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Everything posted by luk1978

  1. Hi, Stary! Pit, 2 skins and damage tga: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2H4Bb-mmJ8VWGJab1lZeC0yT2M/edit?usp=sharing Skins are low-res 2048x2048 bmp's. I will make a better 4096x4096 version a bit later. Required screenshot:
  2. Can NKPAF get some Il-10's too? Comrade Kim Il-Sung asking. )
  3. You must split winter season into 2 parts - from 11/15/ to 12/31 and from 1/1 to 3/14 [season001] Directory=Winter StartDate=1/1 EndDate=3/14 ScatteredChance=5 BrokenChance=50 OvercastChance=40 InclementChance=5 [season002] Directory=Spring StartDate=03/15 EndDate=06/14 ScatteredChance=3 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=20 InclementChance=10 [season003] Directory=Summer StartDate=06/15 EndDate=09/14 ScatteredChance=40 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=10 InclementChance=10 [season004] Directory=Autumn StartDate=09/15 EndDate=11/14 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season005] Directory=Winter StartDate=11/15 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=5 BrokenChance=50 OvercastChance=40 InclementChance=5
  4. Cold winter of 1950. Panthers heading Chosin Reservoir.
  5. Sadly there's nothing to do with AI planes. They are always fly randomly. "Naval Campaign" is a feature of SF2 North Atlantics and patches since July 2012. It adds escort ships to carriers and allows Task Forces to move and fight with each other. Previous games (SF2 Vietnam and other) don't have this mode. But some mods (Falklands War Redux, for ex.) can support naval battles. You can check your *campaign*_data.ini - if there is no NavalCampaign=TRUE string, then naval battles is disabled. That's what I mean: http://combatace.com/topic/71346-sf2-na-naval-combat-3rd-party-campaigns/
  6. You must have AircraftCapability=NIGHT_ONLY in your Data.ini. I'm getting about 80% of missions at dusk, dawn or night in KAW and VPAF dynamic campaigns using this parameter. There's only one thing: strange, but looks like NIGHT_ONLY don't work with naval campaigns.
  7. russouk2004 Not a GH5 bug, but terrain's HFD problem. IIRC, two NV airfields have this glitch. This can be fixed using TFD Editor. All airfield's tiles must be *flat* That's a 5 minutes work. Strange that nobody fixed it yet, because this glitch existing for years. Ahh, sorry... Almost forgot a screenshot:
  8. Hi all! I got an idea while flying Yak-9 over Korea. Yak-3 and Yak-9 have a similar cockpits, except the windshield. Is it possible to slightly change Kesselbrut's Yak-3 pit by adding flat windshield sides? Like this: I'm not a modeller, but maybe someone is interested? That would be useful for KAW and early WWII Yaks.
  9. For Yak-9 too, if someone will make new windshield... Anyway this pit looking way better than old one.
  10. Yak-15 cockpit by Stary. Looks good, IMO.
  11. Of course, Yak-23's pit is great, but it's not very similar to Yak-9's... Plus I already using it with Il-10.
  12. Tank battle near Seoul. Prokhorovka style.
  13. Stary's Green Hell 3.5 + SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion = Happiness
  14. I don't have NA, but my merged install is May2013 and it's allows Dx9. Well, as Crusader said before, disabling "new_panel-line backup" and "new_panel-line copy 2" via .ini fixed the problem. I think ini correction is enough, as it works fine now.
  15. IIRC there was the same problem with MiG-21 cockpits by Paladrian, and he fixed it: http://combatace.com/topic/58198-mig-21-white-cockpit-parts/ You can ask him how he done that.
  16. Of course, Stary: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzxRGFJuBSIEb3Z4dTFXLXFWZ0k/edit?usp=sharing
  17. Moved camera to get a full view... A FAT PILOT'S ASS?!!! I don't know what it is... Hope this will help to find that bugged part.
  18. Yes, seems like stick_base is OK. Both Mig-15 and La-11 cockpits have unassigned material for stick_base, but working fine... I'm using Dx10 and never seen this glitch before, but switching ForceDX9=TRUE makes white parts to appear:
  19. panel_mig19s [651 polys, 1091 verts] 'panele' stick_base [12 polys, 24 verts] 'ERROR: No material is assigned!' Stick [3266 polys, 2389 verts] '01 - Default' left_pedal [176 polys, 150 verts] 'panele' left_pedal_detail [128 polys, 258 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' right_pedal [176 polys, 150 verts] 'panele' right_pedal_detail [128 polys, 258 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' front_panel_screw10 [58 polys, 80 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' screw22 [58 polys, 76 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' canopy_all [10300 polys, 10390 verts] 'interior baked' From OUT file. Something wrong with stick, it's white too, as seen on the screenshot... UPD: Air_brake_light [2 polys, 4 verts] '22 - Default' generic_plate1 [86 polys, 52 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' generic_plate02 [86 polys, 52 verts] 'kokpit mig19s' new_panel-line backup [2688 polys, 1815 verts] 'ERROR: No material is assigned!' new_panel-line copy 2 [3264 polys, 2164 verts] 'ERROR: No material is assigned!'

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