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Everything posted by squid

  1. Hello - Is there maybe a downloadable or WIP Mirage 2000 around somewhere? - Is there maybe a downloadable or WIP F-16C Cockpit around somewhere? Thanks :)
  2. and few other questions: - Is there ILS (HUD) mode and approach AoA indicators? - Are there higher resolution tilesets / terrains?
  3. dont know if this one is commonly known www.patricksaviation.com. Just had to tell about it. Found it while i was searching for mirage 2000 HUD information , lotsa realy cool stuff there .... (videos hmmm)
  4. Topic replies mail notification

    Is the automatic mail notification of a topic posts working for you ? i am not getting mail notifications on the topics i am subscribed
  5. GeForce 6600GT, 81.85 NGO, DX 9.0c Anisotropic filtering has no effect in SF or WOV, where might be the issue ? And how can i get the objects, (planes, airfields etc) to appear at greater distance ? some ini editing ? Thanks
  6. Found it. Resuming from hibernation has anisotropy effectively lost. Dont know why. I am using hibernation a lot, all needed is a restart.
  7. i am trying the same here. will keep you posted. shouldnt be hard. Probably something like copying the SFP1 addon A-7 ini files in the WOV A-7 folder?
  8. i get "sea mountains" and such, have i done something wrong ? i use the sp3 desert.cat (renamed) .
  9. what ini edits should be done to increase the range the objects (or selective objects such as Air Bases, planes, vehicles, air and ground targets etc) appear ?
  10. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=12864#12864
  11. Have there been around any thoughts of plans or work on a Nellis - Red Flag and such terrain ? (ok, ok i am not denying Jane's USAF influence)
  12. Thanks (embarrased) for some reason the search option here isnt helping much, only once i managed to get results on something :( for example searching for the F-111 in downloads, gives me zero results too ("F-111" dont know the nickname of it) while also browsing with my slow dialup connection through the cold war era planes i havent seen it there the combatace site though really rocks, well done guys x 7619825
  13. i tested it with 4x 8x and 16x and has always thea same appearance as if its off or application controlled
  14. i remmember it used to with my GF3 and 9600XT
  15. I am planing on carrying on working on an Aegean Theatre of Operations Mod for SF i satrted long time ago, and at this point i need help with the terrain making. :: Are there somewhere maybe any resources, tutorials, guides, tools, all that, about how to create a new geographic region and terrain for SF? :: Anyone maybe interested and who would like and can help with this one ? Thanks
  16. Hi. After quite long time of absense from playing, i am trying to catch up a bit with the developments. I was very happy and impressed to see lots of decently and properly done plane addons. I started with WOV, the Tomcat, yum yum, and the Hornet, but i have this question, :: how new weapons such as the amraam, phoenix, mavericks, and individual plane features are used ? i havent seen any manual in either the tomcat or the hornet (awesome cockpit avionics work ) :: Also is WOV any improvement, other than the carrier operations, over the latest patch of SFP1? Thanks
  17. Hiya Jeff (its "Nikos" we talked on MSN the other day) Tthe notifications again dont work here, i am not getting email notifications from replies .... And also that finland thing is not there in the download files .... In general i am realy searching on info on HOW to add a country in Lock ON and i stumble everytime on a wall, although few people have done that, how can i get grip on that knowledge too ?
  18. Is it currently possible to alter a plane's radar target detection and lock range, ecm resistance, and a missile's range, maneuverability, accuracy, ecm resistance? How? Any way to disable chimney smokes? Any way maybe to use medium visibility range BUT have all potential target objects (vehicles, planes, ships) visible from "high visibility range" distances ? A url maybe on how to add one more country in the game ? (i dont mind subtract a skin from other countries to make room for the planes of the new country) http://forums.ubi.com/eve/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=40...4052#5381064052
  19. Where can i find info on how to add a country in lock on?
  20. Is it possible to have SFP1 and WOV on the same PC without implications?
  21. Hello I have this question that their official sites ARENT able to solve : are americas army and Joint Operations online ONLY games ? (no "bots", no campaign ?) I am looking for any new military FPS game that IS NOT strictly online, is any out there ? Thanks PS is america's army published for free ?

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