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Everything posted by Leidgenosse

  1. Okay, here we go... Fact: I downloaded the excellent ODS mod part 1-3 (Thanks to JSF_Aggie and all the folks behind ). There're two liners included, the E-3 and the E-8. Both aren't assigned for a specific mission type in single missions, so I changed the data.ini- entry so now I'm able to fly Recon- missions. Problem: If I hit alt+N(as default), the game "beams" me to the mission goal, right? Now, when I get beamed close to the mission target, I'm about 300+kts fast but only at ca. 3000ft. Question: Is it possible to set the flight level to 30'000+ft and raise the AGS in any data- file of the aircraft, or is just impossible to assign specific speed and flight level to an aircraft? Thanks De Leidgenosse
  2. So, when I see this, then I guess you can also assign the altitude, so the E-3/8 spawns at low/normal/high altitude, or does this change affect all aircraft. Anyways, thanks for helping
  3. Try this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34956 Maybe it will help you too. Der Leidgenosse
  4. Well I recently read all the posts from this guy in this forum and in the Falcon 4.0 forum too, and I just thought: WTF? If he's so narrow-minded, leave him allone. Or as we say in switzerland: If he's angry, a small world keeps on beeing angry... So gentlemen, don't worry (be happy ), and keep on with producing great stuff for the Thirdwire series as you do EDIT: Praise the lord, the new MF weaps pack is out!!!
  5. Hi lads, As it's said in the topic title, is there any chance of adding ECM to plane that isn't moddeled with. I would mod the TMF Mirage IIIC so it's more like the swiss Mirgae IIIS, as this one had the capability of dropping this stuff. I tried copying the whole ECM-Data entry form the great Mirage 2000C to the IIIC-data.ini, but in game there's no chance of dropping chaffs and flares. Or has this option to be moddeled by the modder? Thanks in advance for your help Der Leidgenosse PS: great forum here
  6. Thanks, I'll give it a try when I'm back from work, hope I don't mess up with the whole data.ini Indeed, it seems to be locigal, if you don't show where the dispensers are, the game couldn't find it. Der Leidgenosse
  7. Just open your system settings, go to the user accounts and then serach for a so called user account control. And deactivate it, thats all. Should work, had the same problem with the ini-edits Hope i helped you

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