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Posts posted by D-91

  1. What you need is called "nose wheel steering" and by default it is turned off. There's a light right to the left of the HUD, I think, that says "NWS". If it's dark, only your rudder moves with the pedals which mean taxiing under 100kts or so it's useless.

    I don't remember what the default key for it is since I have it mapped to my HOTAS, but look in the control assignment screen and you should see it there.

    The thing to remember is you want NWS off during take off itself because at 150kts tapping the rudders could cause some unwanted consequences. :biggrin: It's meant for taxi speeds only.


    Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.


    MigBuster, thank you very much aswell!


    The 'B' key.


    No, the 'B' key releases the airbrake, don't make me laugh.

  2. I'm having a serious problem with my rudders.

    After I learned how to start the engines and most of the F-16's systems, I tried to taxi before taking off and I couldn't.

    I saw the tail rudder moves but it has no influence on the wheels.

    After I pressed the "setup" button I was looking for the rudder's button and I found another one, it was called "Trim rudder", I customized it and tried to taxi again, nothing happened.

    Can anyone help me?


    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hey, guys.

    I'm getting Falcon 4.0 this sunday (June 8th 2008) and I'll have to learn the systems although I know most of the F-16's systems.

    I'll need some guides, can someone give me a site of Falcon guides or something?

    If so, I'd really appreciate it, thanks in advance.


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