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Old Diego

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Everything posted by Old Diego

  1. Do you have a Papal account? Are you clicking on the button next to the O-1 subscription?
  2. For those of you who know or have added the destroyed LOD to an aircraft - where do you place them to show up? I've made one for the O-1 but it doesn't show up. DanW says that there isn't any hierarchy to them so that isn't the problem. Names match in the LOD name and in the data ini. Is there something else I'm not doing? I can get a default stock destroyed LOD to show but I'd like to have something more correct in size and shape. Any help?
  3. I can understand that BUT by that thinking, why did he force us to place the canopy and other textures that can be reused on other aircraft in separate folders? Maybe not everything needs to make sense I guess...
  4. That was it. I wonder why TK placed the "Destroyed" LODs in the Aircraft folder? Now its going to look like crap again with loose files all over it.
  5. Ok, I'll try that. I hope that's it.
  6. Did I mention this is the only thing holding back the release?
  7. I'm going to re-upload the Argentine A-4s. There are some errors that I want to fix - mainly the brown/tan coloring.
  8. that empty Overkill forum

    Uuh..right. I apologies for the lack of furniture there but if someone could find the lights, I believe there is a milk crate and an old worn out cot to sit on. I'll clean it up and get it ready by the weekend.
  9. Look guys, its no big deal. A question was asked, it was answered. We are all adults.
  10. I hear you, Kevin. I'm up to my eyeballs in drama and I don't need anymore.
  11. Um... Wrench, THAT pilot was the one that started the stinkfest here with Charles. It is a compilation of Boz's and my textures but claimed as Charles work
  12. Now that was some awesome detective work.
  13. In the beginning and its an ongoing struggle. I'm still fighting that f***er Zero for my money and he's still selling my stuff...and people are still buying it. Want more details just ask...
  14. At this point, I'd rather buy ala-carte anyway. For those of us who have all the titles, how many times do you really have to re-purchase the same terrain, textures and Comm. building? Something that TK has been great at is support but, how will he handle multiple aircraft support?
  15. :(

    This might sound like insanity but if you want to make an attempt to get the data off, try this - freeze the drive. That's right, pop it in the freezer and get it nice and cold. Take it out and boot it up. You might get a good 10 minutes before it heats back up to grab data off. Continue doing this until you get all the data off. I've seen a few guys make some quick cash with this little trick. What do you have to lose?
  16. Is anyone able to unpack the ObjectData010.cat file? I keep getting a error message...Error:Cat file size-data does not match <2>. This is with CatPack v1.1.
  17. A fresh re-install found and fixed the problem. An faulty installation did not install the complete ObjectData010.cat and ObjectData011.cat files.
  18. It is strange because I can unpack all except this one.
  19. Yes, you can fix it. Open up the aircraft data ini and scroll down to the landing gear section. This data is not from the F-15 so just pretend it is and change the rolling radius info... [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=FALSE DragArea=0.1 HideGearNode=FALSE ModelNodeName=LandingGearR ShockNodeName=LandingGearR ShockAnimationID=2 ShockStroke=0.21 SpringFactor=1.8 DampingFactor=3.00 WheelNodeName=FtGearAxle_R RollingRadius=0.275 <---------------------------------increase/decrease this number until you are satisfied that it looks ok. CastoringWheel=FALSE ReverseWheelRotation=TRUE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.600 RollingCoefficient=0.07 RotationAxis=X-Axis MaxLoadFactor=6.0 ShowFromCockpit=TRUE
  20. Kidney stones, anyone?

    Passed two pinkie finger nail sized stones. I don't know which was worse - the morphine induced itchiness or the pain. A female friend who had passed a stone told me it was worse than childbirth...if that puts it in perspective.
  21. I think only damage textures such as ***_holes.TGA and ***_loadout.TGA are needed now in the specific aircraft folder.
  22. Extract it from ObjectData001 Right, ObjectCat001...not having a good day am I KB?
  23. I think I'll resurrect this one as it has a variety of methods on making a chute. I'm running into the same problem as Marcelo. I can make all the animations but it (the chute) never shows in the game. I've tried FastCargo's method, Erikgen's suggestion and even a few methods that aren't in this thread. All deal with the animation controller settings and they vary widely. I've made one chute before for the LAPES "weapon" and it works ok. If I use that chute on a flare I've made, the chute doesn't show up...just the flare mesh. Can someone please lay out a step by step on making a basic chute animation and have it posted in the knowledge base? Heck, if I can get mine to work, I'll do it. If someone with Max8 is willing to take a look at it and make the needed changes it will save me from putting my fist through a monitor.
  24. I've run into something that had me scratching my head. I can't find anything written on the altimeter types. Specifically, the number after them. Example: Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_2 I've seen PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_1 and PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3. What are the differences and where should they be used?????

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