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Everything posted by squid

  1. Tomcat

  2. Tomcat

  3. Tomcat

  4. Tomcat

  5. Tomcat

  6. Tomcat

  7. Tomcat

  8. there are always some sacrifices / compromises. The EF animated parts work in a rather complex way, and some points also are real ars pain to reproduce accurately despite its averagely straight forward shape at first sight. (the nose being one of them for example)
  9. Shape points worth noticing. Notice the roundness of the canopy cross-section and the wings curvature on these head-on telephoto (narrow FOV) shots. As well as the pilot forward visibility despite the canopy frame, and the canopy siting / connection with the fuselage. Also the curvature of the air intakes body (which incorporate moving inlets on the bottom lip). Canards used as air brakes in landing .... (i have been sending subconscious vibes to TK for drag chute implementation, the Phantoms also i heard they were on a strike because of this (hence strike fighters project) till he promised them drag chutes on a patch. Now there are also rumours they totaly refuse to take off thats why MF brought their own more cooperative phantoms as a workaround)
  10. For which Falcon4 version is this? OF? FF? AF? Is it payware?
  11. you can edit that anytime yourself too by the corresponding ini line that controls the in-cockpit view position
  12. my FSX screenshots

    i am finding that the FSX is much more graphics wise to the 9. Both vanila. I enjoy it a lot. What i like very much also is the at last updated cameras. Theres traffic on the roads, water is way better, higher resolution ground textures, etc depends always ofcourse to the scenery quality , addon or stock. I have waited to check FSX till my rig upgrade as well which took place in early december. (Q6600 @ 3GHz, 2Gb DDR2 1066, 8800GT 512) and its a nice surprise the smoothness of it with decently high settings :) accelerator and all patches installed.
  13. wow, indeed 10-floor building tall CE trees .... http://www.cvni.org/treenursery/tree_heigh...ee_heights.html
  14. Can the TW camera change focal length like it does in LockOn? From wideangle to tele. ( i am not refering ofcourse to simple zoom)
  15. ok, in external camera view (F6) has a preset FOV (45) and zoom in/out in this view is actually moving the camera position towards/backwards the plane. While in the cockpit zooming means the opposite, the camera position is fixed while the FOV changes, from 15 to 90. These are angle degrees, where 90 is the widest "wideangle" lens view and 15 the narrowest "tele" lens field of view. They are all controled by Viewlst.ini in flightdata.cat Maybe through those inis its possible to set one more set of controls (commands/keys) to control both camera properties (FOV & distance from objects). Eg [-/+] would control the camera distance and Shift - [-/+] would control the camera FOV
  16. yeah although i can't wait either i would rather wait 2 weeks times 6 x 6 to get the best craig can pull out on it :D no stress, just fun working on it, good job
  17. 40 meters is way above average tree height , there are only few trees that could possibly get that tall, if i am not mistaken
  18. i think finally thats what the zoom function actually does, changes from "wideangle" to "tele" FOV and what i need probably is to add pan-in pan-out control, moving of the camera itself in other words towards or backwards the viewed object .... so are there pan in/out controls for the lets say F6 camera?
  19. thumbs and toes all up , ur the man ! ... i had already started a year or more ago here and there a repaint of the stock WOE tiles to 512x512 using as material the original tiles themselves and recently i picked it up again but now , man this is discouraging, i only now found this thread LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL pens all standing down, waiting for the release ..... any news?? GOOD JOB
  20. i mean on the fly. I cant find any key commands on the manual or the in-game map about controlling FOV, has only zoom in/out
  21. yeap, but how do we do that in TW sims?
  22. WOI

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

  23. Squid Thirdwire Screens

    Thirdwire simulators screenshots

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