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Everything posted by squid

  1. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    seen that F-86 ?
  2. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    World Of Planes development - Interview with one of the Alpha testers, a pilot again after "Macademic" a commercial pro pilot and WOP alpha tester and forum down to earth regular http://forum.gaijine...ot-hawkdriver9/ http://worldofplanes.ru/en/news/
  3. btw, he hasn't post any carrier related screens yet has he ? ......
  4. hmmm .... have you tried here ? : http://combatace.com/forum/270-thirdwire-sf2sf2vsf2esf2i-mods-skinning-chat/
  5. Whats the status with that ? *drools*
  6. i don't remember ever sightseeing in SF , not since i first installed WOI at least. There's nothing really out there to see (yet ...)
  7. i know lol i just love i have the chance to be silly here without getting banned
  8. [dont pay attention] http://thirdwire.com/images/main37.jpg [/dont pay attention]
  9. and some post-NA DLC preview. I think Lexx has the terrain almost ready
  10. and we already have the MiG-28s and all the aggressors. Working on the helmets as we speak i am telling you its the first time i see a TK model having issues
  11. hmmm politics ...... I guess there must be some reasoning behind his policies, wonder what it would be .... Given that for a decade he has been receiving a lot of appreciation and support i'd dare think that it would be only good for business (both his and CAs) to be interviewed in CA. On the other hand i don't know if he has been interviewed anywhere at all ever which would be also confusing as marketing goes. Strange ....
  12. personally i really like it all .... will wet my pants if i see a TK Korea ..... same too when i will see a Reds title .... and i adore the century fighters era But i cant escape the strong attraction of either the era i grew up in .... Tomcats, Hornets, Harriers, Jaguars, Tornados, Vipers, Mirages, the "mystery" and well hidden Fulcrums & Flankers .... i can't really grasp monogamy
  13. indeed and perfectly cool also no not patient now with christmas inbound and whole bunch of screenies !! have to somehow occupy ourselves
  14. Not many at all. actually none for some. Hornet nada. F-16 only Falcon 4 which is a no go for majority of people (including me) even in current BMS breakthrough. Fulcrum and Flanker i admit ofcourse are WONDERFULY offered by Flaming Cliffs, but since even the current SF2 status of avionics could perfectly model those two so why not ? (one day) (i have to admit though that i cant think what more i could ask from TW comparing with the current 3d party addons for those two .... wonderful work guys)
  15. i will scold him he can do both time directions in parallel he made one huge avionics step which initiated the most popularity i think with WOE and A-10 / F-15 (and completed with Israel and F-16). For me thats actually steping already for long time now deep in the main 80s cold war period very very close to Hornet, C Viper, Fulcrum & Flanker early days. It doesnt have to go beyond that. If he would upgrade avionics to some basic demands and to be able to include alpha Hornet , (which means also eg charlie Viper) that could perfectly model completely ( within the SF spirit ) the 80s-90s bubble - not much changed till now yet really except stealth anyways (wishful thinking lol)
  16. but 80s saw F/A-18A (& C) , F-16C (block 25/30), (F-15C?) Fulcrums and Flankers fully operational .... ____________________________________________________________ not to forget, interesting info here http://bbs.thirdwire...t=8693&start=40
  17. and F-1 was the result of a poll :P
  18. Carrier Vs Carrier (+ strategic birds)? hmmm why not ... maybe called to protect iceland and/or UK ? btw i think NA might probably open the path to "Gen III" Cold War level, Hornets (alongside tomcats, corsairs, phantoms on yankee carriers) , later block vipers, Fulcrum & Flanker ? (hehe)
  19. TK so far has been avoiding that kind of approach though ... not that there isn't a possible first time for everything :P Now if he called smth like Barents or Norwegian sea, would be easier to guess stuff. Me ignorant thinks ok lets say theres' no Warsaw Pact ground targets in this title, only intercepting long range soviet birds over water. Putting a Tomcat in a title without fighters opposition though doesn't make sense, where are fighters launched from to reach the tomcat's CAP range ?
  20. i have the impression that TK has been avoiding to create a theatre with a scenario condition predeternined. Although i really have no clue where the soviets would be storming from i dont think also the theatre would represent a possible situation and not a historic actual one. And thats another thing i like about TW series. The outcomes is up to the player but the start is based on where things were left to in RL. I thought until few days ago that probably the Tomcat release would be set in Libya - West Mediterranean. Now i am as puzzled as everyone else ( "good marketing" again ? lol )
  21. me? no . you know by now i have no expectations actually :D lol whatever TK publishes i say thanks and just post some poll from time to time in TW forum :P :P especially about terrains i would only care to see a revamped graphics wise new one wherever it is, hopefully with nice and lot of smooth mountains :D i just asked the question in regards to SF2 screens posted a while ago , some sort of connection ? i am just ignorant like that :P
  22. what are the chances that the europe map and the NA map would merge into one single double sized map (maybe)?

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