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Everything posted by squid

  1. I am thinking of changing to 16:10 TFT (22"-24") and i wanted to ask, how the menus, load screens etc part (not the flight part) of the game look in those aspects ? (16:10) are they getting distorted and / or pixelated (jaggy) ?
  2. Got me an Eizo 22" S2202W (upgrading from Viewsonic G90f+ 19" CRT, very cool CRT monitor, i am keeping it) and having the nvidia drivers scaling applications to their original proper aspect ratio solves the TW interface distortions. The sim looks awesome in 16:10 although the textures start to seem low in resolution at 1680x1050 and in the case of ground textures the probably not so great response times of the specific monitor helps them look better a bit with its slight pseudo motion-blur effect :P which also adds a bit of cinematography feel to the movement of planes :P
  3. Lockon, DCS Nellis WIP http://simmoders.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=0...amp;topic=228.0
  4. Which weapon pack is suggested? (Lantirn, aim-120, iris-t, aim-9x, JDAM, LGBs, Mica, Meteor, etc)
  5. i wish, although with a definitely bad financialy timing, TW could be showered in funds (how many times i am allowed to buy TW titles ? :D) and i could see the following implemented : (or maybe i can donate to community ? i dont mind either way :P) - Full (comprehensive & user friendly) mission editor / creator - In-flight map zoom-out to the whole map - Save / record / playback missions - up-to-date radio comms / voices / effects and on a second level - air refueling - assymetric loadouts - encyclopedia / reference - external cameras adjustable field of view - some fast way for skinners to be checking skins application. (Stand alone model viewer? 3D models in loadout screen?) - cinematographic camera effects like shaking, floating etc and one of my plane wishes is that there would be a european air forces F-16C of WoI F-16 quality :) (Just "venting" , totally subjective talking, not a slight negative or even remotely such intention or feeling, just have a need to express "man, wouldn't be cool if" :) others may have the same wishes or not, not making a point, just talking :) cause i like to talk sim :D )
  6. If i could only had my hands on the TW F-16A max model, i'd make the rest of the variations :)
  7. grrr been searching and cant find the canopy animation key (i thought there was a generic one in WoI) havent seen it in the manuals. (and whats the eject key again?)
  8. Thanks :) i thought the lets say "newer" TW planes had a canopy animation, the Netz, the Eagle etc
  9. if i got the info correct, this isn't out yet right ? :) How about a beta release and we drown you in feedback ? :D lol hehe
  10. Is that actually supported in TW sims ? the pack install utilizes a TW existing "fire and forget" active homing capability?
  11. my main weapons interest Asraam Amraam R-77 R-73 aim-9x Phoenix lantirn Paveways not provided by TW Iris-T jdam scalp-EG / apache meteor mica IR/ER exocet which one covers those? :) btw, are aim-120 used the same way as sparrows in TW?
  12. Thank you I thought to ask, to check if theres some majority preference for some reason over the various packs (found a few) before i go use one and i don't want to mess things up later by trying another one that i found that has an X or Y cool feature
  13. I am getting these distant flickering dark polygons on water with Brain32's WoE terain after the october08 patch. Any clues?
  14. ok, not exactly European, i should had said NATO (As + Cs) :) Greece and Turkey never had A's, they operate C/D's blk 30, 40(Turkey), 50, 52+(Greece). Just a C blk 30 would do :P Or MLU As would be perfectly cool too. (Just as long as all incorporate tailchutes :P) I have tried all those F-16s but unfortunately i still prefer the TW block 10 3D model. In general, i prefer to avoid as much as possible cumulating mods and add-ons as at the end i am loosing track of whats finally going on :( having to do that with more than one sim , i don't fancy the mess of info and complexity i am ending up with in my pc Subjective but I would definitely include a systems encyclopedia in a sim, its handy, its fast, and adds one more bit of completion feel to the product. Le missioneur etc many thanks to the bright people behind those apps and efforts, but i been there and at the end i droped it and stuck compromised with the TW missions layout ... gave me finger cramps lol
  15. rumours have it though that there's a pony wandering around :P
  16. Is there a direct link to the thread? i dont seem to be able to find it *blush* Is there any other cat extractor than the SFP1extract utility by skypat? (One that hopefully retain folder structure in exports as well, has maybe a search feature, a filenames sorting one, folder selection for exporting, multiple selected files only exporting, etc)
  17. I am trying to Copy the WoI F-16 to WoE. I extracted all the F-16 related files from objectdata.cat and objectdata01.cat, but, where are they placed ? the data.ini for example goes in the aircraft folder but where are the rest placed ? in the objects root? etc Thanks :)

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