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Everything posted by Taskis

  1. Other Aircraft?

    Hello, all. Sorry if this is an RTFM question here, but I was wondering: in the old, old days, in one of the earlier F4 Superpaks, I seem to remember it was possible to fly various aircraft other than the F-16. I know the point of an F-16 simulator is pretty much to fly the F-16, but I always liked the fact that I could run missions in a stealth fighter, for example, if I wanted to. Actually I used to sort of specialise in the F-117 (sneakiness has always been my gaming style: 'Thief' games; snipers in FPSs; rogues in MMORPGs, etc), and AFAIK there's never been anything like that flight sim-wise since Microprose's 'F-117 Stealth Fighter 2'. Everything used the same panels and such, but a good imagination generally helped work around that. For the F4:AF package this function seems to have been removed - presumably so that the developers can concentrate on the F-16 alone. Does anyone know if there's a mod out there anywhere that can restore it? I did buy the original F4 (pre-Allied Force) but lost the disc, otherwise I guess I could simply reinstall the earlier Superpak, but I doubt it'd work well trying to plug it into the later F4:AF. I'd appreciate any suggestions - although I'll take "stop being a bloody idiot" as read.
  2. Other Aircraft?

    Sorry to be all 'me, me, me' - but does anyone have any idea on the weapons bay door thing? I still can't find anything...
  3. Other Aircraft?

    Ahem. Sorry to resurrect this... Possibly a fairly obvious question again, but... Now that I'm able to use F-22s and B-2 and F-117s and the like... Does anyone know how I set the game up to open weapons bay doors? I can't just see a command available on the default key list, and I presume the F-16 doesn't need such a command anyway... I'm sure I used to be able to do it.
  4. Other Aircraft?

    Thank you very much for the quick replies.

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