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Posts posted by squid

  1. I am planing on carrying on working on an Aegean Theatre of Operations Mod for SF i satrted long time ago, and at this point i need help with the terrain making.


    :: Are there somewhere maybe any resources, tutorials, guides, tools, all that, about how to create a new geographic region and terrain for SF?


    :: Anyone maybe interested and who would like and can help with this one ?



  2. Hi. :bye: After quite long time of absense from playing, i am trying to catch up a bit with the developments. I was very happy and impressed to see lots of decently and properly done plane addons. I started with WOV, the Tomcat, yum yum, and the Hornet, but i have this question,


    :: how new weapons such as the amraam, phoenix, mavericks, and individual plane features are used ? i havent seen any manual in either the tomcat or the hornet (awesome cockpit avionics work :clapping: )


    :: Also is WOV any improvement, other than the carrier operations, over the latest patch of SFP1?





  3. Look in the new download area, the link on the top right corner of the forum that says Download... :grin:


    Hiya Jeff (its "Nikos" we talked on MSN the other day)


    Tthe notifications again dont work here, i am not getting email notifications from replies .... :smile2:


    And also that finland thing is not there in the download files .... :sad:


    In general i am realy searching on info on HOW to add a country in Lock ON and i stumble everytime on a wall, although few people have done that, how can i get grip on that knowledge too ?

  4. Is it currently possible to alter a plane's radar target detection and lock range, ecm resistance, and a missile's range, maneuverability, accuracy, ecm resistance? How?


    Any way to disable chimney smokes?


    Any way maybe to use medium visibility range BUT have all potential target objects (vehicles, planes, ships) visible from "high visibility range" distances ?


    A url maybe on how to add one more country in the game ? (i dont mind subtract a skin from other countries to make room for the planes of the new country)



  5. Thanks everybody


    I have checked a few military FPS in the meanwhile and i am finding myself during this period interested in WWII too. So,


    - i have checked Raven Shield , The Rainbow Six 3 version its indeed a good thing, stil strugling with the mission builder though


    - Joint Ops should had offline mod, the coperative mode is fun but its real drawback the absence of fellow team. I havent been playing any other millitary FPS than Delta Force Series for years, JO should have a campaign option or a custom cooperative team command missions option or something


    - Ghost Recon , didnt like apart the appearance of US soldiers and the option to place and command all the groups the way you want


    - call of duty has been fun , i hope i will play in some of these games the battle for the Arnhem bridge. But, i ended up the campaign in few days, thats not fun.


    - next to check out are medal of honor and battlefield vietnam (i checked out battlefield 1942, didnt like it)


    - line of sight : vietnam is very cool too, jezz you realy cant spot nothing in this jungle environment (how come they spot you though ? :P )


    - i am waiting with interest for the Brothers in Arms (i realy enjoyed watching Band of brothers ...) , Full Spectrum Warrior, The offline mode of AA, and whats Close combat : first to fight ?


    IN GENERAL, i am missing in all FPS games something i like very much as option in unreal tournament : team deathmatch against bots ... WHY FPS dont have this SO COOL option ?


    Does anyone know which military FPS have such or similar option ??



  6. Hello


    I have this question that their official sites ARENT able to solve : are americas army and Joint Operations online ONLY games ? (no "bots", no campaign ?)


    I am looking for any new military FPS game that IS NOT strictly online, is any out there ?




    PS is america's army published for free ?

  7. Hello , i need info on the following :


    1. Is maybe there any fix for the fonts issue when FSAA is enabled on 1024x768 ? (ati radeon)


    2. How can i modify / increase the roll rate and turn radius in a flight model file?


    3. Is there maybe any way to counterfight the significant perfomance hit of enabled shadows ?


    4. Is there maybe a crusader F-8 made and published ?


    5. Is there a way to turn off just the radar screen preview on the upper right corner of the screen without turning off the actual radar of the plane?


    6. Is it easy to modify a jet thats by default smokeless to emit smoke ?



  8. I deinstalled 3.10 and installed 3.7


    Now AA works, but perfomance still nothing better than 3.10 or GF3 ... ( isnt that, in general, a pitty ? shouldnt i normaly be able to see a noticeable/significant perfomance increase going from GF3 to 9600XT ? i paid some money to get this card lol )


    Something i noticed is that the FSAA of Ati is behaving differently than that of nvidia. I think actualy is kind of weaker. For example, ATi 4X looks like Nvidias 2X ( to my own eyes at least ... )


    I have the following questions :


    1. What is faster, increasing one step the FSAA or increasing one step the resolution ? (i have the impression that increasing FSAA is maybe less resourcefull to the hardware than calculating for a larger area of pixels)


    2. Is it possible to use the fonts that SFP1 uses for resolutions above 1024x768 (kind of bold) on the 1024x768 ? if so how can i do that ? The issue is that i use the Anisotropy ( i like very much how its improving the far viewing of the environment ) and this messes up the fonts in resolutions less than 1152x864.



    I was hoping that the perfomance drop caused by the shadow would had been improved with the patch ....


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