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Everything posted by Leidgenosse

  1. The Person Below Me

    Oh yes I do, because GWB is an angel, and angels do have wings, right? The person below me has a can of beer in his hands, pizza on the desk and weights 300 pounds (PS: I don't )
  2. End of a hard day

  3. What if Tornado GR1B

  4. MiG-23 scramble

  5. Tomcat dawn

  6. Eagle in the skies

    © ©by TW & me

  7. Eagle in Action, doesn't stock WoE look pretty? Ground folk's already waiting for me, aren't they kind?
  8. SAC at its best: Line-up 24 BUFFS + 8 F-100D on a run trough east germany
  9. Fictional Fighter-Bomber RAF Tornado GR1B on an anti-ship run...
  10. The Person Below Me

    Wrong, I own a TAMA swingstar drum-kit and a fender JB 1975 natural vintage bass. The person below me has problems making the difference between sweden and switzerland (Hint: Both is in europe)
  11. Oh yeah, I really do. Especially the graphical enhancement with the tile repaint and the widesky mod. It's allways amazing how decent the choice of mods for NF I-III is. Never seen such a decent assortment before. Great work guys Almost can't wait for NF IV. Meanwhile I sit back and enjoy NF III with the stick in the right, a bottle beer in the left hand and Dwight Yoakams Hillybilly Deluxe Album in my ears
  12. Click me Check this page, there should be enough information about the zipper Leidgenosse
  13. nope, you're wrong, here's the proof: He had the luck, that he didn't have to land anymore SMASH'EM!!!
  14. My words,man. After EricJ's Hornet, TMF's MiG-29 and now NF3 I think this last two weeks were the finest days for the CA-community.
  15. We bring light and heat to your pit!
  16. Hi there, I just was flying a stock WoE MiG-21F-13 ( Yeah, I know I shouldn't ) and had a pretty fight with a F-100D while dodging Sparrows'n'Winders from 3 F-4Cs. Finally shot down the super sabre. Now on the 2nd mission, I would have appreciated a kill mark for that effort, but red side planes don't show them. So how can I mod the planes, so that they show up killmarks? I am not a pro in modding, so can anyone tell me how to do it right? Thanks
  17. Niiiiice one, Wrench! That's exactly that what I was searching for! BTW: Will this be aviable as download, or is this still WIP ? Do we have to wait another two weeks ? No, seriously, it's great to see that if someone has an idea, but not the capability to convert it, gets help by the pro's and the community. Many many thanks
  18. My first screenie of many probably comin... VF-102 Diamondbacks on my way back to USS America
  19. Hi all Yesterday, I was messin around with the cat-extractor. I've seen there some planes, that have a data-file but don't show up in WoE, such as the F-104G 'zipper', the A-4B, The F-4B and some others. I guess they're included from WoV, SFP1 and SFG. Now is there a way to make them flyable with a few ini.edits or should I download them here at CA instead? Because I made the stock MiG's flyable and all of them fly with an A-4B cockpit. My opinion is, that if there's a cockpit and a data-file, it should be possible to make them flyable without a huge effort, or am I wrong? Thanks for your help guys
  20. Been there, haven't seen it, but some other interesting stuff :blush2: . Anyway, the zipper works fine with the given instructions from you all. Many thanks
  21. Thanks, gunrunner. I'll give it a try. If it is like you told me, then should be pretty easy to do it. I've tried to download WoI & SF2, but the issue is, that I have a maestro-card, not a master card, so I'm not able at the moment to download it from the Thudwire-site But right now, I'm gonna skip trough the download-section for some adequate skins. We'll see if it works or not. But I hope I get this right. Thanks
  22. Nah, I've seen these before, but I don't think it would make any sense if you label soviet a/c with israeli killmarks. If somebody can tell me, how to do by myself, feel free to help
  23. Nooooooooo, not cheeese!!!!!!! I can't stand it anymore. Gimme beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. At least, that's the only nutrition I can afford. Ha guys, I already have three of them, so just wait one week BTW, If it's cheese, then only with this goodie, for a lite homeland feeling Gosh, I love this rifle EDIT: Sorry for beeing OT
  24. Well, why don't ya wanna come then? We have such strong naval forces, you would be surprised. We have 3 (read THREE) unarmed border patrol boats. So you have really a chance of getting our Admiral. I'm looking forward to it Sort of : We're all a bunch of swiss marines, and Dave is our Admiral! But as Dave said, after a couple of times in practising, you're getting used to it. In my very very humble opinion, I guess this feature is not implemented, because it's a nice to have. As long as the standart mud-moving works for almost everyone, it won't make sense putting a goodie in this series, that adds a little of more realism in relationship of the time needed for coding it. At least, that's like said above, my very very humble opinion.

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