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Everything posted by jomni

  1. I occasionally do the tactic mentioned above. Anyone able to do a Pugachev Cobra? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pugachev_Cobra
  2. In my case, the AI is more accurate in ground attack compared to myself. Especially rockets. Assigning targets useful in CAS so that you make full use of available ordinance. My wingman is also good at protecting my tail as long as I order him to do so before you break off an engage the enemy. They do have problems in the self preservation department...
  3. But in the this game, I don't get the desired results when I start using them because it also induces a roll... Spoils accuracy. I guess I need more practice.
  4. Up to you. But I'm collecting SF2 for the merged install. I still keep WOX games for complete conversion mods. So far, SF2V fixed the problem with Oct 08 patch (Noi Bai campaign bug). Some say that perfomance of SF2 series in XP has some performance issues when graphics are maxed out. But not when using Vista.
  5. F-100 and F-8 use the same Y shaped pylon. When I mean the same, both sides of the plane use exactly the same part (not mirror). So the symmetry is off. At least that's what I read from the TW forums. So the current setup is more realistic than the old one.
  6. Try redownloading. Here's a related thread at the Thirdwire site. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6428
  7. I believe F-16 will come with SF2:I. You will only play it in SF2:E if you've got a merged install.
  8. Go to download section and look for "Aces of North Vietnam". This is a full conversion of WOV though. What I did is got only the campaign files and the cockpits so that it can co-exist with my SF2 and SF2:V merged install. I also got Red Wings over Dhimar (campaign for SF).
  9. A Thank You To Erik

    Thanks. Keep the hackers away.
  10. From what TK told me during the early days of SF2, the expansion will work on both platforms (SF2 series and original WOX). But I dunno if he's changing the plan this time.
  11. I loaded up the practice range terrain works with SF2. It comes with the Firebee unmanned drone for one-sided air-to-air combat.
  12. Aren't There any preset single missions with one-on-one settings in the game? I thought there was. You can access it in the Single Mission menu... Load Mission...
  13. Actually see the logic in the progression
  14. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    Wii beats both of them. Microsoft laying off workers. Sony still in the red. Nintendo is making a lot of money even in this economy. :D BTW, I own PS3 and enjoying it. But these days, I play more Thirdwire Sims. :D
  15. We now have two patches in the span of one month after release. SF2 series is the way to go as all the support seems to be going this way as well.
  16. I like the TW formula. Just add more planes and more campaigns and I'm happy. Korea or Falklands would be ok with me for now. Of course more modern battles are also ok... which comes with the necessary avionics upgrade.
  17. What are flares for?

    to divert heatseeking missiles? whoops! wrong forum.
  18. It looks pretty much like the first generation maps. Plane models and cockpits look better though. Better quality than the first generation and the existing mods (in my opinion).
  19. Yup but the new folder structure makes it more easier to manage. So just hope everyone jumps to the SF2 standard.
  20. Most will work but the new mod folder structure (all in your save games folder) will make complete conversion mods difficult to install.
  21. Having problems with Su-17. Is it just me? And when I tried flying this myself, I crashed instantly on the runway. Other Su-17 models are fine. I remembered I modded the Iraqi planes to play the Iraqi add-on campaign before the Patch. Maybe I should try a clean install.
  22. technical glitch? did you report this in the Third Wire forums already?
  23. I guess more modern planes are just so powerful that you have enough ordinance to get the mission done, hit more targets of opportunity, and get back alive. :) medals are awarded for going beyond mission objectives right?

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