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About Froosties

  1. Well thats just the thing you see, me and my friend are playing on my own-made missions. And the views are working for him, but not for me.
  2. Hi! me and a friend was playing Flaming Cliffs today, and all of a sudden my F2, F3 and F4 views arent working any longer.. anybody seen this before? got a solution?
  3. Hello! sorry for bringing a dead part to life again! me and a couple of friends are flying LOMAC, and im building our own missions. I got a question ... Why cant AI planes take off from the same airbase as our flights until we have taken off?
  4. Was wondering a few things: 1: Is it possible for a player during MP to land their plane and switch to another one? Liek from a CAS to Fighter mission? 2: Is it possible to assign a specific target to a specific A.I. Plane? Im trying to get my B-52 in the mission to bomb a certain area, but they seem to pick target by themself.

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