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Posts posted by squid

  1. Is it possible to assign to the canopy of an add-on plane the effects (reflection, transparency, specular, glossiness etc) of some stock (eg F-16) canopies ? Is it information implemented in the LOD file therefore only it can be edited only by Max ? or can we mess with the lod file manually (hex?) to do that? or is it controlled by some .ini ?


    And is there a way to get rid of the flicker on some add-on plane canopies? (of previous generation i guess)

  2. yeap i am not claiming its wrong. i am just stating what i see, and how i interpet it with my current knowledge, untill i get more input and learn more on what exactly are the figures or behavior i see. Cant help it noticing that when the game crawls and obviously does way less than 60 or 30 it is still showing the 59/60 merging figure on the first line. Maybe theres something funky with my dx or drivers setup or something, or should i read somewhere how exactly to read this. One more thing to check, does the 60 variates at all to less, like 50-40 or something with your pc's out there? Thanks :)

  3. i didnt say its wrong. i am asking first if its ok :) and then some input on how to read it properly as i have no clear clue on how exactly to read the new system. There are instances where fps are for sure under under 60, and by experience felt like lets say 15, the thing crawls, and nothing changes in the indicators, the 59-60 mix remains the same ... Thats a lovely screenshot btw :) whats delta? whats the difference between game and graphics ?

  4. The framerate indicator is not showing actual current framerates. Both indications are stuck on a blend of 59 & 60 projected one on top of the other. Only the indicators of the second row show actual clear numbers that make some sense although static. Even in the case of framerates getting to be slide show slow, nothing changes in the first line. SF2 feb '10


    i am missing maybe some readme on how the new framerate counter works? checked SF1 in XP and the counter is different, the usual one i knew so far, single line, on the fly actual fps :oops:

  5. probably no software can accurately give you wattage info of your installed PSU even if it existed. You can check the sticker on the PSU (after ...screw the case open :P)and subtract some percentage from that value depending on how old is your PSU and how often used.

    "Electrolytic capacitor aging. When used heavily or over an extended period of time (1+ years) a power supply will slowly lose some of its initial wattage capacity. We recommend you add 10-20% if you plan to keep your PSU for more than 1 year, or 20-30% for 24/7 usage and 1+ years."




    remember what counts most in choosing a PSU is the combined wattage and combined 12v rails amperage

  6. They did, in order to save maintenance and weight, but the guns were reinstalled when it was needed as ballast for keeping the aircraft balanced and the possibility of sending them to Afghanistan. The guns weren´t removed by the other air forces

    ( they must always have the most original ideas dont they lol :P )




    I am not having in HUD any "graphics". Symbols and such. just numbers/text. Is that normal? merged install of all sf2 titles febr patch



    And most of all i like the RWR tga LOL i wonder whos touch is that :P

  7. Just a small wish. Finding many skins in the download section not clarifying which 3D model they are for ... browsing through the skins to find something i am looking for, has been time consuming to find if the skins i was interested were for the model i am using.


    Btw, i think i havent find any skins for the stock A-7s. Is there some resource maybe with SF stock A-7s ? (arent any in coulmn5 either)

  8. this game has been overlooked back then. for me, it had potential. Graphics were great and could run smoothly on any pc (small maps i guess). It was surely fun. i liked also the variety of chopers available. criticism often was about its controls layout. It is still installed in my idle now XP setup. Anytime i wanted to take a taste of virtual apache. Hope ED wont take long before they launch a DCS apache ....


    this game has been overlooked back then. for me, it had potential. Graphics were great and could run smoothly on any pc (small maps i guess). It was surely fun. i liked also the variety of chopers available. criticism often was about its controls layout. It is still installed in my idle now XP setup. Anytime i wanted to take a taste of virtual apache. Hope ED wont take long before they launch a DCS apache ....



    (the clouds are just a sky bitmap wraping the virtual space dom. Like Polak's horizon sky mod for SF1 if you used that)

  9. How can i modify the menus inis so that the user inteface doesnt stretch and transform to the screen resolution and aspect ratio (eg 1680x1050, 16:10)? more specificaly


    1. keep the menu original aspect ratio and maxmize the size to the screen height , and second option to

    2. keep all the menu at its original resolution and aspect , (or give it a custom resolution)


    i used to be able to control there in SF1 from my previous nvdia card control panel, but now with 7, Radeon and SF2 dont seem to be given by Catalysts these options (unless they are somewhere in 7?) I am interested in the inis anways as i am playing with modifying the GUI


    Thanks :)

  10. Hi Brain :) I have installed Starys heavy loaded pack and surelly has LOT of work in it and its good work too :salute: But, something about your satelite tiles makes the scene feel more realistic .... To my eye at least. Maybe their photographic feel. Despite that they have been maybe easier to make than Starys that seem to incorporate lot of manual editing on each tile. I am suspecting its something about their color hue, so i am experimenting with a hybrid now based on both tilesets :D :P i am curious if that was the case :D


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