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Everything posted by duke_sc

  1. I've just installed this over WOE. Followed the instructions and what I've got is all the mission pages are fine, the loadout pages fine, aircraft fine, but when I fly a mission there is no target to destroy on the ground. Enemy aircraft appear okay but no ground targets to hit - although I do get the red square where it should be. The one part of the instructions I didn't get was about renaming the .cat file. If anyone still reads this board and knows where I'm going wrong, I'd be much obliged for a few pointers. Thanks
  2. Hi again, Thanks for the help guys. Yeah I should have been more specific about the version. To be honest I don't think sf2 or any of the other '2' theaters would run well on my pc. I've only got a 2ghz core 2 duo with 2gb ram and with WOV set at maximum settings (after modding) it starts to get a wee bit like a slide show. And that's with a half decent hd6750 1gb. I'm quite happy with the graphics and stuff of the older ones, it's just that i'm addicted to adding stuff - especially new theaters of operation :) @usafphantom2 So, will the instructions for the cat file not work any magic in my version of KAW? I tried an anti ship mission last night and there turned out to be three ships waiting - encouraging? Or will the ground missions still not work? cheers,
  3. Would it be: SF2 KAW Misc Items Pak ?? And is it ok to install SF2 stuff into a WOE 1 modded with KAW? Thanks Apologies. I'm very much new around the forum and didn't realise I'd posted in the wrong place. I've changed it as per your instructions. Not sure if it worked.. first mission was to destroy ammo dump, but the target looked more like a block of flats?
  4. Korean Air War Complete Mod

    I've just installed this over WOE. Followed the instructions and what I've got is all the mission pages are fine, the loadout pages fine, aircraft fine, but when I fly a mission there is no target to destroy on the ground. Enemy aircraft appear okay but no ground targets to hit - although I do get the red square where it should be. The one part of the instructions I didn't get was about renaming the .cat file. If anyone still reads this board and knows where I'm going wrong, I'd be much obliged for a few pointers. Thanks

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