 6 Mirage 2000-5F from the squadron "Cigognes" in order to cover their "Big brothers" , the 2000D's during the first moths. They even made joint air to air missions with Mirages 2000 from the UAE Summing up, I would like to have the next planes and Forces: France: Armée de l'air: Mirage 20005F (Working) Mirage 2000D (Working) Mirage 2000N (Not sure if it was used) Rafale B (I have a SFP1 version with a F-15 eagle cockpit which i've just converted into SF2 standard) KC-135F (I may do a skin) Marine Nationale: Rafale M (Someone in the forum has a beta version of it, Do you know who is him?) Super Etendard (Working) UK RAF: Tornado Gr4 (Working) Typoon (Working) Spain EF/A-18 Hornet M (Working) Canada CF/A-18 Hornet (Working) Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands: F-16 (Working) Italy: Tornado (Working) Typhoon (Working) Harrier (Working) USA USAF: F-15 (Working) and F-16 (Working) USN F-18E (Working) and F-18F (Working) USMC Harrier Ships: R-91 Charles de Gaulle (Converted from SFp1) USS Entreprise (Stock aircraft carrier from TK series) Giussepe Garibaldi (From SFp1) If I don't forget anything...I will be adding things as soon as posible in order to have it done.
  14. Armée de l'Air SEPECAT Jaguar

    Merci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finalement , un skin française du Jaguar!!
  15. Ok , I've been using SFG since 2007 in my old computer. A few weeks ago I bought a new one and I installed my SFG and all the MODS in my new computer. The clean instalation of the game worked properly , but that did not happen with all the MODS, so I said, Let's buy SF2, because this should work fine. I bought it, I installed it, it worked and It created the MODS file. So I downloaded the Mirage 2000 Pack by The Mirage Factory, I've installed it correctly, all was OK, but when I started the game there was not Mirage in the plane list. The problem is that I think that I have done all OK, but for any reason it does not work. So if someone could help me with this............ Thank you guys.
  16. I've just solved the problem. I was putting the MODS in the wrong directory.
  17. This add on is only for SF2 or the Mirage Factory is going to release another one for SF1 WOX?

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