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Everything posted by PraetorH

  1. The Mirages were incapable of aerial refueling and had to operate at the very limit of their range, leaving at max 5min in combat. Thus the "long range"-part in my previous post. Wars are of course not won by what-ifs, agreed, in the case of the Falklands it was won thanks the French who did not deliver anymore Exocets and SuEs. Well, that, and the Aim-9L all aspect missile... http://www.airpower.au.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj02/fal02/corum.html
  2. Impressive yes, but more brutish than elegant if you ask me... It's in the eye of the beholder
  3. Think about it: five subsonic Superetendards with five Exocets sunk two British ships. A full squadron of supersonic long range jets, especially ones as formidable as the Tomcat, with an adequate number of missiles might have very easily turned the tides.
  4. Cool one, probably the most elegant jet Grumman ever built. Was overdue for an update! Any chance on a F-11F-1F Supertiger? With its J79-engine, APQ-50 radar, sparrows, and sidewinder launchrails on upper fuselage this one would have been a potent fighter: http://www.ginterbooks.com/NAVAL/NF44.htm
  5. Thanks again... I would not have done this, but with all this British marriage fuzz I could not resist Note the French armament.
  6. Top Gun ist einfach ein grandioser Film, weder tiefsinnig noch realistisch, aber die Storyelemente sind nicht nur klassisch sondern auch dramaturgisch gut umgesetzt.
  7. Thank you all! The Japanese Tomcat is loosly on this 1982 Phantom: Most Japanese Camo seemed rather uninspiring to me, so I chose this one although only few Phantoms had it... Ideas are always welcome of course.
  8. Thanks! So here, continuing the sacrilege, the Japanese Tomcats
  9. Talking about sacrilege... as Spinners put it so nicely, the cat seems to be a protected species http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-history-f14a-export.htm Does anybody has a good idea for a Japanese or Canadian paintscheme? Unfortunatly I am totally ignorant of their airforces.
  10. Was man so per Zufall ausgräbt: Offenbar hatte Grumman versucht, die Tomcat an Deutschland zu verkaufen! Tatsächlich wäre das ziemlich genau die Zeit gewesen, in der der Ersatz des Starfighters in der Jagdrolle anstand. http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-history-f14a-export.htm Das Teil war natürlich viel, viel, viel zu teuer für die Luftwaffe, aber seien wir ehrlich... die F-14 ist einfach saucool. Deshalb:
  11. Actually a neat idea. According to Joe Baugher the USAF's main reason for declining the Tomcat was the price tag attached to it. Operating this would have been expansive for sure, not to mention there was the F-15 coming up. The high costs also caused the lack of exports, although Grumman tried: http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-history-f14a-export.htm Quite some possibilites. Japanese Tomcats would be so cool, especially when busting Hawks during the attack on Pearl Harbor... Is there a template available?
  12. HD crash

    Das mag eine doofe Frage sein, aber hast du es schon einmal mit Datenrettungsprogrammen selbst versucht? Soetwas wie GetDataBack? Hat bei mir schon einmal funktioniert, als ich irgendwie die Dateistruktur zerstört habe, sodass Windows nicht drauf zugreifen konnte, aber die meisten Daten an sich noch intakt waren. Professionelle, die sich auf Datenrettung spezialisiert haben, verfügen zwar über wesentlich bessere Diagnosegeräte, aber am Ende arbeiten sie auch mit aufgeborten Versionen von Datenrettungsprogrammen. Primär zahlst du nämlich die Arbeitsstunden und du weißt, dass sich die Herren ITler gern gut bezahlen lassen...
  13. Poyekhali! April 12 1961 50 years ago

    The current Google-image is perfectly fitting... Regardless of ideology, he was the first man to go where no man has gone before. Salute! On a sad note, it is ironic that this man died in an old MiG-15.
  14. Great! Hope your work progresses well, so we can soon enjoy a VTOL Mirage :)
  15. I am sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I have some problems with the way the F-106 is flying. It may not be a bug but a feature, however I can barely control my plane when flying with speeds between 0.85-0.90 and 1.1-1.15 Mach (approximatly). I know all planes are a bit shaky in the transition from subsonic to supersonic speed, but it does not start that early (Mach 0.90) and it gets stable once Mach 1.00 is surpassed. Even worse the control problems are so bad that I sometimes dive or climb several dozens of feet due to uncontrolled nose-ups/downs. Also the sight gets so shaky it causes double vision, seeing two MiGs in my sight e.g. although only one is there. It is slightly better without tanks but not much. On another note, I never reached Mach 2 at any height... but that is probably my problem as I seldom reach it with any plane. I am using the NATO-fighters F-106 btw. and I hope you can help me.
  16. Thank you very much! That seems to have helped.
  17. way to many props here, and certainly not enough delta wings Presenting the Færøernes Kommando The small Faroe Islands in the Northern Atlantic are a remote, self-governing nation within the Kingdom of Denmark. They do not have military forces, so a Danish unit provides the air and naval assets to defend this country. Here is more info: http://forsvaret.dk/FRK/ENG/Pages/default.aspx And here is the fictional interceptor squadron using F-106, donning Starfighter paint schemes and Super Sabre numbers. Unfortunatly I do not speak Danish, so I could not provide Danish stenciling. Note the new radar screen, indicating this is not a Hughes MA-1, but a similar radar without SAGE integration. Also I tinted the sight in the tube. Early: Late: Pit: regards
  18. Schade! Wäre nämlich eine nette Alternative (pun intended) zu Lockheeds Lancer... Daran könnte man tatsächlich arbeiten. Es gab nämlich auch politischen Widerstand gegen die Einführung der F-4F, nicht nur wegen der massiv überschrittenen Kosten, sondern weil man befürchtete, die MBB-Werke könnten außen vor bleiben. Lockheeds Lancer war wegen der Verwendung vieler original F-104 Komponenten besonders geeignet, von diesen weitergebaut zu werden. Die Luftwaffe hatte aber genug vom Starfighter, weil das Hauptargument für ihn weggefallen war (Ersatz im Strike durch Tornado).
  19. Recently I read the AIM-4 made five kills in Vietnam with 48 attempted launches. This is only a little worse ratio than that of the Sidewinder and actually a better ratio than that of the Sparrow, even though the low number of AIM-4 launches does not allow making too many conclusions (one hit less and the ratio would have been much worse, one more, it would have been much better)... Nevertheless, it is even more surprising considering the undeniable limitations of the Falcon like the lack of a proximity fuse. I had expected a worse performance after reading how Olds e.g. spoke about the weapon. I have also heard the pilots in Vietnam did not really know how to use the AIM-4 properly. Is this true?
  20. Auch nett! Ich befürchte, das Teil wurde nie veröffentlicht..., oder?
  21. Very interesting! Would there be any way to put the limited coolant and more complicated firing sequence in game? Now this would be amazing... I imagine that lack of a proximity fuse was done to increase the kill probability when hitting a target. I have seen Sidewinders in game hitting bombers but they stay on target for they are hardly damaged. Not sure if this was like that in real life.
  22. Wow, I did not know that Still hard to imagine a slow jet like the Skyhawk to be used for air defence... Thanks!

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