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Posts posted by Peugeot205

  1. It happens with USS Saratoga and USS Coral Sea. Instead on Saratoga I get placed inside USS South Carolina, and instead on Coral Sea I get placed inside USS California upon loading, and thus exploding.


    Also, what SF2 title .exe shoud I use to create the copy for the mod file for this campaign? Or it doesn't matter at all?

    Extrange. Send me a copy of the campaign files in a PM.


    The .exe shouldn't matter as long as you have SF2NA-

  2. Installation: SF2 full merged


    Path: D:\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 El Dorado


    Problem: Airplanes expolding inside carriers upon loading the mission in campaign


    Campaign working: Yes


    Air unit of the campaign: All of them


    Plane used by the air unit: All of them



    Any clue?. I guess something with carrier's ini. but not sure exactly what...


    In which carriers are you having troubles?

  3. I had corrected the problems of trees on runways but :

    There are houses on runways which must be deleted

    The runways must be flattened

    The airfields must be corrected as they are not historical

    The landscape is made of savanna, should be savana in the South and dense forest in the North and at high altitude

    Rivers, lakes and dams must be added (dams were targets)

    In general targets must be tuned



    That's quite easy to do , it takes many time, but it's easy, with Mue's target editor , Gerwin TFD and TK's terrain editor it can be easily done. Time and patience are the main constrains.


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