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Everything posted by coolpilot

  1. This happenes when 3 Mig 17´s where chasing my wingman. They were flying very close to each other, I fired a sparrow and it hit one Mig-17 and the explosion damaged another one, the 3rd one broke off.
  2. Oops, I didn´t know. That´s the reason I said it was fictional, I knew I was going to get a date wrong.
  3. Try the KMD, it´s a good editor , but i use it for WoV, but i think it should work in WoE.
  4. Version


    Update: Changed aircraft from F-14B to Typhoid´s F-14A+, so you don´t have to edit the loadout anymore. Added 3 squadrons (1 flyable, 2 AI) : VF-213 and 2 A-6 squadrons *note: There are a lot (and I mean a very, very, very large LOT) of sams, so I recommend you increase the number of chaff to your F-14´s.Also, you´ll need Typhoid´s F-14A+ and the VF-213 skin for the Mirage Factory F-14A. My first attempt of creating a campaign. This a fictional campaign set in 1992 where 3 F-14 squadrons (VF-31,VF-103, and VF-154) are sent to Vietnam. You need the 3 versions of the F-14(A,B,D) what i did was i got TMF F-14A and Typhoid´s F-14D, then got fractalnoise´s avionics update and which comes with the B´s data and added it a skin. You need Fist of the fleet´s VF-103 and VF-31 skins (put the vf103 in the B version and the vf31 in the A and D versions) and the VF-154 skin which comes with either the avionics update or the F-14D (sorry I can´t remember which). Digital overload´s CVN75 Marcfighters SU-27 Boopidoo´s team SU-15 101 tfs´s (uploaded by Silverbolt) MiG-31 BM Note: You will have to modify the F-14B to carry bombs. If i forgot to mention anyone who worked on all the things I used contact me and I will put your name here. Just drop the "Tomcats in Vietnam" folder to the wings over vietnam/campaigns folder (you need the vietnamsea terrain) Remember it´s my first campaign so it won´t be perfect. If there´s any problem´s please tell me and I´ll try to fix them Happy flying
  5. Hello I´m new here and I have some questions: How can i add sounds to the game?, i got a sonic boom recording and i wanted to make it sound every time i got past mach 1 in the game. Does it strictly need to be a .wav file? the recording is a mp3 file. Thanks for the help.
  6. I need some help. I added my sonic boom recording to the soundlist.ini and modified the aircraftobject.ini, here is what i did: [baseSoundType] BreathingSoundName=Breathing WindSoundName=WindLoop StallSoundName=StallSound EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner DamagedEngineSoundName= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSoundName=Gear LandingSoundName=TireTouch MachSoundName=Sonicboom [WindSoundOpen] MinSpeed=25.0 MinVolume=10 MinVolumeSpeed=25.0 MaxVolume=100 MaxVolumeSpeed=100.0 MinFreq=0.8 MinFreqSpeed=25.0 MaxFreq=1.6 MaxFreqSpeed=300.0 [WindSoundClosed] MinSpeed=100.0 MinVolume=0 MinVolumeSpeed=100.0 MaxVolume=80 MaxVolumeSpeed=325.0 MinFreq=0.8 MinFreqSpeed=100.0 MaxFreq=1.6 MaxFreqSpeed=325.0 [MachSoundOpen] MinSpeed=325 MinVolume=0 MinVolumeSpeed=325.0 MaxVolume=100 MaxVolumeSpeed=330.0 MinFreq=0.8 MinFreqSpeed=325.0 MaxFreq=1.6 MaxFreqSpeed=330.0 [MachSoundClosed] MinSpeed=330 MinVolume=0 MinVolumeSpeed=330.0 MaxVolume=100 MaxVolumeSpeed=350.0 MinFreq=0.8 MinFreqSpeed=330.0 MaxFreq=1.6 MaxFreqSpeed=350.0 ------------------------------------------- and i added these to the F-14Ddata.ini (i´m using it as the test plane) [sound] WindSoundName=USNWind MachSoundName=Sonicboom StallSoundName=USNstall EngineSoundName=F110-1 AfterburnerSoundName=P&W_F100AB2 DamagedEngineSound=USNovsp FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear Is this the wrong procedure or does the sound need specific properties? I used blaze media pro to convert and edit the audio. It needs to have a 11.025 frequency and be monoaural, right?
  7. File Name: night carrier File Submitter: coolpilot File Submitted: 8 Nov 2008 File Updated: 21 Nov 2008 File Category: User Made Missions This is a modification to the stock carrier mission in Wings Over Vietnam. Changes: You use the F-4J The AI plane is an A-4F It is on Digital Overload´s CVN-75 Thanks to Digital Overload for his CVN-75 carrier, Thirdwire for the game, and kreelin for the KMD Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: New Flaps and Gear sounds File Submitter: coolpilot File Submitted: 9 Nov 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Sound Mods (Way cooler ) Flaps and Gear sounds for TW games. These are not mine, but thanks to whoever created or recorded them. Instructions in the read me.txt Click here to download this file
  9. New Flaps and Gear sounds



    (Way cooler ) Flaps and Gear sounds for TW games. These are not mine, but thanks to whoever created or recorded them. Instructions in the read me.txt
  10. night carrier



    This is a modification to the stock carrier mission in Wings Over Vietnam. Changes: You use the F-4J The AI plane is an A-4F It is on Digital Overload´s CVN-75 Thanks to Digital Overload for his CVN-75 carrier, Thirdwire for the game, and kreelin for the KMD
  11. FC is right. I have Vista and i haven´t had any trouble running the game with the latest patches.
  12. thanks a lot fubar when i finish it ill post it here
  13. Fubar, where can I find that? I´ve looked in all .ini´s from the flightdata.cat Am I looking in the correct spot?
  14. thanks which program can i use to convert the file?
  15. 1 F14D Super Tomcat 2 F14A Tomcat 3 F4 Phantom (any version, but generally ES Super Phantom )
  16. This is today´s traffic report: We strongly recommend all of you who need to cross the river to take any route but the Paul Doumar bridge because it is about to be blown to pieces by a GBU-10 launched from an F-14.
  17. The Person Below Me

    False, I am the most honest person in the world... no, wait its true The person below me gets shot down every single time he flies a russian aircraft
  18. File Name: CVN-75 Mission File Submitter: coolpilot File Submitted: 25 Oct 2008 File Category: User Made Missions This is a mission where you have to intercept bombers and fighters that are heading towards your carrier. You need the CVN-75 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2840 The F-14A http://www.column5.us/aircraft/SFP1_F-14a_..._V1.1-Light.exe The MiG 23 MS http://www.column5.us/aircraft/SFP1_Mig-23MS_V1.0.exe The TU-16G http://www.column5.us/aircraft/tu16g.7z Thanks to all the people who worked on all of those planes, thanks to Digital Overload for the CVN-75, and thanks to Kreelin for the mission editor I used to create this mission. This mission is for WoV Click here to download this file
  19. File Name: Ghardaka attack File Submitter: coolpilot File Submitted: 19 Oct 2008 File Updated: 20 Oct 2008 File Category: User Made Missions This is a mission based on the attack on Ghardaka airfield during the 6 day war. To install, just put it in your missions folder You need: Mirage IIIC (mirage factory) Israel 2 terrain Latest weapon pack You can find all of them here. Notes: This is my 1st mission, so don´t expect it to be perfect. This was tested in WoV, I don´t know if it works in the other TW games Click here to download this file

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