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Everything posted by squid

  1. yeap unfortunately lol http://www.simhq.com...4/air_516d.html
  2. are there some restriction rule(s) for posting images from the internet ( ) in a post ?
  3. AeroflyFS

    i had a wet dream last night that strike fighters was looking like this review : http://www.simhq.com/_air14/air_516d.html
  4. Mirage 2000 Foreign Operator Pack (Updated)

    errrr which terrain is that ? :-)
  5. you really do have it with texturing and overall you are already at a good percentage there and obviously you do own the modelling too
  6. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=35.3354529&lon=25.1751319&z=19&l=14&m=b&show=/showphoto/?obj=10310328&type=1&lng=1&id=2025960
  7. i maybe have some precise F-5 blueprints too, judging by the progress of the model i took it for granted that you are past that stage and won't need such anymore. Will check when i get home. We have plenty of F-5s here in Thessaloniki but i can't have close up access till November (archangel Michael) except the "Star" decorated Gate Guard at Micra AB. I will check with guys over at e-haf.org for possible F-5s in Crete.
  8. This especially has gone to my saved bookmarks, great resource
  9. These are clearly not for work reference, hence "porn" and not "material" ;-) Just sharing F-5 visuals i have been personally liking and the multitude of different cool schemes it appeared over the years. Now if you mean i should make a separate thread for that, sure, why not. I don't have yet any close-ups. No F-5 in my Verlinden editions collection. Obviously i haven't been looking / posting about decals (yet) :-) and squadron / signal hasn't been of much help yet either ( https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xmo1x196x16s891/Qu2_4rFS9v )
  10. more poooooorn : http://www.flickr.co...11669@N23/pool/
  11. http://koti.welho.com/msolanak/detf5.html
  12. Is there i way to avoid that flat single color appearance of distant mountains? i played a little with fog values start / end in environmentsystem.ini with no change
  13. oh if you are interested i am working on a new environment.ini for the Anatolia which is a hybrid between Starys, Widesky and little bit of stock Israel. The screens are from WIP with your Anatolia (thessaloniki airport here) Brighter light (Mediterranean sun) and new clouds
  14. what are "the other two voicepacks" ? :-) ( i want to get rid of Bubba in some theatres too)
  15. some porn to drool over (if i am not breaking some CA rule about external images) NF-5A from an RNA bunch donated to HAF . They were delivered in pristine condition and fully serviced and overhauled in a gorgeous uniform single blueish grey scheme. The most capable A/Bs Ghost camo HAF F-5s of my favorites, HAF ex-Jordan F-5A another HAF but not very common scheme another nice HAF NF-5A retaining the original Dutch scheme Typical HAF SEA F-5 and few SEA variations / worn-outs / improvisations Gorgeous TuAF (THK) Hill-Gray-like F-5A-2000 And another unique TuAF nice scheme and of my very favorites, original RNA NF-5A scheme Canada CF-5s and the outmost hot Skoshi Tigers
  16. LOL how on earth did that happen ?? fixed it
  17. not fully undertsand the workings but fixed it with ClearEnd=1 ( under [fog] ) and using the better widesky horizon tgas
  18. speculating about maybe a greek language forums section :P ΗΟΤ !!
  19. I am liking the new Watermap from NA more than Paladrians which i was using until now. And its a huge improvement comparing to the stock non-NA terrains, is way better even with shimmering (no shimmer at all)
  20. i'd compromise if had the option to disable it. I have noticed they dont affect fps in Lockon family with my current rig (i7 880, ssd, 8gb 1600 ram. HD 5800)
  21. let me know if you need any simpler model or some other landmark. Ofcourse they are freeware sketchup conversions
  22. darn, inevitable vet inclination (apparently google translator is my friend. not )

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