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Everything posted by squid

  1. any news as to where we can download the proper .5 version ? Thanks
  2. kai giati de rwtas emena vre ? ;) exw hdh skins (merika) kai serials kai e8noshma kai kill marks ;) gia ellhniko 8eatro
  3. Hello Where do we get this USAF A-7 skin ? And is there somewhere any Crusader (F-8) downloadable ? Thanks
  4. Cool , thanks. How can i get in touch with you ? theres something i'd like to discuss with you on the A-7. Take care
  5. looks like these fellows didnt had their topgun courses yet
  6. wow, holly **** .... i cant believe so much work has been lost ! (for example i have been waiting for the F-8 since i first read even the plans about it in skunkworks) How people coul dbe that low leveled ??? hacking with such intentions ? ..... so scary ...... pisses me off a great deal
  7. Hey USAFMTL how can i contact you ? i had prepared for myself long time ago a pack of acurate and detailed Hellenic and Turkish skins for SFP1 mainly of the 70's era when actual hostilities took place there (i am Greek and a Graphic Designer by profession with numerous skins in my portfolio) (for example that grey camo has nevr been used by either turkish or greek airforce)
  8. Hello all 1) How do you bomb in SF ? What aiming aids are available ? (the gunsight has been proven useless so far) 2) Does A/G radar especialy in "normal" and above dificulty setting, lock ground targets ? if it does, is this guiding or helping bombing and how ? 3) How are shrikes being used ? how are they aimed ? Thanks

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