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Everything posted by squid

  1. i'd be bit worried though about that timing coment hmmmm ....
  2. same here !! even worse, dang i have to work on Sunday too ! at least there will be some fixes postes and issues addressed by then ...
  3. I am a little confused does this give the D the GE nozzles?
  4. ... Unleash the Typhoon ... i dont think Craig's going by beta. And we better maybe leave the man in his peace to do what he likes to do as he likes when he likes
  5. LOL LOL Thermopilator LOL LOL LOL LOL Well, hmmm israel terrain has Cyprus :P No i am not asking in general, unless its a poll or i am asked what would i want ;) i dont think moders are creating (or have to) in response to individual requests. They just materialize what they consider fun ideas for themselves first. I am in the process of reading / studying about terrain making (thanks Gepard!!!). I might try make an Aegean terrain myself if i want it so bad and free time status allows it.
  6. i think Craig needs to make this payware :D lol
  7. the cockpit looks great craig!
  8. Continuing the chit chat on new Viggen from there http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...2879&st=360 (and more specificaly from here on) and in what heaven would that have you in? 8th ?
  9. Unfortunately i think it takes a lot more than asking for someone to build a terrain .... Since its a complicated and lengthy undertaking it takes serious personal interest of the maker to build one ... - sfg = ? - Gibraltar? Whats about Gibraltar that Typhoons may be called to fight? Conflict between UK and Spain and Morocco? (UK Typhoons fighting Spain Typhoons? or morocco ...Rafales?)
  10. Israeli anything swedish ? LOL LOL Its just that some here have a crush on the israeli camos (i don't blame them!) :D
  11. I hope any swede isn't reading this thread (in SpringFlag '06 they canceled their participation when Israelis were accepted in, not to mention the embargo of their systems )
  12. don't count on me for that, just teasing (sorrrrry :blush2:), you have been too tempting of a teasing material to resist
  13. bit off topic (still SAAB though ), a nice Viggen shot i stumbled upon, from Falcon4 upcoming FreeFalcon5
  14. A very acute (and annoying) FPS drop on WoI by slight view angle change has been the cause to discover that in general the TW sims in my system(*) impove their framerates when I refly the mission. Verified only for auto single missions so far. Here's the initial post in TW forum http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...asc&start=8 I was suggested that there has been info about this somwhere in CA but haven't found it yet after persistent search. Any clues maybe? (*) Q6600 @ 3Ghz, 2G 1066 DDR2, 8800GT 512
  15. 1. Have you tried the refly thing with everything maxed out (shadows on) ? (Load mission, once loaded, exit and refly) 2. Whats the situation with everything maxed out but shadows off?
  16. omg! the truth revealed , the ships are fake!
  17. my FSX screenshots

    i just had a peek at the FSX texture files , they are using DDS. You need to download a set of DDS file format support tools made by nvidia and they are basically photoshop (and paintshop too i think) plugins, i think to get you going. Modman also might be handy with its DDS explorer. Unfortunately i dont know anything more right now, googling about DDS file format tools, nvidia, FSX textures, i am pretty sure will yield the necessary info sooner or later. Sorry dont have now the download links either :( (i think latest modman could be downloaded from lockonfiles.com)
  18. Craig seeing how many fans TW has from Europe, and that EF2000 is probably the last freshly produced high performance air superiority fighter with a straight forward classic jet shape and look (rather than a stealth sci-fi futuristic design), I have good reasons to suspect that your offspring's popularity will be up ballistic :D Not to mention it probably has been long awaited by many and the quality of it as seen on the screenies
  19. i just realised that the clouds are using gradual transparency with viewer distance ..... is that based on something that could be used maybe on trees too? *ignorance look*
  20. Superb ....................................................
  21. my FSX screenshots

    Yeap. i dont remember now if they are still using that special bmp format they used to (DXT?) or they are now common bmp compatible, but either way its pretty straight forward as with TW sims. Actually skining in all sims is the same thing, square bitmap images you repaint as you like based on a template file, its just the file format that is different (lockon for example uses the mipmaping capable DDS) i dont remember tech details now about the FS skining, will post here if i find anything later

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