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Everything posted by Fratex

  1. Hi folk, I'm tryng to make a mission starting from an aircraft carrier in WOE (patch oct 08) using the KMD editor. Problem is: when I start the mission the plane fall trough the deck of the carrier and bounce over the sea ! What I have to do to make the deck solid ????? Thank all
  2. You get it! I was using v.2 instead of v.3 : I own you one.
  3. And more, I am experiencing this kind of problems only on Lybia terrain, on Germany I have no trouble !
  4. Thanks for the reply ... The aircraft is a FA-18A, navy compatible and "carrierbased". I have tried changing both the carrier and the plane: but i'm still bouncing on the sea. I also tried ton run a downloaded mission from the "Carrier mission pack v.2", but it want work too !!! I'm sure I am missing something, but what ? Do I have to edit some ini file or similar ?

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