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Everything posted by squid

  1. img00025.jpg

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

  2. img00021.jpg

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

  3. img00002_2.jpg

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

  4. img00001_2.jpg

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

  5. Gripen

    From the album Squid Thirdwire Screens

    Great plane, great model, now if only sims would implement motion blur ....
  6. oh i see. lets hope for new possibilities with the upcoming patches
  7. CA_Stary take a look maybe here http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=5114 for a canopy visual thing i found when against a forest background, maybe have any clues?
  8. CA_Stary just created more stuff for Lex to nuke out LOL LOL LOL. Lex i see the cinematographer in you ;)
  9. thanks though i wish i didn't had to have it. Hang in there mate
  10. and i wish for a nicely and acurately detailed release of a -D 3D model as well
  11. does the TW engine maybe support gradual poping up (gradual alpha?) of objects? I see the forests parts appear on rough blocks as i approach , is there a workaround maybe for that?
  12. i just threw the files in the NATO Fighters II terrain and it works fine out of the box
  13. theres a USAFMTL direction for this issue, (in some of the other one or two Gripen threads where people were reporting this CTD problem), to a knowledge base sticky about addon aircrafts induced CTDs solution
  14. ( http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6121 )
  15. no. his mine mine mine. (until the typhoon is released. and i dont mean that ooooother typhoon, hmfrrrrrrrr)
  16. Gocad I'll give you Oleg's Mk XIVE - Craig back to your drawing room right now or you will be grounded, first things first
  17. Ya better focus on the Typhoon young man Pilots and painters are lining up here (Btw what stage is your Harrier at? any screens maybe?)
  18. Personaly i would be ok temporarily with the -A FM, (cant be that much of a difference) what i think is more needed maybe at such stage is skins and stuff like shadow file maybe (for WOE) loadouts, pit ..... Harriers II rulez
  19. http://www.checksix-forums.com/showthread.php?t=137641
  20. saywot? how your m2000 implementation efforts go?
  21. i think Mirage Factory has a good M2000 WIP at a good stage , i think it was somewhere in CA i saw the screenshots and progress update. otherwise for sure they are at checksix, will post the links later if i find them. Lots of people are eagerly waiting for the Mirage 2000 (including moi)
  22. Thank you , it works, also found it seconds before by googling
  23. any download link for the actual Le Missionneur software?

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