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Posts posted by squid

  1. finding #1 so far, widesky SF2 modification. Works with SF2 (Feb.10)





    It also includes a vewlist.ini with camera modifications, which makes for a much better than stock chase (F5) camera ....


    Also CloudScape :



  2. Fresh to windows vista/7 and to SF2 , coming from XP and SF1 .....


    1. Why theres no "Vietnam" folder in my Thirdwire "saved games" folder? ... ( i have Vietnam installed )

    2. I would like to use in SF2 some of the mods i have been using in SF1. I'd like to start by trying the following first:


    a. Cellinsky Widesky

    b. Polak sky mod

    c. Brain32 terrains

    d. CA Stary environment enhancements (forests etc)

    e. Kout GUIs


    can they work in SF2?

    3. if yes, any reference to information on what possible modifications are meeded to make them work in SF2 is appreciated :):)

  3. Are there maytbe any fully functional universal MFD solutions for PC flights simulators ? universal meaning able to work with any flight simulator (for example if there isnt any MFD in the plane, to set them up to show gauges?) fully functional meaning incorporating both a projecting screen (saitek gauges) and functional frame (thrustmaster MFDs)


    Are there maybe touchscreen solutions software/hardware wise for clickable cockpits to simulate MFDs?

  4. Selling my current rig and building a new one. which card is a better choice relatively for flight simulators? XP, Thirdwire series, Lock0n, FS-X, IL-2 series ... Is the Phys-X really used by sim or action games nowdays or in near future? is it worth enough to choos the nvidia card? Are there any issues with Ati or nvidia drivers and the above sims?

  5. Well if all the programmers and minds behind it are gone, what does that leave? An idea? New programmers will have to start from scratch with piles of code and notes to pore over. You can pretty much bet the next title, whenever it comes, will be:

    1. Lesser than what came before, until they get at least a couple of releases under their belts

    2. Likely "reimagined" into who knows what the marketing guys think will be best, regardless of what the community itself wants



  6. Got me an Eizo 22" S2202W (upgrading from Viewsonic G90f+ 19" CRT, very cool CRT monitor, i am keeping it) and having the nvidia drivers scaling applications to their original proper aspect ratio solves the TW interface distortions. The sim looks awesome in 16:10 although the textures start to seem low in resolution at 1680x1050 and in the case of ground textures the probably not so great response times of the specific monitor helps them look better a bit with its slight pseudo motion-blur effect :P which also adds a bit of cinematography feel to the movement of planes :P

  7. - F-16C, not a single European air force used them until the mid 90's, they all were A models (Block 1, 5, 10, 15, 15OCU and starting mid-90's MLU); Also, for use by the USAFE or the various nations provided with F-16C later on, the variety of blocks is so large it's harder to decide which F-16C to model.

    If you were so inclined you can still use the "old" F-16Cs (the F-16C-30 has been updated for inclusion into the ODS mod) from the Team Viper as "stand-in" until TMF or another team releases them up to the new standard of quality.

    You could also use TMF's F-16A-15OCU as a basis for a F-16C as the airframe is more or less the same as the first F-16C-32.


    See, with some digging parts of your wishlist just vanish :)



    ok, not exactly European, i should had said NATO (As + Cs) :) Greece and Turkey never had A's, they operate C/D's blk 30, 40(Turkey), 50, 52+(Greece). Just a C blk 30 would do :P Or MLU As would be perfectly cool too. (Just as long as all incorporate tailchutes :P) I have tried all those F-16s but unfortunately i still prefer the TW block 10 3D model.


    In general, i prefer to avoid as much as possible cumulating mods and add-ons as at the end i am loosing track of whats finally going on :( having to do that with more than one sim , i don't fancy the mess of info and complexity i am ending up with in my pc


    Subjective but I would definitely include a systems encyclopedia in a sim, its handy, its fast, and adds one more bit of completion feel to the product.


    Le missioneur etc many thanks to the bright people behind those apps and efforts, but i been there and at the end i droped it and stuck compromised with the TW missions layout ... gave me finger cramps lol


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