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Everything posted by squid

  1. I want to do those two things basically : - I want to change the F5 camera to fully roll together with the plane (like Shift-F5 "check six" does) - I want to be able to zoom the FOV in external view (either in F6 view itself or in a new camera) i messed already a little with the ini file (viewlist.ini i think it is?) : enabled FOV zoom = true in "external view" (not sure if thats the F6 or refers in general to all external views. i can't find specificaly the F6 view entry) and tried the "Focus to object only" (?) entry in F5 "chase" (i think is called "shoulder view" entry?) modified it to true, but the results were that zooming became FOV zoom in all external views, not just F6, and the camera in the chase F5 view although now bound to aircraft roll, moved on the plane (fin?) like the "check six" Shift-F5 view and also once hitting F5 now all views show the new F5 "chase view" instead of their original camera view
  2. File Name: 1680 x 1050 Mainscreen modification for SF2 (EXP2b Dec 2010) File Submitter: squid File Submitted: 05 December 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects 1680 x 1050 Mainscreen modification for SF2 (EXP2b Dec 2010) Just a first & simple attempt to make the SF2 series GUI more attractive, after my failed attempts to convert various nice menu mods for SF1 series (especially Kout's) or the very nice stock WOE one, for SF2. This is just a generic main screen modification (having Europe in mind). If i have time and won't loose interest in this, i may try extend the modification to specialized versions for Vietnam, Israel, Europe and go even further with the changes and work in all screens as well. Till then i am including the .PSD file also, feel free to play with it, (eg change the background image to your taste) Click here to download this file
  3. Thanks everybody and you are welcome. I am open to some requests, like to try different resolutions maybe if 1680x1050 isn't working for you etc I hope i will find soon free time enough and energy to continue working on this
  4. Is there maybe some new high quality complete F-16C (including pit) been worked on somewhere? or A Mirage 2000 maybe ?
  5. After almost 9 years at last we get mission editor, for $15 LoL :P I hope soon will get REPLAY too now that TW seems to be on a roll (those sell strategy ideas should had reached TK sooner :P) Thank god the TODs got fixed fast :) The Llighting ROCKS :D I never thought i'd like this "pregnant whale" i used to consider it of the ugliest planes ever. Great work though which makes it very very attractive :) and quite peculiar flight behavior, flies like a rocket, cant turn at low speeds but it does turn in high speeds. Too bad british industry wings got chopped off so badly, they surely always made planes with vibrant personality :) - Except REPLAYS, other things i wait from TW are whole new up-to-date standards revamped terrain-ground structures/objects (and their effects - like GI shadows, animations etc), sea, sky, environment, .... For Vietnam, Europe at least. (Israel is noticeably better than the previous two) (not that i don't appreciate the community addons terrains ofcourse !) - A TW "C" family (avionics) F-16C / F-15C / A-10C / AV-8B / Hornet A/C - External camera Jitter and floating effects (Also following the "C" - 3d generation family pack, a Euro-birds pack with Typhoon, Mirage 2000, Tornado, Gripen, Viggen, Harrier GR.5/7 :P And ofcoure i consider granted the Tomcat pack :P
  6. what is the world worth without F-80, T-33, F-84, MiG-15? :P
  7. Awesomely beautiful work ...... if you ask me, now with the recent (hopefully not temporary) revived activity in the sim area maybe a modern official Korea product is a good idea of a project .... I read somewhere i think that theres a third party Korea for SF2 mod in the works, what the situation with that ?
  8. flash back ... I like Bill Gunston readings (kinda grew up with that stuff...)
  9. I haven't flown IL2 for many years and these days i am setting up my nephews notebook and he has expressed an interest in flight sims, and i thought IL2 is the best there is (to me) for all WWII flight simulation related, plus maybe old enough to run nicely in his notebook. Its a Fijitsu Amilo Pi1536 : - C2D T7200 2Ghz - Radeon Mobility x1400 128mb (512 hypermemory) - 2Gb 533mhz DDR2 ram - XP SP3 my questions : 1. what you think or know would be the best settings , in catalysts panel and in game (and conf.ini?) for the best compromise between playablity and eyecandy ? 2. Is there a way to make different in game settings profiles that can launch with different game shortcuts? like a "low quality / high performance" shortcut that would load 1946 with such in-gane settings and another one that could load the game with best graphics settings i have managed to activate the nice looking water and overall nice looking lighting , lowered everything in the catalysts, left only 2x FSAA on, lowered the in game settings too (left only visibility to high and landcape detail to perfect) and though the fps arent that bad, it suffers from severe hickups / stutters (3. Is there some Battle of Britain map / mod for 1946 maybe ?) Thank you
  10. I haven't figured out what exactly from Tray tools did it but shadows now are ok with FSAA present and controlled by Tray Tools. (if AA controlled by the sim, shadows break) Tray Tools settings affect the game, now there are both FSAA and AF with no graphic glitches. In general though AA chocks framerates significantly just by being enabled no matter what settings (even at 800x600 resolution, tested it out of curiosity). Scenery density strangely doesn't seem to affect framerates much. And SF2 look and perform a bit better than SF1 in this XP notebook. What 4 in the options.ini stands for in this case ? does it mean 4x?
  11. thanks :) are "1) Geometry Instancing, 2) Alternate Pixel Center" accessed by this ati tray tool ?
  12. Thank you Fubar, looks like we have something here maybe. Little more info ? :) where do i find those first two ? How do i enable tools ? I believe theres potential because with no AA and AF both gen sims run smoothly and graphics are glitchless even at 1280x800 and in-game settings @ High. i just can't tolerate the jaggs, shimering and lack of focus, results of the FSAA and Anisotropy absence.
  13. is not making a difference, native or lower :( ..
  14. I have just installed WOI and the whole SF2 range in an XP fijitsu notebook Amilo Pi1536 which has a Radeon X1400. In both SF2 and WOI no matter what i do in the ATi contro panel there's no AA or AF in the game. The only way to enable and configure AA is from the options.ini , AA is enabled and configured from there. But when AA is enabled the shadows on the plane get glitchy, like checkers, and framerate drops significantly, no matter how low the AA value in options.ini . CC settings seem to affect nothing in SF2 and WOI. Drivers are DX9 "legacy" 10.2 (DX 6.14) Any ideas how to make the CC settings work with the game ?
  15. chemtrails

