I haven't bought a Cougar HOTAS yet either, but have to do that and get a projector before my homebuilt sim is finished. The only thing I've ever heard about it is that the POTS-potentiators I believe its called that controls the stick axis, are sometimes problematic. Hopefully it's something that has been changed or fixed at the factory by now, but not for sure. I have some sim pics if anyone would like to see.
Hey Guys, I have the latest version of F4AF installed and was thinking of getting Hi-tiles. Is Hi-tiles compatible to the new version updates of AF or do you have to re-install fresh every time a new patch is released? Thanks \-_-/
Guys I'm confused. I went through all the superpaks and now have F4AF, but I thought that all other aircraft except f-16 variants were unflyable. How are you flying the F-22?