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About pappavis

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  1. File Name: Rooivalk Helictoperfan sound File Submitter: pappavis File Submitted: 29 December 2004 File Category: DCS Sound Mods The Rooivalk attack helicopter -- born, bred, built and developed in South Africa, and operational since 2002 by the South African Airforce. Die Rooivalk helikopter is ontwikkeld, gebouw en ontplooid deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag. CONTACT: Michiel Erasmus pappavis@hotmail.com DOWNLOADS: http://www.netwerke.biz/pappavis/spelen For more pictures, factual information visit this website: http://www.fullhouse.co.za/rooivalk Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: South African airforce in Angola File Submitter: pappavis File Submitted: 29 Dec 2004 File Category: LOMAC Singleplayer Missions Angola Operations Recreating an airwar conflict in Southern Africa First mission in a campaign i am creating. In the period 1977 to 1989 the South African Airforce was involved in operations in former portuguese colony Angola. This campaign is based around actual missions flown by SAAF pilots. It is described in the book "Vlamgat" by former chief of the SA Airforce (and former F4 Phantom, RAAF veteran)Genl. Dick Lord. SAAF pilots had to take on superior weaponry far from homebase. Despite the overwhelming disadvantages, the SAAF pilots managed to succeed in their missions, eliminating permanent SAM sites and in later years going in for pinpoint strikes. CREDITS: Thought out and made by Michiel Erasmus ("pappavis") in dec-2003. http://www.netwerke.biz/pappavis Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: Loft bombing (tossbomb) demo track in Lo-mac 1.02 File Submitter: pappavis File Submitted: 29 Dec 2004 File Category: LOMAC Tracks/Videos/Tutorials INTRO: Lock On Air Combat simulation trackfile. DOEL: Su-33 SEAD loft bombing. MISSIE: Opstijgen van die vliegdekskip Admiraal Kuznezov, SEAD vlieg en weer land op die vliegdekskip. CREDITS: Piloot -- Michiel Erasmus --> pappavis@hotmail.com 15-okt-2004 lo-mac --> Eagle Dynamics http://www.lo-mac.com Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Su-33 and MiG-29 campaigns File Submitter: pappavis File Submitted: 29 Dec 2004 File Updated: 30 Dec 2004 File Category: LOMAC Campaigns "Украинские процедуры" -- Two campaigns for bothe the Su-33 and MiG-29. The MiG-29 campaign features 12 missons. Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: Su-33 Kh-41 antiship training File Submitter: pappavis File Submitted: 29 Dec 2004 File Category: LOMAC Tracks/Videos/Tutorials pappavis@hotmail.com presents: the Su-33 as antiship platform. To use the Kh-41 you need to assign as target waypoint with a ship as target. When you are within launch paramters the NP cueon the HUD will allow you to launch. Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    Angola Operations Recreating an airwar conflict in Southern Africa First mission in a campaign i am creating. In the period 1977 to 1989 the South African Airforce was involved in operations in former portuguese colony Angola. This campaign is based around actual missions flown by SAAF pilots. It is described in the book "Vlamgat" by former chief of the SA Airforce (and former F4 Phantom, RAAF veteran)Genl. Dick Lord. SAAF pilots had to take on superior weaponry far from homebase. Despite the overwhelming disadvantages, the SAAF pilots managed to succeed in their missions, eliminating permanent SAM sites and in later years going in for pinpoint strikes. CREDITS: Thought out and made by Michiel Erasmus ("pappavis") in dec-2003. http://www.netwerke.biz/pappavis
  7. Version


    INTRO: Lock On Air Combat simulation trackfile. DOEL: Su-33 SEAD loft bombing. MISSIE: Opstijgen van die vliegdekskip Admiraal Kuznezov, SEAD vlieg en weer land op die vliegdekskip. CREDITS: Piloot -- Michiel Erasmus --> pappavis@hotmail.com 15-okt-2004 lo-mac --> Eagle Dynamics http://www.lo-mac.com
  8. Su-33 and MiG-29 campaigns



    "Украинские процедуры" -- Two campaigns for bothe the Su-33 and MiG-29. The MiG-29 campaign features 12 missons.
  9. Version


    pappavis@hotmail.com presents: the Su-33 as antiship platform. To use the Kh-41 you need to assign as target waypoint with a ship as target. When you are within launch paramters the NP cueon the HUD will allow you to launch.
  10. Version


    The Rooivalk attack helicopter -- born, bred, built and developed in South Africa, and operational since 2002 by the South African Airforce. Die Rooivalk helikopter is ontwikkeld, gebouw en ontplooid deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag. CONTACT: Michiel Erasmus pappavis@hotmail.com DOWNLOADS: http://www.netwerke.biz/pappavis/spelen For more pictures, factual information visit this website: http://www.fullhouse.co.za/rooivalk

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