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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.


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Everything posted by Chicha

  1. Hi, thanks for your answer. I've installed the plugin, and it says it's loaded, but I can´t export as .Lod, it doesn't give me that option. Can you help me?
  2. Hi, I'm really new to the forum. It looks great. I just got the WoEurope and it's fantastic. I've done some models in 3DSMax9 and have downloaded your exporter, but I don't know how to use it. Could you explain it please? (how to put it into the game) or guide me to where the information is?, thanks. Regards

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