Hokey Smokes! I'm banging around the web looking for certain info regarding the 45th TRS Polka Dots and end up here. Nice RF-51! Maybe someone can help me. I have an iMac that I want to play sims (mostly WWII) on. What gear do I need? I'm new to this Mac and its OS. My Pop flew RF-51s with the 45th TRS from Nov 1951 thru Feb 1952 out of Kimpo (K-14), S. Korea. He flew 80 missions - I have his flight logs - and he created the squadron colors. Also have a "few" photos and slides he took of that period and memorabilia. So, you see my interest in this thread.
I have been playing Microsoft sims (Janes, Microsoft) on an older computer but have been interested in putting this iMac to work. Thanks.
Edit: BTW, if accuracy is the rule of the day, the pilots wore polka dot scarves and helmets. That's how the colors began - with one man's scarf and helmet.