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Everything posted by squid

  1. In UK SFP1 is ditributed by Just Flight ( http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...3177340-5215662 ) . Moreover, i found also this , http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...3177340-5215662 , if that is SFP1 included in this package, then things had happened that dont seem promising for the future of SFP1 (sold to Xicat, end of development, sales of frist release had gonne realy bad) Anyone know something about all this maybe ?
  2. oh so thats what FFG is . Thank you capun
  3. i have seen that similar layer of clouds (not blueish as here as it was i guess from the stock clouds of SFP1) in other screenshots too and i cant figure out how to get that in my SFP1
  4. Hello , i have been wondering if i am the only one who doesnt see explosion of cluster bombs ? Also is there maybe some flight recording option i am maybe not aware of ? If not, will it be implemented in the patch maybe ? (if anyone knows something) Plus were there maybe thoughts of a proper mission creator/editor to be included in the awaited patch ? Thanks
  5. In real life the Mk20 family doesn't use a chute to slow it down, the fins give it some spin and a lineur charge splits it in half. I put a link in another Thread to the museum at NAWS China Lake,check it out for some good ordnance shots. Thanks Firehawkordy :)
  6. I am also looking for the Ritchie / DeBellevue Oyster F-4D skin if there is one somewhere Thanks
  7. Similarities With Sfp1 ?

    The screenshots remind me in a way the looks of SFP1 ? (enviroment-graphics engine? i dont know)
  8. I cant get to this level of detail with clouds when flying above the layer, either with or without this tweak I just never see that flufy layer of clouds , either in overcast or inclement
  9. The A-7 yes, but not the USAF skin ( i guess i am just demonstrating impatience about the D/E release :P )
  10. Similarities With Sfp1 ?

    i FULLY support your project ! B) . Indeed plane render is nice in SFP1 apart from the shadows casting which is realy bugy and a fps killer. Land i dont mind too with an exception for the sea. What i like though about SFP1 is that i can have everything enabled and set to high and still play smoothly with my average to low side pc. (Athlon XP1700+, 1Gb PC133 RAM, GF3 64MB) I would advise as a simmer to pay attention to the lessons of LOMAC (and FS2002-04 where framerate and playability has been improved from 02 to 04 (!) ... ) which is unplayable in its almost full glorious graphics potential for an average pc
  11. yeah where do we get that A-7 USAF skin (till the release of D/E) ?
  12. with that tweak at least theres some visual evidence that the bomb did explode and where, although it drops just like iron (no dragchute) and has a damage magnitude similar to mk81 i think
  13. I recall i told you once that your site's layout is cluttered , kind of confusing , but the forums have a different design that doesnt have that flaw , maybe you got used to clutter ? :D
  14. Is it normal that my planes noses swing up and down SO MUCH while waiting for break release / take-off on the runway in the beginning of a flight ? This is SO unrealistic and annoying, is there a fix maybe around for that or something?
  15. surely happens with the addon planes (maybe with the stock ones cant remmember , will check)
  16. Thanks ! :D i figured that out right after my posting :P but was lazy to delete it B)
  17. And what about my other two questions ? (recording, NO i am not talking LOMAC LOL :P, and proper mission builder, well ... kind of like the LOMAC one , hehe )
  18. LOL x 4536281021 somebody is spending maybe too much time on LOMAC forums ? LOL
  19. Any idea maybe anybody where the Hawk can be found ? Thanks
  20. Hello i noticed when i downloaded the F-5 that it didnt had afterburner and the canopy was realy dull and with artifacrs. Then i read that the file was replaced by the proper version as the one i downloaded was by mistake an older beta. I redownloaded it and its still the same. Any clue ? And maybe any F-5A/B on schedule somewhere ? Thanks

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