    just a few questions for the moment. Is it normal for contrails to take many hours to dissapear from the sky ? Is it within contrail behavior characteristics that between two planes appearing form the ground to be almost the same size (so, probably on approximately same height?) only one produces contrails? @ 0.40 . Is a small height separation enough to produce contrails to only one of two planes?
  16. chemtrails

  17. chemtrails

    errrrmmmm , hmmmm both LOL
  18. chemtrails

    keep the info coming
  19. chemtrails

    jeee , yes, especially since he is an actual pilot
  20. chemtrails

    lol Lex was the exact person i had in mind making this post :D i have been hearing for chemtrails for ages now and never bothered to ask for knowledgeable peoples input, as expected great input here. I should add maybe that, especially with tele lens pictures, about the visual distance and size estimation, sizes and distances "compress" in an "axonometric" way reducing the traditional appearance of 3D perspective. In practical every day words, what been said above equals that the longer the distance the more close to eachother two separated objects appear and the visual impression of distances and sizes "flattens" . I am not sure, someone correct me, i think human eye has some minimal "zoom" capabilities maybe depending where the eye tries to focus, but for sure in pictures where the camera zooms (tele) to catch distant aircraft there are always the telephoto "flattening distortion" effects Its summer here in Greece now although temps are mild and its rather rainy these days, i am noticing that contrails take hours to break up
  21. chemtrails

    :lol: :lol: spraying Rogain :lol: :lol: :laugh:
  22. chemtrails

    afterafterburner ? :P

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