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Posts posted by squid

  1. why cant you do as much with FC than 1.02? :)



    ooops really ? how come? this one skiped me (along with other stuff i am sure). What is it like in RL though? Able to use those or not? I fancy Anti Radar weaponry much myself too :D


    Bit nostalgic here ... back in the days of Flanker (before Flanker 2) when i couldnt even afford a pc of my own (or even pc games since i didnt had one lol) and i would spend endless hours at the office playing the Flanker demo from the magazines promotional cds .... lost lot of development steps back then since the floppy size F-15 due to personal life issues, and then ... Flanker , wow .... lol

  2. Nah I've been sold on the Su-33 since Flanker 2.51, but unfortunately while you can't do as much in LOMAC/FC than 1.02, it's still fun to fly :smile:


    The F-15 would be great if it had some A2G capability, and the A-10 is always fun to fly around, while the others are just something I keep myself familiar with, though the MIG-29 isn't much differently modelled than the Su-27/33. Least as far as flight model anyways.



    why cant you do as much with FC than 1.02? :)

  3. I've recently acquired a new ATI Radeon X1650 Video Card to replace and old Radeon 9250 and have been able to enjoy Wings Over Europe at 1024x768 32bit resolution, with all the details set on high. So... Pretty... However, I finally got around to piloting the F/A-18A and the CF-188 available at "Check Six's" website, and once in the cockpit, the HUD's pitch ladder is just the solid white mass in the centre of the HUD, and it seems to chew up memory resources, so whenever I'm facing forward, the frame rate really chugs. If I slew the view else where, it's fine.


    So, upon exiting the game I looked into the cockpit directories of these planes, trying to identify the problem by looking into ini files and so on. Ultimately, I identified the F-18_pitch.tga file and noted it was set at a staggering 400x3805 pixel resolution. I resized the image to 213x2024, and the problem was resolved, the pitch ladder appears to work normally in both aircraft, now.


    I realized, 2048 is the double of 1024... the 2024 solution was a typo when I renamed the files. However, knowing the problem is solved, I'm not about to go in and change it again, to be picky. Yet, I did set the resolution to 1024, at one point and it didn't solve the problem, I still had a white mass in the centre of the HUD, yet it didn't chug, so much. So, the way I see it... "3805 too big... 1024 too small... 2024 just right"


    Anyway, hope this is useful to those who may encounter this issue. It worked for me. :biggrin:

    The F-18s are the only aircraft I've noted this issue thus far, and I have over 175 aircraft installed.



    Ιs this pit available in the Hornet downoads here and in Column5?

  4. I've recently purchased WoV and I find the default draw distances really detract from the game. I'd prefer to fly without the silly red box around the target, but since something as large as a bridge doesn't show until you're about 5nm away, its almost impossible not to use it. Extracting every object ini seems a bit daunting. If you could override the defaults by setting it once in a shared ini, that would be cool. Just a wish. I would have expected this to be a bigger issue in the community, but I've looked for mods or other posts on this subject and they are very few.




  5. Thanks (embarrased)


    for some reason the search option here isnt helping much, only once i managed to get results on something :( for example searching for the F-111 in downloads, gives me zero results too ("F-111" dont know the nickname of it) while also browsing with my slow dialup connection through the cold war era planes i havent seen it there


    the combatace site though really rocks, well done guys x 7619825 :victory:


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