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Posts posted by squid

  1. I even have some glitches that didnt had with the GF3, like pieces of the runway that are near the monitor bottom border flickering/flashing.


    The thing is that i got this card to be able to fly LOMAC (was unplayable with the GF3) LOMAC now is realy transformed , the combination of 9600XT with LOMAC is realy outstanding , but dont like one bit the idea that i might end up with less perfomance and image quality than the GF3 in the rest of the games ....

  2. nope, 1024x768@32 is the res i run all my games. even if AA work in higher resolutions i prefer 1024x768 to help my rig framerate perfomance. Have you tried 1024x768x32 yourself ? do you have AA there ? An also i have strange flashes on the runway , flickers from time to time showing the ground tiles underneath or something. I had none of those issues with my old GF3. With both cards i had all graphics settings to their highest values.


    19" CTD monitor

    DX 9.0b

    AGP 4X

    Athlon XP 1700+

    1Gb PC133 RAM

    VIA KT133A board chip

    Win XP pro SP1

  3. I had a GF3 and worked perfectly with SF, except the shadows issue and this woulnt be an issue with all planes anyways , just with some of them.


    I got a radeon 9600 XT (those 9500 pro and above radeons really rock) which allows me to play the lomac now (i couldnt with the GF3) but i havent seen the slightest improvement in SF , doh? No to mention that the situation with shadows enabled is worst than with the GF3 AND SF is also not using the Anti Alias no matter what setting i will give it from the Catalyst control panel (doh?) :rolleyes:


    And yeah where that radlinker link ? :blink:

  4. Squid,

    If you have the weapons editor you can change the Mk20 to retarded and up the the exlosives mass.


    although it drops just like iron (no dragchute)


    In real life the Mk20 family doesn't use a chute to slow it down, the fins give it some spin and a lineur charge splits it in half. I put a link in another Thread to the museum at NAWS China Lake,check it out for some good ordnance shots.

    Thanks Firehawkordy :)

  5. Very nice! May be my machine but the cloud tops seem a bit blue, but I still am diggin it!  ;)  Second image I get some tearing, but only to the left rear of the a/c, none anywhere else. For your records :video is a GeForceFX 5900:


    I cant get to this level of detail with clouds when flying above the layer, either with or without this tweak :blink: I just never see that flufy layer of clouds , either in overcast or inclement :huh:

  6. I programmed the engine so far. Proud I am of the landscape, slightly better than IL2 in some respects (if I do, oh so humbly say so myself ;-) ) - i dont rate SFP1's lanscape engine, but their aircraft rendering is really rather exceptional.


    I bought that game - it is fun.

    i FULLY support your project ! B) . Indeed plane render is nice in SFP1 apart from the shadows casting which is realy bugy and a fps killer. Land i dont mind too with an exception for the sea. What i like though about SFP1 is that i can have everything enabled and set to high and still play smoothly with my average to low side pc. (Athlon XP1700+, 1Gb PC133 RAM, GF3 64MB)


    I would advise as a simmer to pay attention to the lessons of LOMAC (and FS2002-04 where framerate and playability has been improved from 02 to 04 (!) ... ) which is unplayable in its almost full glorious graphics potential for an average pc


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