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Posts posted by squid

  1. free falcon multiplayer is hugely bugy and unstable. Open Falcon multiplayer is stable.


    the most modable sim right now, or to say moding friendly, or even better, built to be moded, is SF. Falcon family maze is joke graphics and incompatibilities with new OSes. But teaches you the F-16 and RL combat aviation like no sim out there yet. LO/FC kindof stands in the middle in all aspects except graphics where it still holds 1st place

  2. got a little flickering on canopy and on horizon,is it normal?

    2 more questions:

    i can go easily with shadows full,dut the shadow in itself create saw tooth borders on the plane,is there a way to solve?

    And about visibility range is it more close to RL max it out or set to medium like previous FC?


    forgot to say that i use nvidia latest drivers for my gtx-280


    - Canopy flickering is inherited from LO engine. Cant be avoided yet ... maybe with newer code later. Everybody has the flickering

    - horizon flickering you are lucky is little. In atis i guess like mine is huge. inherited from DCS (although others claim was in LO/FC too). By product of cloud shadow. Only way to get rid of it for now is to get rid of cloud shadows cast on ground. But in FC2 this happens only by a special tweak.

    - Full shadows again inherited from the old DX8 engine of LO/FC, Its uggly like that and won't be changed untill new code / new engine. You can maybe get a couple of FPS gain by turning it off also.

    - max visibility is of the good points of FC2 over previous versions. Max visibility corresponds to reality to my opinion just fine and works way better than before. Difference with medium is not big either now.

  3. My desktop is a Dell XPS/Dimension 630i

    Windows 7 64 Bit

    Processor, Q9400, 2.66, 6MB Yorkfield (Quad Core Power)

    2X 500GB HD's

    Nvidia GTX 285

    Dual In-line Memory Module 1GB, 800, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8 (4 GB RAM)


    Running FC2 maxed out with X16 FSAA and X16 AF. Doesnt even hiccup.


    i knew it i should had nailed a 270+ instead ... I will never listen to others input again. They werent simmers anyways *grrrr* Hiccup is the midle name for ED in my rig .....

  4. LOL thanks for the input. I suspect probably hardwarewise theres nothing wrong with Radeons, but seems to be some kind of bad drivers chemistry with simulators i guess. My previous Ati, 9600 XT i think it was called and it was baaaack in the days that ALL my rig actvity was absolutely revolving around making LO as smooth as it was supposed to be (still with scenes high its not smooth flying over sevastopol in my current rig even if OCed to 3600) was my first card ever that allowed me decent framerates and to really run at last LO. (previous i think was an nVidia GF3 Ti 300 i think ?) Later Nvidias gave me even better results. A good thing with my current 5850 was that even under pressure (and can stand crazy overclocks i never seen before in any of my vgas) is not getting easily hot and in general is the quietest i ever had. Also i like the simplicity and make sense of the cats control panel. Something else i like was that auto fan speed does work unlike my previous nvidias (up to 8800 GTS 512 - a really great card) Also overdrive is implented in cats and does work too with 3D trigers, things that were not part of the standard nvidia drivers and even if i added that messed up nvidia application that supposedly was giving OC control that never worked properly nor had such trigers. With nvidia the only way to go with adjustments and settings is RivaTuner. Their control panels have been a FAIL. Dont know if things changed now.


    To my surprise Shimmering was indeed HUGE with LO/FC1/FC2 when i first installed them .... After trying all sorts of combinations found that that only Supersampling AA was eliminating the shimmering with ED software. And this strange tearing-up that looks at first like a typical v-sync thing but chances are that its not, since the v-sync settings dont affect it at all in LO/FCx. 5850 So far is being quirky with ED stuff only ... will see .....

  5. anyone with ATi out there? ....



    i7 860

    6gb DDR3 1600

    Radeon 5850

    win7 64


    - it seems to run better than 1.12 (which justifies once more the problematic graphics engine of 1.12) but if i choose high scenes in my system i loose decent smoothness and definitely cracks up / stutters has a big impact on fps


    - both 1.12 and 2 have horrible tear-ups / waving in this rig. Vsync doesnt affect that at all. I have found that the the bigger the stutter (that i always had with LO/FC no matter what rig i had) the worse the tear-ups / wavings. I suspect this is something to do with ATI probably ... The only way to reduce it has been some graphics.cfg editing about limited max fps value, which reduces although not completely fixes tear-ups / waving but again affects overall feel of smoothness


    - FC2 still microstutters when look at the terrain at close-medium distances


    - FC2 has a horrible vertical moving banding projected on the horizon which i have found out is related to cloud shadows and not tweak / workaround / mod for this yet


    - there was some annoying mix of low resolution textures with high resolution at medium / far distances that had to edit some graphics.cfg entry again to fix






    Solutions to various issues i came across i have been gathering here:





    - would also be nice to get back somehow the custom loadout and skins options and the 3D there and the 3D encyclopedia, i doubt this will happen though ...

    - and i hope someone from the community will manage to get back the ground impact effects at least of gunfire

  6. exactly as being said here, depends who you are. I am for sure happy that all that stuff regarding the simulation core got corrected and improved. On the other hand personally i miss things that affect the fun for me personally, while they don't for others. I don't know what was the reasoning behind the features that didn't make it from LO/FC1 to FC2 , i can only think that since they could make so extended core improvements and fixes, the parts that i wish would had been transfered from FC1, i have the impression that, were not more harder than all these improvements to retain, why abandon things that never bothered anyone or gathered complains (*) when you upgrade, especially to such degree? just some thoughts, talking only as a consumer, from a consumer point of view.



    (*) such as gunfire effects, or loadout / skins / encyclopedia interface etc

  7. FC2 is a job half done to my view .... I never missed features before FC2. Its very annoying when you have one feature on one version of a software and another in other version. When you know especially that what feature has been abandoned it could perfectly still exist with the new. First time i regret paid for an ED product. There are good points in FC2 for sure, but there are other important points that i dont get why they didnt make it from FC1 ...



    btw, detail, in some intermediate screen i saw an Eagle pilot with helmet on, walking towards the jet with no G-suit ? lol


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