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Posts posted by squid

  1. http://outerra.com/wgallery.html



    3D planetary engine for seamless planet rendering from space down to the surface. Can use arbitrary resolution of elevation data, refining it to centimeter resolution using fractal algorithms.


    Unlimited visibility, progressive download of data, procedural content generation.


    Integrated vehicle and aircraft physics engines. Embedded web browser for web service integration.

  2. from what i gather , indeed it seems to be to a certain degree definitely an ATi drivers / hardware thing ... Some of the issues i am not sure yet if they are 5850/10.x cats related. Like to revisit maybe the link above? Posted more screens and descriptions, is your copy looking / behaving like that?

  3. i feel sort of let down with it actually ... maybe mostly its my Radeon 5850 responsible ? but didnt had such issues with other games in this rig, only LO & FC. jeez crazy amounts of strange funky huge shadows dancing all over the screen, weird vertical dark bandings waving around, an ocean of the most annoying shimmering i ever saw (i hate shimmering), continuous tear-ups and full screen wavings as if i have vsync off (which is forced on) missing cockpits, very bad ground "level of detail" with very low res textures covering terrain within a height of few meters away from it when other areas in between have very high res textures (and shimmer like hell) ...




    ops i did rant about all that few lines above, forgot it already, errr sorry lol :P



    is A-10 gunfire behaving in reality as in FC2? no impact effects (i thought there is lot of dust and debris where the rounds hit) and the rounds just bounce off (??) as if they are made of steel and the ground is made of steel too ... The effect of emptying a whole drum accurately on a T-72 from close distance was to have to blow it with a second maverick pass ...

  4. hmmm strange, but i was hit with negative points right away ...


    1. not clear installation information on

    a. if its standalone or what Lockon editions you need to install first

    b. if it has to be installed on same folder as Lockon or separate


    2. after figuring out installation, i had all sorts of crashes (which is VERY rare for me, i rarely have issues with things i install) and it is on a Lockon virgin win7 64 machine

    3. Graphics wise it looks like its not understanding (actually ignoring) my HD5850 settings, tons of shimmering everywhere i look, and funky artifacts like moving moire patterns around, flashing canopies still here from old Lockon, full shadows ugly not making sense in their brutal chainsaw form, very low res ground textures mixed with high res textures as if ground level of detail process being messed up, lots of tearing up and stutters, beautiful haze of previous versions absent, not in options either, overall feel of environment slightly less realistic than before so far, not sure why ... more saturated overall green hue? not sure yet. Big variation in the quality of models, from very low polycount old ones to very high extremely detailes ones, little bothersome inconsistency nowdays


    4. missing 3D model from encyclopedia .... (prefer it, for quick checking of modifications too)

    5. 3d models missing also from loadouts .... same as above ... replaced with SF style loadout interface

    6. training missions, none, just empty screen, only mediocre res youtube videos, for the moment at least. Not good.



    This is the first time since the very first demo of Lockon ever launched that i felt not happy by the experience from an ED product. I hope i was just only tired and in a bad mood LOL

  5. wow, thanks for the good clarification :D helpful as always :good:



    There's 2, actually. One for ONLY SF, as it's desert based (and dates from 04), and the later WoV/WoE/WoI and also usable for FE


    both are here in the downloads section, most likely under 'Utilities and Editors'


    Thats why i asked which one are they refering to here and as "last one" :rofl: ,



    and also at 3rd Wire.


    Didnt notice that :) *embarrassed*

  6. I am trying to experiment on a rough / approximate at first modification of the Netz to an F-16C, starting from new stabilizers and fin. Started the modelling already of those three parts, and i am clueless as to what the options really are and what are the edits needed.


    1. For example i saw in a thread here a B52 screen without fin posted by FastCargo, is it possible to remove / replace whole such parts, like fin / stabs with external LODs ? if so ? how ? what are the edits? (eg in this case i would better make the whole fin and replace with it the original, than making only the fin base and weld it on the original fin)

    2. FastCargo also mentioned to me that i can stick custom lod models to moving surfaces , but only through the fake weapon approach. in case that the previous option isnt an option that is. How do we "stick" a fake weapon then to a moving / control surface ? (thinking of either extending the original stabs to the C size and shape or have the original stab completely weld and invisible inside the new one)

    3. is there a way other than trial error to find the correct cordinates of an lod we want to add as fake weapon/pilot on the aircraft?



    and errrr somebody maybe tried all that already and i am planing in vain? LOL


    Thanks :)

  7. Also, stuff tends to be lost in translation to varying degrees depending on what you are transferring from.


    Depending on what is lost will dictate how much effort the 3ds MAX modeler will have to do bring it into game.


    Sometimes, you may not have a choice because you can't afford the admission price for 3ds MAX, even the student edition.





    These are key factors ...

  8. Years ago started getting involved with 3D and even managed to make a KC-135 in 3ds max that got used in FF2 for F4 but the same reasons that kept me from doing it earlier or keep developing it afterwards. I have been always had one eye there though. These days for one reason or the other i am thinking to restart. One brief revisit to max was discouraging though as i couldn't remmember s***t ...


    What i wanted to in a conversation amongst friends here (thanks FastCargo. He already gave me some first useful input) is whats your opinion / experience on using lighter modelling software like ... SketchUp and Bonzai3D to model high quality planes for SF ... instead of 3Ds max ... The reason i am thinking of that is that those applications seem to be more user friendly and easier to get familiar with and use them like a handy quickly accesible 3D design tool, like for example Photoshop and CorelDraw are to me, that i work with them anytime almost with closed eyes. 3Ds max seem to be like clutter overkill and the logics in its structure didnt got imprint in my head (or got fully perceived?) ...


    and i often have also various vehicle ideas that i fail to transform to 3d look and i only get them off my head in the form of 2D sketches ... an easy handy fast tool to work with 3 view sketches to quickly build a 3D model would also help in that aspect as well.


    I saw quite a few impressivelly detailed and very acurate A/C models made in sketchup although from what i heard it has many limitations ... and i guess i would finally need to use 3Ds max to export for SF , or even animate and texture, despite the animation and maping plugins that probably exist for Sketchup. Also , bonzai3D seems to have implemented all the modelling and otherwise features that are missing from sketchup, retaining though very similar friendliness ...


    So you think its worth it re-learning to model in Bonzai3d / sketchup comparing to 3DS max or its pointless and basically 3ds max can be the same friendly and easy to use ? Or is there a chance maybe for some reason that using these light programs it wont allow me to achieve a high quality build for SF ?



    Thanks :)













  9. downloaded the TuAF w Lantirn from here modified it to SF2 but it doesnt look like this screen ... This is a high poly Viper, higher than the MF A Blk20 in this download which also dont have this canopy specular effect. The lantirn itself also looks to have a different texture and the AAQ-14 is of different size.


    Happen maybe btw to know of a LANTIRN for SF with an F-16 AAQ-14 Pylon ? (theres no pylon in this download, maybe not even in this screenshot)




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